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Edited by SnakeDoc518: 1/20/2015 6:05:30 PM

Building a better Destiny(litterally) [IDEAS FOR GAME IMPROVEMENT]

Ok, so i've had a few ideas, and i'd been kicking around the idea of making a thread...wasn't sure i wanted to be bothered though, because i wasn't sure anyone would read it, or like my ideas, or that anyone official would actually see it. not sure if anyone else has come up with this stuff before, but as far as i know, it's my own original ideas.. [i][[EDIT: I mean, it seems a lot like destiny should have been a machinima project, instead of a game, because it really feels like Bungie had a clear vision of how they wanted this thing to be presented, and what's more, a clear vision of how they wanted us all to PLAY it......i'm all for linear gameplay, but this is too much......give us a sandbox, and then restrict our freedom of movement, and expression, and ability to employ tactics, strategy, and unique play style...i love this game, but shit like this really gets under my, when i say "unique play style", i'm not talking about exploiting glitches, or cheesing, or cheating, or any other sleazy shit like that....i'm talking about like specializing in sniping, over CQC, or blowing up absolutely everything around you, over run and gun...bungie is really just too rigid in how they expect us to play the game....i mean, if they're going to tell us how to play, what we can equip, how we're gonna look, and all that, what's the point of playing? if they wanted to tell us a story, it would have been cheaper to just do a machinima project..... so, with that in mind, i present to you ideas i think would improve the game...]][/i] alright, first on the list is an idea for fixing this awful state we're in, where everyone looks very samey.....same armors, and whatnot. we're slaves to stats, and we need to shed any notion of individuality, or expression, in order to have high enough stats to stay "in the game", as it were....i think this is bullshit, and i have an idea to fix it. [b]Project Distinct Guardian[/b] This would be a completely new system in Destiny. It could make use of an existing vendor(perhaps Banshee), or perhaps a completely new vendor, with a new room..the facility could be called "The Foundry", or "Fabrication shop", something like that... What it would do, is allow players to hold on to armor they like the look of, and, through use of specific materials, and combinations of materials, and glimmer, "re-manufacture" these armors, into a higher rarity tier, thus giving them relevant stats, while retaining a pleasing aesthetic...essentially, leveling the armor with the player, instead of forcing everyone to look the same, for the sake of stats. Starting with the "uncommon" tier, armor could be re-manufactured to "rare" tier, with the final tier being a completely new tier called "custom"...custom armors would have stats comparable to legendary, with random perks, so very few pieces of armor would be exactly the same. i think this would add a ton of variety and options to guardians, in terms of customizing their appearance, and give them a chance to truly stand out. i had a couple more ideas, but i forgot what they were..i'll edit the thread when i remember... in the meantime, what do you guys think of this idea? EDIT 1: I know this has been brought up more than a few times, but what the hell....let's put all the best ideas in one place, maybe someone will take notice.. [b]Project Khvostov[/b] The Khvostov 7G-02, is, if these forums are any indication, a very popular, and well-liked auto rifle....unfortunately, it is pretty much worthless, due to the fact that it has a damage stat of 20. Guardians have been asking for an upgraded, relevant version of this gun, pretty much since launch. What i propose is a way to give the people what they want. We can use Banshee for this, because the Khvostov is a gun, and guns are what Banshee does..... My idea is that we can trade our Khvostov 7G-02 to Banshee, along with certain amounts of spinmetal, glimmer, weapon parts, and perhaps some ascendant energy, and we can get a new Legendary version of the gun. The description could read as follows: "A proven battle rifle, used by the first guardians. Lovingly restored, and upgraded by Banshee-44." Of course, it would have a full upgrade tree, and perks. i'd personally like to see the "Focused Fire" perk on it, but that's just me. More ideas to come, stay tuned.. EDIT 2: so i'm not sure how these will go over, but i'm gonna put them out here anyway.. [b]Project Loadout[/b] I've always found the forced weapon loadout mechanic to be just as restrictive, and stupid as the light system, that ties your character's level to an armor stat.... why do we need to carry a "primary", a "special", and a "heavy" weapon? what if i want to have a scout rifle as my primary, and a pistol as my secondary? i would in real life? furthermore, what if i want to carry a sniper as my third weapon? or what if i wanna carry NLB, a sniper, and a handcannon? why can't weapon loadouts be more flexible, so we can tailor them to our play style? why this restrictive "you hafta carry these three specific types of weapons, and you must use them in a way we decide"? i propose scrapping the current weapon assignment system, and simply having 3 plain slots...equip whatever you want in the slots, the only restriction being you can't have 3 of the same thing.....meaning you can't have 3 sniper rifles, or 3 handcannons, or 3 rocket launchers, etc...they could still be classified as "primary/special/heavy", so the ammo synth packs are still going to give you ammo for weapons, in the way you'd expect, but it would allow people to have more flexible weapon loadouts....if i don't need a machine gun, or a rocket launcher, i shouldn't hafta carry one.... [b]Project Exotic[/b] Exotics are great, right? we've all got at least a few, and we probably spent quite a bit of time getting them.....but they're ultimately worthless, because we can only use one of them at a time... what i propose is the removal of the limitation on using multiple exotic items at once. if you have multiple exotic weapons, and multiple exotic armor pieces, you should be able to equip them, show them off, and reap the benefits of their odd does nothing to ruin the single-player campaign experience, it does no harm to to patrols, strikes, raids, etc....because of the level balancing in crucible, it's not really going to create an unfair advantage....the only time i can see this actually creating advantages, is in Iron Banner....and well, that's kind of the point of Iron Banner...your level matters, your weapon and armor stats and perks's supposed to be unlimited combat, so why not pull out all the stops? i have a number of exotics that i've either only touched once, or haven't used at all, because of the fact that i can only equip one exotic at a time, and i'm still working on leveling the ones i DO use..i earned em', i'd like to be able to use as many of them as i want. again, i think this unfairly limits the player, and takes away from their ability to enjoy the game to it's fullest. More ideas to come....

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