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Edited by BuckOfama420: 1/7/2015 7:40:14 PM

Tired of people talking about skill

There is no skill involved with this game at all ! So stop saying non skilled players. I bet all you "skilled players" would get wrecked in battlefield. This game will actually nurf you when it comes to other games it turns you into a scrub. Just try it. It will shock you. Head shots are easy in this game the sniper is very fast and unrealistic. There is no bullet drop or accounting for speed of the person running. The auto aim is enough to keep you on the head almost every time. This game takes 0 skill as my girlfriend who sucks in all fps games played her first round And went 22 and 6. So please just stop with the I'm more skilled then you crap. I now only play to troll the players on my team that camp in corners with shotguns/fusions. It's more fun to troll noobs then play this game. I need some support in getting another one of my posts to actually happen. It will improve the game drastically for us real players. FIRST LET ME SAY, thank you to everyone who responded some of you were harsh some of you were hilarious. All in all you have been good sports. This post and another had close to 200 replies each and for most of the day we were at the top of the trending list. Now to clarify I do these posts often different sites for different games. It's what I do. I hope there are no hard feelings I know we have some skilled players in here and I hope we can all grow as a community and not take shit so seriously all the time at the end of the day it's just a game. A game I'd be happy to play with anyone of you. If your on PS3 add me ID be more then willing to help you with whatever. I'm also the founder of Xurs agent army if you would like to meet some great guys with incredible skill your more then welcome. I'm also on battlefield clan is called (UMAD) if you want to play in there as well. Made some good friends today. If I really had you upset I apologize and hope you have a good night.

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