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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by liamduhgamer: 1/29/2015 4:09:27 AM

Destiny 2 will need to evolve!

COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK THE SEQUELS NEED. So we know we will see many Destiny sequels but if they don't evolve the way halo did then I think I'm not the only person who's gonna have to rethink my purchasing of the franchise.I didnt post this to complain but rather to give constructive ideas for the future of Destiny. So for me, the biggest issues were regarding the story,freeroam/world size and lack of interesting objectives/repetetiveness. First,let's talk about the story.Destinys story was stripped down and lacked the riveting story of Bungies last franchise.what was that called by the way?ah,doesn't matter,anyways,as I was saying.For players to care about the games characters it needs to actually have some.I suppose Bungie planned on having us create our own story as we play the game but that is no excuse to have only backstory and no decent plot.I'm not gonna write the script for them but a sequel will need a strong intricate plot with interesting characters that appear throughout the cutscenes.One thing about those cut scenes.There needs to be a lot more.Some might dislike cutscenes(want to skip them)but those same people then go on to complain about the story(which is delivered with cutscenes). If they manage to compose a good story then that will hopefully help the second issue,the uninteresting mission elements.The missions in destiny aren't completely poor in content but they could definetly use some more umph.To keep players coming back the story missions and strikes could contribute more to the main story which could help them become more exciting.A scarab type battle,large vehicle battles,stealth missions,chases,and any thing you can name that made halo always interesting.Destiny could really do this well by doing such with integrating it into patrol(a public event that's actually interesting).For all this to work the sequel would need more enviroment-interacting abilities(board/assasination style). Finally we reach the free roam.What Destiny HAS TO DO to have an interesting and fun freeroam is to GET RID OF THOSE FRICKEN ROADS!!!Wide sweaping vistas below a mountain that you can actually get to.A forest spread in all directions fraught with enemy encampments and area specific-public events.You guys know what I'm talking about. Please post your ideas and thoughts on what you think Destiny needs to become a legendary franchise.

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