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9/13/2014 8:19:08 PM

Moving Forward: Adding additional depth to Strike/Raid content. **Mild Spoilers**

Hey guys. So after about a week of Strike PVE content and GREATLY looking forward to seeing what the raid has to offer, I've been thinking about how PVE fights could be more dynamic. Again, as much as we don't label Destiny an MMO, it certainly shares mechanics with it. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to compare strikes directly to dungeons. The majority of our 'boss' battles in strikes come down to the traditional "Tank and Spank". Boss stands in center of room, takes damage. Adds spawn. So how can we provide more fight diversity and challenge moving forward? I highly suggest positional mechanics. For example, when thinking about the Nexus strike I was sort of put out that the Nexus Mind didn't feature a 'flood' mechanic. He would emit energy that would damage any target not LoS'd to him, followed by a feedback loop that would hit any targets CURRENTLY LoS'd to him. So you'd have to time your pillar diving. That's just a small example of the potential for interesting fights moving forward. I'm sure your brilliant BUNGiE minds chuckle at my plebeian knowledge. But hey, let's keep the interest. I look forward to the raid on Tuesday! PS: Mechanics like this may be in the Raid already. We'll see!

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