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11/4/2005 4:31:07 PM

Celebrate Halo 2 Nov 9th Anniversary Drive with your Lights on For Halo 2

Get your butts in gear. Its a Nation Wide Community CALL to Arms Everyone Drive with your Lights on On November 9th if you Love Halo 2. This Will RAWK Nation Wide Bungie post this on you main page On November 9th 2005 Everyone Drive with your lights ON to Celebrate Halo 2 turning 1 year old Aww she's so cute. I'm putting this on HBO I'll email Louis Wu I remember last year CNN Reuters etc had stories of Fortune 500 comapnies and major businesses and schools expecting mass worker shortages due to people calling out away from work to go get Halo 2. I've never been in Line for anything at 12 midnight in my life but Halo 2 was worth it.

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    Wow. Three different ninjas posting in the same thread. Dont see that very often. and the funniest thing is, except for the idea of writing "halo 2 roxxorz" on your forehead, theyve all been completely ignored

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  • My couch still smells.

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  • Ok so headlights are debatable, cause anything after '98 has daytime runners. Buy if you pull your windshield wipers out away from the windshield (like you were gonna clean under them) and then turn them on - they make this real funny gyrating type motion! And of your careful you can usually twist the jets for your wiper fluid so that they hit the guy next to you! Then we can all spray paint “HALO 2 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMY LOVES YOU” on the side of our cars. Now that is something people would notice! Oh and to make the ninjas happy, wear a Halo T-shirt (they must get commission on them or something.

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  • I can't believe that such people exist that want to celebrate the 'birthday' of a video game! A video-game! I'd prefer to sit on my couch and break wind than to celebrate the 'birthday' of a video game. I can't believe I'm writing this! The only reason I smells too much around my couch so I have to sit at the computer and type this. [Edited on 11/5/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teee Bagger How bout we all celebrate by going online and tea-bag all the pathetic little b1tch3s that mod and/or 'de-level' and then brag at the postgame how they 'pwned' the noobs. I think I'll celebrate by using my Halo 2 disc to clean my cat's litter box. Halo>Halo2 ! [/quote] Preach on, teebagger!!

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  • How bout we all celebrate by going online and tea-bag all the pathetic little b1tch3s who mod and/or 'de-level' and then brag at the postgame how they 'pwned' the noobs. I think I'll celebrate by using my Halo 2 disc to clean my cat's litter box. Halo>Halo2 ! [Edited on 11/5/2005]

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  • Hmm....So many things we could do....

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  • lol i did something like that at my last LAN we were having an all nighter and he felll asleep. (now right here you know things wont end well) so we wrote SGT sawed off pwnzxorz all teh noobxzorz with permanent marker on his forehead. but we wrote it backwards so when he went to the bathroom he could read it in the mirror. oh and we also poured toothpaste in his underwear! so for halo2 anneversry we should all pour toothpaste in our underwear!!!!!!!

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  • im going to superglue print outs of a spartan with the words "pwnz0r me, dont h4xx0r me" to peoples back all day till i get arrested.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Untouchable1990 But what if the driver of a tanker truck is blinded by the brightness and crash's into an orphanage lighting children on fire who then run to the chemical plant across the street for help but on the way cause the massive chemical tanks to explode rupturing the chlorine tank realesing it into the air and knocking the military base guards unconcous just as the terrorist's attack and take command of the nuclear weapons at the base and use them to fire at Russia who then retaliates and destroys all of America and wester Europe? Did you ever think of that smart guy? Try thinking your plans through next time.[/quote] Try breaking your speeches into sentences so you can breathe next time.

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  • Try breaking your speeches into sentences so you can breathe next time.

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  • I don't know how I will be celebrating it, but November 9th is also my Birthday......AND i'll be 18! woo! Can't beleive i'm lucky enough to have a Birthday on that momentous groundbreaking day! -Bambi-

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  • Ok I'm Gonna go to a FOOTBALL game and go stricking i'm a go in the field and start running naked with the following writing in my body. HALO 2 is the shizzle dizzle and Bungizzle Rox my soxizzle. GamerTag: Los Cochoz XD

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  • To celebrat halo 2 i shall buy some tp and tp my teachers rooms then spray paint halo 2 rules on the fans....or just have a lan party yeah lan party sounds good and watchin red vs blue!

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  • I'm going to play the Halo 2 soundtrack all day or until my dormmates kill me. Happy Birthday ]-[/\|_() 2 !!!

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  • I'm probally gonna have a massive lan party, then play online ALL DAY even though I have school :-)

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  • Well I see alot of us will have our lights on Come Nov 9th thats the spirit A Birthday Celebration for a Video game. Someone make a Halo2 Birthday Cake and Post it on FLIKR thats a challenge to the Halo 2 community right there. But be WARNED we need permission in order to sing Happy Birthday. Man writes ASCAP a letter seeking permission to sing Happy Brthday. Happy Birthday is copyrighted - by Time Warner. If you sing it in a public place, they consider it infringement. "Dear ASCAP, The copyright of "Happy Birthday" has been brought to my attention. I would like to request permission in advance to sing "Happy Birthday" to my father at Frenchy's Original Cafe in Clearwater, Florida, on October 8. Full Story and Article after the jump

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  • I'm going to the nearest fireworks store with my Happy Master Chief figures, strap them on to rockets with the parachutes light em, run like a crazy girl then watch the little Master chiefs come down, or what's left of them. Go home play Halo 2 watch how long it takes Master Chief to die by just standing there. Then I would just stare at my posters all night long. Then eat PEANUT BUTTER!!!! Then watch all my freinds (including one really weird one though) go to a LAN party ruin it, then run like little sissies

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  • I think I'll celebrate Halo 2 Nov 9th with my BIRTHDAY!!! Ironic as it is I'm telling the truth my birthday is Nov 9th 1989 ...although i was cheated out my present for something I wanted 2 years ago I was still happy playing one of the greatest games Bungie has created. : )

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  • Iam Celebrating By waking up...Putting on My cloaths...going out to skate...AS THE MASTER CHEIF!!!!

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  • [quote]Get your butts in gear. Its a Nation Wide Community CALL to Arms Everyone Drive with your Lights on On November 9th if you Love Halo 2. This Will RAWK Nation Wide Bungie post this on you main page On November 9th 2005 Everyone Drive with your lights ON to Celebrate Halo 2 turning 1 year old Aww she's so cute. I'm putting this on HBO I'll email Louis Wu I remember last year CNN Reuters etc had stories of Fortune 500 comapnies and major businesses and schools expecting mass worker shortages due to people calling out away from work to go get Halo 2. I've never been in Line for anything at 12 midnight in my life but Halo 2 was worth it.[/quote] Amen. Haha.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Untouchable1990 But what if the driver of a tanker truck is blinded by the brightness and crash's into an orphanage lighting children on fire who then run to the chemical plant across the street for help but on the way cause the massive chemical tanks to explode rupturing the chlorine tank realesing it into the air and knocking the military base guards unconcous just as the terrorist's attack and take command of the nuclear weapons at the base and use them to fire at Russia who then retaliates and destroys all of America and wester Europe? Did you ever think of that smart guy? Try thinking your plans through next time.[/quote] Of course this is all the more reason to celebrate the anniversary of Halo 2!

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  • im gonna write halo 2 on my forehead (or get my twin to do it for me) and im gonna go on halo 2 all night when i get back from college im also gonna repeatedly say WORT WORT WORT i dont care what my teachers say, there probably bigger Halo 2 fans then me lol keep on truckin' dudes, i wanna see plenty of headlights switched on on wednesday

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  • i will make a halo 2 flag and fly it up on my roof all day........and night. with a couple of high power bright lights on it at night! thats the way to do it without getiin jacked by a copper.

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  • we should all play h2 on live for a few games, then compare it to h1 by setting up a hugggge lan party of halo1 after, dont wanna be outta the way, so somewhere neutral, say... France, its in the middle of everything (roughly)

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  • how bout we drive with our light OFF on the NIGHT of the 9th.

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