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11/4/2005 4:31:07 PM

Celebrate Halo 2 Nov 9th Anniversary Drive with your Lights on For Halo 2

Get your butts in gear. Its a Nation Wide Community CALL to Arms Everyone Drive with your Lights on On November 9th if you Love Halo 2. This Will RAWK Nation Wide Bungie post this on you main page On November 9th 2005 Everyone Drive with your lights ON to Celebrate Halo 2 turning 1 year old Aww she's so cute. I'm putting this on HBO I'll email Louis Wu I remember last year CNN Reuters etc had stories of Fortune 500 comapnies and major businesses and schools expecting mass worker shortages due to people calling out away from work to go get Halo 2. I've never been in Line for anything at 12 midnight in my life but Halo 2 was worth it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sho220 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sarge117 It might work all right for most of you, but up here in Canada cars are required by law to have daytime running lights, so it wouldn't really make any difference.[/quote] my friends, this is why our canadian neighbors are special.[/quote] Im from Canada, but this guy is special aallllll on his It is pretty funny though. I dont know about any law, but most cars have daytime running lights,,,,and if they dont,,,most ppl turn em on during the day regardless.....regardless of that, i still made sure my lights were on Nov 9th just to celebrate, and since im such a big fan, i just told myself that everyone with their lights on were doin the same thing.

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  • I celebrated by attempting to play Halo 2 for 24 hours straight....didn't make it. I started playing at 1 pm and then i ended up falling asleep at 2 am. then i said screw it lol. but yeah 13 hours of halo 2 isnt bad. [Edited on 11/18/2005]

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  • I second the motion

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  • I need to figure out what Flikr is now so I can post the picture of my cake.

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  • Tonight i am going to dress up like a Ninja, light my self on fire, and chase a flaming Halo going 135 mph through a hospital zone.

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  • halo 2 rocks so will halo 3

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  • Halo 2 rocks so hard!!!! Happy birthday H2, we all love you, and today the noobs and the 1337's and all in between will band together to cause some major PWNAGE!!!! My gamertag is also my username, just send me a friend request and pwn others together! Thank you Bungie for this gift!

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  • where the hell did 50 cent come from in all this? rap pwns all of j00!!! [Edited on 11/9/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sarge117 It might work all right for most of you, but up here in Canada cars are required by law to have daytime running lights, so it wouldn't really make any difference.[/quote] my friends, this is why our canadian neighbors are special.

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  • Happy birthday H2. No, I will not drive with my lights on, and no, I will not throw my boxers or my games at people. And I won't mock the silly people that don't play the game, and I won't play the halo theme out of my window all day. I might play a game tonight. ONE game. And whatever my score is, I'll get it tattooed on my left testicle. ...or I'll just post something on my forums about the birthday. The second option sounds less painfull.

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  • Happy Birthday Halo 2. Since Bungie is on the west coast, I believe it is best to go by that time. Gee, I wonder if anyone can remember what they were doing exactly a year ago...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TOM 34 ok to who ever was stupid enough to say 50 cent is better than master cheif your stupid how bout we give 50 cent the mjolnir armour and see if he can take out a whole covenant armada and plus he can't use the armour cus he didn't go through escrutiating augmentations and training from when he was six years old. every one who has read the books knows what im talking about. plus if your stupid enough to think that any thing but him geting shot is real in that movie then you deserve to be shot. because if it was real the american government would have sufficient evidence to put him in jail because they could count it as a conffesion. and i dont know if you know but he stopped dealing drugs wen he was 11 and his guns are for show im not saying hes not bad cus hes one tough guys but master chief would destroy him any day and nine bullets in the same place as 50 cent he wouldnt die hed just be hurt. by the way out of control the remix by 50 cent is amazing. so just get me right here 50 cent is bad @ss but master cheif is way more bad @ss then him.[/quote] I don't know if this has occurred to you, but Master Chief is fictional, as is the Covenant. And yes, 50 Cent did get shot 9 times in real life. And no, the government could not count it as a confession; it's a Hollywood movie. [Edited on 11/9/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] High Truth Well today was October 11th. For those not making a connection it was 11-7. Nothing specail happened today, although maybe it should have.[/quote] Wtf.. um, today (when you posted it was), NOVEMBER 7th! not october 11th... october 11 would be 10 11, November 7th would be 11-7... I'm sory though, I can see how everyone saying November in this post might have made it seem too obvious of a month...But yeah, I get your point I think everyone gets your point refering to the MC's number.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Manganease [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] disastaslim Does everyone realize that GET RICH OR DIE TRYING comes out on november 9......Who cares about halo...50 cent would murder master chief...lets see master chief take 9 bullets with no shield[/quote] 1. pistol=magnum=no power 2. rap sucks 3. don't patronize criminals[/quote] 4. rap does suck, but 50 cent sucks more 5. the cumulative IQ of those going to see it is well, .50, I wouldn't even pay 50 cents for it. 6. I hope he dies trying.

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  • Yes, we all need to celebrate! I thought I was the only one who was going to but I see I was wrong. I'm going to be playing Halo and Halo2 all day on Wednesday (Staff Day, so no school, yippe!). Gona play throught both campaigns on Heroic (maybe Legendary) with a friend (and I'm going to wear my Legendary long sleeve for luck). To top that off I have a cake being made (apparently I wasn't the only one to think of this) with the freakin' Halo2 symbol on it. To finish it off, I'm gona watch every episode in the Red vs Blue series so far. So, it's going to be a great Wednesday!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TrigaHappy101 im just saying that if you were joking thats -blam!- up. My baseball coach died there, so dont joke like that....[/quote] Did your baseball coach die in a hospital or a eaten 1 year old?(i was joking obviously!)

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  • does lol mean laf out loud or lots of love? I also want to see jar head (jesus walks)

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  • The really core fans are going to drive backwards with our lights on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • im just saying that if you were joking thats -blam!- up. My baseball coach died there, so dont joke like that....

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  • Why don't we eat halo 2 a copy of halo 2 and mass up the hospitals and go wild there and make a massive 2 out of hospital beds? or like shishka said we could just play halo 2... OH!! get every 1 year old(halo turns 1) And Eat him/ her as well!!! then we would have 1 less generation...! or not...

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  • You should take soap or maker or somthing and write Happy Halo 2 Anniversary!!!! on your car

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  • 50 cent does suck but dont base your oppinion of a whole genre on ONE rapper.. im not saying rock sucks because i listened to Sammy Hagar and based my opinion of rock on that one artist...

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  • im gonna laugh at every f@g at myskool who is celebrating a VIDEO GAMES BIRTHDAY... Oh guys lets jump off of the tallest building we can find, no fall damage remember... you wont die... i swear

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] disastaslim Does everyone realize that GET RICH OR DIE TRYING comes out on november 9......Who cares about halo...50 cent would murder master chief...lets see master chief take 9 bullets with no shield[/quote] YOU ARE THE -blam!-IEST KID ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For one RAP SUCKS SO blaming much. (blamed it out so bungie doesnt have to) For two I hope he dies trying to get rich one less -blam!- rapper in this world. For three 50 cent is -blam!- and would get pwned by Master Chief dumb a s s For four 50 didnt take no blaming 9 bullets probably 9 paintball bullets but who hasnt thats just some rapper trying to sound cool. SO you can go watch get rich or die trying while busting fat rhymes. RAP SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my big blam SO GO WASTE YOUR LIFE TRYING TO BE A RAPPPER

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Synthmilk I don't get it, I always drive with my headlights on, I bike a lot so I know that even in the daytime a car with its headlightes on is a whole lot easier to see than one without. don't have your headlights on all the time because your inconsiderate....wait, you have them on at night right? Please tell me you do....[/quote] Its people like you I'd like to hit on purpose. If you can't see me with my lights on, i'll make it a point to let you see my front bumper. That way you'll know I'm there the next time I see you in the middle of the road because YOU’RE INCONSIDERATE! All of you pedal bikers think you own the road. After your comment I think I'll turn my day-running lights off on purpose now. Except for tomorrow of course I've got to leave them on to celebrate HALO 2!

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  • I got one off It works. Well... I made a custom Halo 2 t-shirt just for the occasion. I'm wearing it to school since I can't skip because me and my friends are going to have a Lan at my friend's house. Then I will go home around 6 and play XBL untill 7am the next day. And then go back to school. With pictures of the game on my cell phone going in a slide show. Then I will fall asleep in physics class and get yelled at and I'd be like well if Master Chief threw a ball and it was aimed at a 50 degree angle at his normal throwing force... and feel like a complete idiot and I'd actually be trying to figure it out. Then I'm going home and playing again. I will then go to bed around 6am until 7am and go to school again and then play all weekend until 6am Monday morning EST. I love you halo... And yes I will probably play Halo:CE today... Actually I definitely will... I love it. -Babaloo2U

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