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8/6/2014 4:00:47 AM

Raids Need Matchmaking

After playing many ours of the Destiny Beta my favorite part by far was the Level 6 Strike Mission. The reason this was my favorite part of the game is because it included 1--3 player match making. This is not something I knew I wanted until spending 2+ hours with the two guys I was randomly paired with. At first I was just going through and didn't realize I we were working together but once we came to the first boss it became aparent that we would continue failing unless we revived each other and worked together. We went on to work closely together to take down the multiple bosses and we had a blast. I was truly surprised how well we worked together and how much I enjoyed the experience. That said, I really hope Bungie introduces matchmaking for RAID's, and does not require they be played with friends only as they stated,

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  • Sorry but raids are a different ball game then strikes. They need to NOT allow random matchmaking. But make some friends in the strikes leading up to level 20, invite them into a fireteam, become better friends and then ask them to do the raid. A strike is only 10 (if you are Datto) -30 minutes. Raids may be HOURS. You want a good Team and cooperation. Also you got lucky with your strike matchmaking experience. If you got matched with a person that had NO clue what was going on and you and the 1 other person sat at the Laser grid area while that 3rd guy just keep running around outside in the "pre strike open area" killing an endless supply of re spawning Hive Knights you might think differently. But Bungie forums are a great place to meet friends and create a clan, group or other to attack the raid when you are ready. Just wait until September and then decide. I'll bet when the full game drops and you get a few more strikes with randoms and very very bad experience with a random strike you will see the light and go in with fireteam friends only.

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    3 Replies
    • *bangs head against wall* damn *bonk* you *bonk* noobs![spoiler]there will be no matchmaking make actual friends![/spoiler]

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      11 Replies
      • Edited by DEZARATH: 8/6/2014 3:36:33 PM
        I hope they add it also.

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      • By working closely together do you mean you didn't even speak together? Because you couldn't in the beta. Lol. Why would you want to spend 3-4 hrs doing a raid with strangers when you could do it with clan mates or friends. Bungie has made it clear that they are sticking to their decision about no matchmaking for raids and we are all going to have to deal with it. For the ones who don't...just do all the strike missions and match make away with other players ha

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      • It took you 2 hours to complete Devils' Lair? .... Anyway, part of me wishes Bungie would add matchmaking just so people would finally see how terrible it would be. But then they'd cry to Bungie about raids being too hard... Imagine spending 2 hours struggling away with randoms on a raid and one of them gets bored and leaves. The difficulty suddenly goes up to the "near impossible" region. Then that prompts someone else to get fed up and you have just 4 people left bravely trying to do something that has now become impossible. 2 hours wasted. Seriously, you'd be far better off just finding a clan.

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        2 Replies
        • If that strike took you two hours you're going to have some issues on the raids. All the more reason for you to do it with friends so you can work together better than with the two randoms

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          • With as hard as raids are supposedly going to be, YOU DONT WANT MATCHMAKING. Picture it like this; you and three of your friends are really good at destiny and have a legitimate chance of getting pretty far in a raid, so you and your friends decide "hey why not give this impossible monumental task that is a raid a shot". You and your friends join said raid filled with excitement and eager to face this daunting task. Suddenly three other players join, you and your friends shriek with joy! however you notice they don't have mics, and......they are a whole 5 levels below you.... You and your friends sit in silence as the timer ticks down to start the raid and you realize....these guys are noobs..... Long story short you and your friends carry the team but since those other three suck you all get your asses kicked and quit. But no seriously sarcasm aside we don't need matchmaking in raids, make friends on strikes or on here if you really want to attempt a raid.

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          • No matchmaking in raids: Good imo. Requirement to play with friends: Bad. There needs to be a middle ground here, we should be able to raid with people not on our friends list. We need a group finder.

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          • I agree with this completely, and I know it's blasphemous to allot of dedicated gamers out there. I understand that allot of players , myself included hate the lone wolves of fire teams, the profane obnoxious attitude spewing literal sh*t from mouth from some players, and the setup with matchmaking is that the in group policing isn't there. But alas for matchmaking should be an option anyways for this of us ready to put up with these nuances of human characteristics

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          • There's an inherrent problem with matchmaking, and it reared its ugly head in the beta. The two game modes that had matchmaking, crucible and the strike, both had their issues. Hopefully, the main aggravation will be fixed by the time the retail comes out, but until it is, I do not want to see matchmaking in raids. Matchmaking fills spots that are open when moving to a map, correct? IE you're starting a new quest, you have a spot open, match making fills it for you. They're in your group but not on your fireteam. You have no audio communication with said person. Moving forward. What happens if right before this happens, you get an error code, and are shipped back to orbit? It's happened to me before, our clan was doing crucible matches, someone would DC for whatever reason, and we'd have to start back over, go back to orbit so that the person could rejoin, all because matchmaking filled his spot before he could rejoin. I've also been on the other side of the bargain, where I was willing to pug out a Devil's Lair, figuring I'd be stuck with 2 puggers at the begining, only to find myself at the tank when it was 2/3 destroyed. I quickly came to the conclusion that I was filling someone elses spot, and they may/may not have been trying to get back into the group. We'll never know, and that third person is officially screwed because of [insert error code/reason here]. With that in mind, imagine you've been doing this 3 hour raid with your group. Matchmaking is on, you only had 4 friends online, the 6th spot is a pug. You get error coded out. Fine, you'll just rejoin one of your friends from orbit. You find that you can't, because your group is in matchmaking, and your spot filled before you could even get to your roster page. Someone else just lucked out, got fast forwared 2 hours into a 3 hour raid, and you don't get a completion. If matchmaking were not involved, which thankfully it isn't, no issue. You can simply rejoin from the roster, and you're back in action, your spot was only taken if someone else from someone elses friends list joined your party, which hopefully if they're on mic, they'll be able to tell that person that they're 2 hours into a raid and that *was* your spot. Also, if everyone is on the same fireteam heading into the raid, that makes things alot easier, logistically. We're not even saying "shoot the left eye, it's his weak spot! damn you, not the right, that healz him!"...we're talking "hey. I'm taking a bio. 5 min break, fireteam Bravo's got watch duty this time."

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