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originally posted in: Only Fools Skip IB
12/20/2014 7:23:24 PM
Yes, because playing IB again for armor that is just as good as tower armor or purchasable weapons that will more than likely reroll to crap upgrades, all the while getting pretty much nothing as rewards for your efforts sounds like a lot of fun. As for the random IB weapons, I have better luck finding weapons that already have good upgrades than I do trying to reroll IB weapons. I'm not missing out on any drops because those drops can happen anywhere else. In fact, I've seen 3 Gally's drop in the last week, as well as a Dragon's Breath and No Land Beyond from other activities that are not the IB. (Not the Hawkmoon though since I'm on Xbox) I also don't care about the IB ship. Too bulky for my liking. So no, I haven't missed anything by not playing the IB.

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