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12/5/2011 7:22:34 AM

My God, It's Full of Stars - The Destiny Map - [EARTH LOCATION]

* [url=]Real World Overlay - Puerto Princesa[/url] * [url=]Google Earth Link[/url] [quote][URL=][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley....[/url] With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote] [quote][b][u]INTRODUCTION[/u][/b][/quote] It's been a long time since I've posted anything near this big. I'm a little tense and afraid of it due to its sheer immensity, but I'm gonna give it a good go. But first, a quick note about "Destiny". [url=]It's the name of their next game[/url]. Just to clear up any confusion some folk may have about the name of the thread. It hasn't been officially announced by Bungie as of yet, but multiple sources on the Internets would also tell you the same. I'm sure none of you are strangers to the Bnet's fancy background. In all of its dazzling mystique and curious appearance. Are those galaxies? Star-charts? Constellations? Feathers? Bacon? Well, there's a Destiny blog out there that I believe a lot of the Universe-forum regulars may be familiar with; [url=]Waiting For Destiny[/url]. They've been doing a fantastic job over the past few months. Making fantastic progress at compiling information, providing theories and posing queries. A lot of fantastic work. [quote][B][U]THE STAR CARTOGRAPHER[/U][/B][/QUOTE] What I'm specifically interested in is what the author, Daniel Duncan, has compiled on [url=]Page 3[/url]. [url=]A composite image[/url] of the entire set of images that have been found so far. In it you can see a lot of very curious things. Two things, in particular, being two very noticeable and out of place pure white circles. These both seemed rather too odd to be a natural part of the environment that we've been used to. I had initially considered that they might be bowls in the ground, but, and Daniel has drawn the same conclusion, that these tie in with Dead Orbit somehow. My first reasoning for this is that in previous images of these areas of the map, they aren't there at all. This makes me believe they are mobile of some sort. Additionally, looking at the - what we assume to be - [url=]Dead Orbit graphic shirt[/url], it seems there's a link between it and the [url=]"two random dots"[/url] found on this card. At least, I think there must be. They seem pretty important (well, they're not exactly pretty to look at, and certainly don't fit in with the rest of the image, so it's curious that they exist). You can also see one [url=]here[/url]. I really like the composite image he made, but I wasn't convinced with the [url=]mini-map color example[/url] he made. So I've decided to analyse the image and make my own, complete with a Key. [quote][b][u]THE MAP OF DESTINY[/u][/b][/quote] [quote][quote]* [u][url=][b]Step 1: Initial Underpainting[/b][/url][/u] - COMPLETE [i]Involved isolating the painting strokes from the black background and miscellaneous images in the [url=]original composite image[/url], and deciding what sort of ground is located where in the image. Also came to a conclusion about the various graphics found in the map and constructed a key to help you understand the map clearer.[/i] * [url=]Step 1.1[/url] - [i]Made some minor edits to the map (mostly the central mountain).[/i] [/quote][quote]* [u][url=][b]Step 2: Topography Redux[/b][/url][/u] - COMPLETE [i]Involved repainting the composite image to make the entire image cleaner.[/i][/quote][quote]* [u][b]Step 3: Refined Painting[/b][/u] - In Progress [i]Will essentially involve adding extra layers of light/dark values to the underpainting to provide a sense of lighting. I plan on concentrating on the centre of the image.[/i] [quote][url=]Step 3.1 [video][/url] - Tested my painting in 3D to see how it looked. Pretty good so far.[/quote][quote][url=]Step 3.2 [video][/url] - Updated the model with a much crisper mountain shape, and volcanoes![/quote][quote][url=]Step 3.3 [image][/url] - Did some work on water-depths.[/quote][/quote][quote]* [u][b]Step 4: Texturing & Highlights[/b][/u] - Pending [i]Will give the entire image a lot of rugged texture and bring a large degree more of realism to the image (with rocks for the mountains, trees and cityscapes).[/i][/quote][quote]* [u][b]Step 5: Polishing[/b][/u] - Pending [i]By this point, all that will essentially be left will be cleaning up the known areas of the map to make them look really good. Some brightness/contrast shifting, colour correction (if need be) and maybe some wallpapers.[/i][/quote][quote]* [u][b]Step 6: Expansion[/b][/u] - Pending [i]After I complete Step 5, it should really be a case of expanding out further, perhaps with any new map piece findings, or.[/i][/quote][quote]* [u][b]Step 7: Waiting For Destiny[/b][/u] - Pending [i]Waiting to find out whether my vision is correct, or not.[/i][/quote][/quote] [quote][b][u]BONUS - 3D MODEL[/u][/b][/quote][quote]* [url=]Clean 3D Model of Map[/url] * [url=]Overlay 3D Model of Map[/url][/quote] [quote][b][u]EXTENSIONS - FINDING MORE PIECES[/u][/b][/quote][quote][quote]* 0.1 [url=]Original Topography Composite Image[/url][/quote][quote]* 0.2 [url=]Resolved position of the upper and lower site nebulas.[/url][/quote][quote]* 0.3 [[url=]Clean ver.[/url]] [url=]ncsuDuncan picked us up on where that extraneous area should actually go. Resolved that. Also cleaned up the image fantastically and made it purdy.[/url][/quote][quote]* 0.4 [url=][Overlay][/url] | [url=][Clean][/url] | [url=][Highlighted][/url][/quote][quote]* 0.4.5 [url=][Overlay][/url] | [url=][Clean][/url] | [url=][Highlighted][/url][/quote][quote]* 0.5 [url=][Overlay][/url] | [url=][Clean][/url] | [url=][Highlighted][/url][/quote][/quote] So there we go. If you have anything to add about the map I've made, if I'm behind on information, or if you have your own version of what you think the map is, then definitely post it here! I've been mulling over this whole map in the back of my mind for months now, and I'm happy to say that I am very confident that I've cracked the topography. There are some elements I'm unsure of, but that's based mostly on the sheer lack of map-elements that are still missing that would help me make a much more coherent image. [quote][b][u]OTHER ARTICLES YOU MAY LIKE[/u][/b][/quote][quote][quote]Cortana 5's [url=]Bungie Formula: Durandal, Cortana, Joyeuse?[/url] thread. Cortana 5's [url=]Ver 2.0[/url] thread. Cortana 5's [url=]Seven Seraphs, Osiris, New Monarchy, Dead Orbit[/url] thread.[/quote][quote]SonicJohn's [url=]Bungie Servers - Connecting Multiple Platforms Online[/url] thread.* SonicJohn's [url=]Predicting Destiny[/url] thread. (*Ignore the Aerospace perspective.)[/quote][quote]x Foman123 x's [url=]Destinypedia - External Wiki for all things Destiny[/url][/quote][quote]risay_117's [url=]Destiny Information Shortlist[/url][/quote][quote]ncsuDuncan's [url=]Waiting For Destiny[/url] blog. ncsuDuncan's [url=]Scraps of Destiny[/url] blog.[/quote][/quote] [Edited on 09.17.2012 2:31 PM PDT]

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  • This is definitely the right region, but this is not the same map. The [url=]composite[/url] image has the scale written on the bottom. The [url=]actual[/url] image has it written on the left. This map is listed (according to the footnote) as a reprint done in 1904. I think we need to find the original 1903 version. Significant? Who knows. This is pretty exciting though. :D Also, an interesting yet, I'm sure, irrelevant note: This map was drawn by one "O.H. Tittmann, [i][b]Superintendent[/i][/b]" edit: um... There seems to be a number stamped in the lower left of [url=]this map[/url]. 10.04.13 Possible release date is possible. :D October 4th or April 10th of next year. Doubtful, but possible. (extremely unlikely, lol) [Edited on 09.17.2012 6:06 PM PDT]

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  • Fascinating. Well done, Motarius1. I've been procrastinating on my Destiny roundups, but this is just the kick in the pants I needed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Geegs30 I bet Motarius is a Bungie employee undercover. [/quote] Haha yeah, I wish. Though it's a pity I live on the east coast and probably wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut about the secretive stuff. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Holy. Crap. You have won. [/quote] It's good to be back solving Bungie riddles again. I miss the days of CI. So back to the image. I think the underground rivers of this region are important. But what's with the 'Most' label due south of the 'Puerto Prin'label. Makes me think there's another version of the map they used or it means something more. Also, the overlayed dots....I wonder if they mean anything. [/quote]That was ncsuDuncan attempting to make sense of a map that was in extremely bad quality due to Bungie not wanting us to find out what was hidden there (or, at least, not easily). What he was trying to see was "Trabuntabun P[or]t".

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Geegs30 I bet Motarius is a Bungie employee undercover. [/quote] Haha yeah, I wish. Though it's a pity I live on the east coast and probably wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut about the secretive stuff. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SonicJohn Holy. Crap. You have won. [/quote] It's good to be back solving Bungie riddles again. I miss the days of CI. So back to the image. I think the underground rivers of this region are important. But what's with the 'Most' label due south of the 'Puerto Prin'label. Makes me think there's another version of the map they used or it means something more. Also, the overlayed dots....I wonder if they mean anything.

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  • This is truly awesome!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 Can I get a bit of help here? In Geeg's [url=]map[/url] he linked, it's clearly the exact image they got the Destiny Map from. But I can't find any image of Puerto Princesa that looks like it. And on it, it says "Paraguay East Coast". Paraguay is landlocked, so this makes no sense. Also, it's in incredibly bad focus. However, all of the things ncsuDuncan found (the Most-? and the numbers in the water) are there and in higher resolution we could see them. Just a bit of a nudge in a general direction for those of you better at the art of the Google than I.[/quote]It says "Paragua, East Coast" although I can't find anything for it on Google, or even find what "Paragua" is... [url=]This map has a slightly better resolution, and so it's slightly easier to read.[/url][/quote]That literally might as well be 2160p compared to the other one, thanks for that. Well, Duncan got the "fresh water" spot on. And the palm trees, given the context of the accompanying annotation next to them about rainfall, seem to be properly labeled. Village Range is good, "Triple Try Range" is "Triple Top Range", the labeled "roads" seem to, indeed, be roads, and finally the numbers in the water were actually (cartographical, I'm assuming) numbers in the water. His far left unknown seems to be "Iuahit", with it's eastern brother being "Iuahit R[iver]". His upper unknown is "Caramuran R[iver]", and his final unknown reads "Abucayan Inlet". [url=]Duncan's Map for Reference.[/url].

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley.... With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote]I. Like. You. Like a lot.

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  • Puerto Princesa huh? [url=]Underground Rivers confirmed?[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 Can I get a bit of help here? In Geeg's [url=]map[/url] he linked, it's clearly the exact image they got the Destiny Map from. But I can't find any image of Puerto Princesa that looks like it. And on it, it says "Paraguay East Coast". Paraguay is landlocked, so this makes no sense. Also, it's in incredibly bad focus. However, all of the things ncsuDuncan found (the Most-? and the numbers in the water) are there and in higher resolution we could see them. Just a bit of a nudge in a general direction for those of you better at the art of the Google than I.[/quote]It says "Paragua, East Coast" although I can't find anything for it on Google, or even find what "Paragua" is... [url=]This map has a slightly better resolution, and so it's slightly easier to read.[/url] EDIT: Got it. [url=]"the entire island of Palawan, or Paragua as it was called..."[/url] It's the name of the entire island I think. [Edited on 09.17.2012 4:06 PM PDT]

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  • Can I get a bit of help here? In Geeg's [url=]map[/url] he linked, it's clearly the exact image they got the Destiny Map from. But I can't find any image of Puerto Princesa that looks like it. And on it, it says "Paraguay East Coast". Paraguay is landlocked, so this makes no sense. Also, it's in incredibly bad focus. However, all of the things ncsuDuncan found (the Most-? and the numbers in the water) are there and in higher resolution we could see them. Just a bit of a nudge in a general direction for those of you better at the art of the Google than I.

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  • Confirmed: So much. How will this work with our faction ideas, or MMO elements? DayZ perhaps? But without the Z?

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  • Plot to Destiny: Several Multi-Billionaires and companies fund the first manned mission to Mars. They pick up hundreds of thousands people from their homes (from various parts of the world) and put them in isolated training facilities (around 100 at a time) and train them for their mission. There's 5 ships leaving, one of them is leaving from Puerto Princesa and you all land on mars and have to survive and its fun and there's cake there but not. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 I suppose you both have a point. When taken out of context it did seem like a star chart.[/quote]The stars they 'shopped into the background didn't help. ;) [Edited on 09.17.2012 3:25 PM PDT]

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  • I suppose you both have a point. When taken out of context it did seem like a star chart.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 So [url=]Upper[/url] and [url=]Lower[/url] Neb line up with the lower half of the map. What does "Neb" refer to though? I assumed whatever that part of the land was called would begin with "Neb", but I can't find anything in the Wikipedia article.[/quote] Perhaps the "Neb" is part of the location in the game. [Edited on 09.17.2012 3:22 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 What does "Neb" refer to though? I assumed whatever that part of the land was called would begin with "Neb", but I can't find anything in the Wikipedia article.[/quote]I think the "Nebula" thing was just a red herring filename for the website. To fit in with the "starside" theme they have going on.

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  • I'm sure it was to confuse us into thinking it was an astronomical map.

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  • So [url=]Upper[/url] and [url=]Lower[/url] Neb line up with the lower half of the map. What does "Neb" refer to though? I assumed whatever that part of the land was called would begin with "Neb", but I can't find anything in the Wikipedia article. [Edited on 09.17.2012 3:19 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Geegs30 [url=]Looks familiar[/url] [/quote]Pentathlon scoreboard. Upper left. Also, has anyone tried seeing if any of the other fragmented words make sense given the context of the map and its known location now?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley.... With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote] I bet Motarius is a Bungie employee undercover. They were getting tired of us not figuring this out so they just gave us the answer. Either way, this is awesome. [url=]Looks familiar[/url] [Edited on 09.17.2012 3:03 PM PDT]

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  • Bungie Community, solving -blam!- like a boss. Well done!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 Wow, nice work guys. So Destiny will be on Earth.[/quote] So it would seem. This is pretty amazing. Mind-blowing, even.

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  • Wow, nice work guys. So Destiny will be on Earth.

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  • Remember ages ago when we were all arguing about the "Puerto Drin" thing? If we had only thought it was a "P" sooner!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley.... With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote]I'm speechless. It's incredible that you found this out.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley.... With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote]Holy. Crap. You have won. Edit: [quote]* [url=]Real World Overlay - Puerto Princesa[/url] * [url=]Google Earth Link[/url][/quote] [Edited on 09.17.2012 2:31 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Motarius1 Well hello Shirley.... With a bit of google foo and a lunch break it would appear the map you guys have been working on is a map of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. See this [url=]map[/url] Looks pretty familiar right? Here's the full write up where I grabbed the image from.... [url][/url] [/quote] You win the internets

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