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9/13/2014 7:06:50 PM


I would very much appreciate a response to this email. Hello, my name is Joshua Bayley and I have been a fan of Bungie since the Halo years, you guys know how to make a shooter, they really do have their own feel that you just can't get anywhere else. Your backstory for Halo was fantastic, I felt really immersed in the universe and all of the lore etc was great. And now we arrive at the crux of this email: Destiny. I pre-ordered Destiny on PS4 and have played it religiously for the last few days, I am nearly at level 22 (my PS ID is joshyrotten). However I have a few questions that I would appreciate a response to. Where is the depth? The gunplay is fantastic but there is only so many times you can replay the same level at different difficulties before it becomes tiresome. The cutscenes and dialog are the same, the missions play out the same, am I missing something? You have an already massive world yet it feels so empty with so little to do. The beacon missions are literally copy and paste for each planet and the ones that say go here and scan this are a massive waste of time and always leave you miles away from the next mission. Please tell me that there is going to be (literally) a load of content on the way that isn't hidden behind a pay wall? Are there going to be more planets (levels)? More varied enemies? Barely any of them fly for example. Will there be underwater sections rather that ankle deep pools? Will there be more customisation options that don't take 200 attempts at the same level to randomly unlock? Will I ever ever get a legendary item as a random drop? Will the community defence missions (whatever they're called) happen a bit more often? I think I've been online when maybe 3 or 4 have happened...and I've played a lot! In short is Destiny going to live up to all of the promises that you made? Out of the box it is a poor facsimile of what it is trying to be, please reassure me and the gaming community at large that we shouldn't just go swap it in now that we've beaten the level cap, that there is soooooo much more to come that we should maintain our excitement levels, that the whole game doesn't just devolve into one long boring grind through the same levels to get incremental upgrades at an unpredictable and frankly mean spirited rate? I, no we want to believe everything that you said, we have invested our time and money into your dream and I think I speak for us all when I say that at the moment we're feeling just a little bit let down. You have a 50 million budget and a 10 year plan so I strongly suggest that you reach out to the community and ask us what we want you to prioritise because at this rate Game are going to be inundated with second hand copies of Destiny of that you can be certain. We need to know what you plan for the future of Destiny because we have so little information to go on and I would hate to swap it in now only to find out that you have fantastic things planned but are just playing your cards close to your chest. Thank you for what you have created, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to level 21 but I want some assurance that there is a point to holding on to my copy. I look forward to hearing from you, Josh
#please #reply

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