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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
4/6/2005 6:46:21 AM

Do I seem like the military type?

My friend's dad is an Army recruiter, and I showed a bit of interest in it so he took me down to the recruiter's office today. I spent a good five or six hours there, talking to different people, getting a general idea of which fields I could go into. I took a practice ASVAB with a bunch of other prospective members. They scored between 36 and 50-something. "The test is a bit harder than the actual ASVAB, so don't sweat what you get," my recruiters told me. Taking it I wasted about five minutes on the math portions because it had been a year since I took a math course, and my brain had forgotten how to do it. Anyway, it caught on after a while and I tore right through it. I got an 89. For those of you unfamiar with the ASVAB, a 76 or above basically qualifies you for any non-officer job out there - and whatmore this was on a "harder practice test." I'm heading to Phoenix this weekend for my physical and the actual ASVAB test. My friend's dad will head out there with me and attempt to argue a good contract, which I have no doubt will be easy to get. I have no criminal record, I'm in great physical condition and I'll have a nice 80+ on the ASVAB. I like the sound of, "Military Intelligence," don't you?
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ObbiQuiet I'm loading up on Ginko Boloba (sp?), which I know has at least [i]convinced[/i] me of improving my concentration.[/quote] There's nothing better than a good placebo. [Edited on 4/6/2005]

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