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1/5/2015 4:10:55 AM
I can speak on relative terms, not in being sick or anything but, i know what its like to pick up a controller and forget daily problems easily. Its a good distraction. And Destiny provides the best one. I was born with epilepsy and the episodes i had as a kid affected my speech. And growing up poor most of my life, i didnt have any video games until i was like 14, and that was limited by my dad whod hide the power cord due to failing grades. Anyway, i was always the easy target in schools. Some days were worse than others, and after almost 10 years of being beaten down for not being able to speak "like everyone else" i decided, i dont need to talk. I got into breakdance amd grafitti, and after i got into college i got into bboy and gaming. Especially gaming now since my work schedule conflicts with my crew's practice schedule. College loan remains unpaid, friends dying left and right due to drunk -blam!-ing drivers who just dont give a shit, and for the longest time being unemployed just because of how i spoke, could anyone blame me for picking up a controller and pretending to be someone else who doesnt stutter? So, not as emotional as yours, but in terms of relativeness, i definitrlely understand where youre coming from.

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