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Edited by LandoKid: 10/17/2014 9:02:04 PM

Suggestions to Balance PvP and PvE

I would like to begin that this is a humble post by someone who doesn't start threads often, but does keep his ears to the community. To begin, this most recent "fix" that Bungie implemented was good in nature. Scout Rifles and Auto Rifles were worlds apart, in strength, skill needed, and overall ability, and for that, thank you Bungie, because you have given them a better overall balance in use. Scout Rifles in particular were undervalued and frowned upon since they didn't allow people who had them any good, viable primaries compared to their automatic counterparts. Sadly, the effect this patch had on the two exotic weapons, Vex Mythoclast and Pocket Infinity, could have been faced much better. I am the owner of one of these weapons, but I agree with the community that for PvE aspects, these changes made things worse. Yes, crucible is fun, and yes, it helps to measure skill amongst other players. But when issues out of everyone's control make it difficult to actually measure yourself to others (lag/internet connection, choice in weapons, server issues), there is only so much you can do and show. And not to mention, some people are much better and comfortable with the PvE aspects and use crucible as a means to better that part of their preferred gaming style. Yes, the Vex was very strong, and the Pocket Infinity was unique with its ability, but it's because they were exotic, and some of the most difficult ones to come by, along with Thorn (which I feel are in the top 5 for difficulty to obtain), the rewards they come with should be justified. The Vex Mythoclast is meant to help defeat enemies of the darkness much more easily with the pain you suffered for it, and the Pocket Infinity is its sister in where it could devestate the Vex with its own technology, but why weaken their purposes for a game type that was meant for a balanced playing field? From what I have gathered in my forum searching, the answer can be found in a couple ways that would be very viable for crucible goers primarily, but also PvE players. 1) Make it so that nothing higher than Legendary weapons are allowed. This would negate the fact that exotic weapons, as their rarity suggests, dominates the field of those who have yet to receive it and rely heavily on the stat bars instead of the weapon strength to actually participate. This would even the playing field more, and make it easier to prevent such weapons from dominating normal crucible game types. 2) Keep the Iron Banner active more frequently. The Iron Banner was meant to test your equipment and skill against others. This was meant (and expected) to be the place where your hard work paid off. This was where the Vex Mythoclast, Suros Regime, Invective, etc. were all meant to shine and take over. Yes, it would prevent some players from joining, but there should never be a player with a Sidewinder shotgun in the Iron Banner walk away alive from someone using Universal Remote. If anything, make the Iron Banner the next level up and keep it around, but to make it an event essentially destroys the purpose of having your stats measured against your fellow Guardians. 3) Remove all unique abilities of weapons when entering the crucible. What makes all exotics powerful is their unique abilities that emphasize their power. By removing these in the crucible, you remove the overpowering abilities of these weapons, which would also make it more enjoyable for lower level Guardians to participate! That level 2 Guardian can now have fun with level 20s since they only have wepaon stats to go by instead of relying on faster reloads, extended ranges, and auto-fire capabilities. 4) Keep hot fixes for crucible only. This one may be difficult to implement due to the design and coding of the game, but may also be a big pay off for everyone since the stats won't affect enemies in the campaign. As you progress in difficulty, enemies absorb much more damage, sometimes more than many feel they should, and to compensate that, exotic weapons are key. By stripping these weapons down, Bungie makes it difficult to actually face these challenges the way a Guardian should and births the spawn of gameplay that was never intended. Focusing on the PvP community only hurts the entire community in the long run when the effects branch out to all modes of gameplay. These suggestions may not be for every so gke individual, but will allow little altering to weapons and gear for the future, and hopefully restore some other weapons that were affected negatively, although it only seems to be two that were heavily affected. What propose, along with the suggestions above, is to reinstate the Pocket Infinity or increase its stats/magazine to compensate for its lack of strength compared to other Fusion Rifles, reinstate the Vex Mythoclast for PvE (at the very least), possibly increase the damage output of all exotics above 300 since exotic armor has higher defense than its legendary counterparts, and though this is a long shot, ask what the community would like buffed. Thorn and Bad Juju for example have been greatly underpowered for a long time and could use some sort of compensation as opposed to making them exotics. Although exotics are unique, their rarity and representation of how powerful they can be as been underplayed by the stats they are given. As Bungie has said, they should look, sound and hit in a way that makes them the most unique weapons in your arsenal, and when legendary weapons outperform them and reach the same attack power, PvE players feel no reason to use or upgrade them. Hopefully these are things that be talked about, considered and then implemented, because our community was thriving with excitement, but not turmoil has enveloped us with these issues that have bit us hard. I do have hope in this game and know Bungie is a great developer, and I give them the benefit of the doubt due to their history for their passion and work, but this is an entirely new type of game and there will be bumps along the road before it smooths out. So instead of fighting Bungie, just give them time. And to Bungie, I hope that the negative and angry messages haven't deterred you from making things better and more fun for all.

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