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10/31/2012 3:56:38 AM

Who wants to party up?

Hey all, im sick and tired of being the highest scoring player on my team and carrying everyone EVERY DAMN GAME! in the pas two hours i have gone on average 15 to 20+ kills, 10 or less deaths every game, while all my teammates go -10 K/D. 40% of the time my k/d is +3 to +5, 30% of the time its +6 to +12 15% of the time its 15+ and the last 15% is +2 or less. im looking for people to play with who work together rather than just running in and getting killed. i want to play with people who are consistently positive and have a decent rank. if anyone is interested add me on live: iBYOBr. oh and please use a mic, im sick and tired of no one ever using a mic in this game [Edited on 10.30.2012 7:57 PM PDT]

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