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Clan Recruitment

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9/21/2014 10:38:09 PM

Raid ,farming weekly strike clan

Hi guys! I'm trying to get a xbox 360 clan going. I'm real easy going and am interested in creating a raid clan I'm currently level 23 hunter almost 24 I also have a level 22 warlock I'm more of a defensive raid player I don't die too often. I also play a lot of crucible I'm pretty sure I've only lost about 4 or 5 games of rumble and that's my favorite game mode. Crucible I play to win, and usually get hate messages because I'm the only one that ever wins lol. My gamer tag is my name message me or friend request me if you are interested! I'm in high school so I'm mostly going to be on during the weekend but I do play weekdays too!! THIS CLAN IS OPEN TO PEOPLE 20+ and all classes. I hope you would like to join! Thanks!!!

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