Hello Bungie,
I completed the vault of Glass this last weekend, and to my pleasure I was awarded the exotic Red Death pulse rifle. However to my displeasure, I noticed that it only maxes out at 300. Why does it only max out at 300? I wouldn't be so angry if it were not for the fact that Xur sold the upgrade for it LAST WEEK!
So, If you could fix this, that would be great.
An Irritated gamer
They are ment to be 300. Bungie left it that way on purpose. I guess so non dlc owners have to work harder to get it to 331. But Xur is upgrading it again now
yeh makes no sense and is retarded. no defence available for bungie on this one.
I had a discussion with someone yesterday about this. Sucks, VOG will never be fixed I fear :-(
It's not a bug.
My bad juju maxed at 331
That's sucks. At least they come out at the new rate when you do the exotic bounty
Exotics that drop from the VOG still max at 300... I don't understand the logic behind it, given that they are selling higher rated gear in the tower, and it would encourage experienced players to help the Christmas Noobs through it... They are literally dropping exotics that have a max damage just above rare weapons that are being dropped... It's a joke.
Bungie stated VOG will contain pre-dlc stats. Good day to you, depending on RNG he might sell the upgrade this Friday.
All vog awarded exotics have pre dlc stats
That's just what they decided to do. The good thing though is there is a chance xur will have an upgradable version of it so that's a positive
The thing is that loot drops in VoG aren't broken. Bungie is going to leave them that way which sucks, but at least there is a way to upgrade them instead of an old exotic becoming obsolete.
Right!! I got the universal remote in vog, and not only does it seem like trash already, it also has 1.0 stats. Idk why i would keep it.
Vog exotics are still lvl 30 for some reason
I'm sorry but this has been post everyday since the dlc came out. So if you choose to do the raid then you get what they give . Just upgrade it and be happy . As a lot of players would love to have red death even if you have to upgrade it.