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12/13/2014 3:10:46 AM

PvP: Stale game modes. 2 solutions.

The image is an example of how the map "Shores of Time" would look running Game Mode 1. Philosophy: the objectives of Destiny PvP are very liquid and bland and results in a lack of intensity and teamwork. In any team-based game there should be an incentive for teamwork and coordination and with Team Deathmatch and Control (Domination) these values are trumped by aim and whoever has the heavy. This is a presentation of two game modes that were used in Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Activision, 2001) and lead to incredibly satisfying gameplay. Game mode 1: Modified CTF Team A is attacking the objective, Team B is defending the objective. Team A must retrieve the objective and bring it to the capture/destination zone. At this point there are two ways of handling things. Way 1 - Stopwatch - Once the obj is captured, the round ends but the time is recorded, teams switch sides and team B tries to beat the time set by team A. Way 2 - Points - Since all destiny PvP matches end on a point threshold, you could make capturing the objective worth a certain amount of points, then have the obj keep respawning until the point threshold is crossed. Details: Team Z (or both teams) respawn time must be at least 5 seconds, otherwise the objective may be too difficult to retrieve. The objective is dropped once the player carrying it is killed, it can be returned by team B or picked up by team A. Game mode 2: Destroy the Objective Similar to popular Counter-Strike game mode. Team A attacks, Team B defends. The objective is stationary. Team A is trying to plant a bomb at the obj. Once the bomb is planted team B has a certain amount of time (:30) to diffuse it or the round ends/Team A gets a certain amount of points. Like in Game Mode 1, this can work like Stopwatch or it can be Points-based. Details: It can be that one person has the bomb or everybody has a bomb. Once again, respawn times must be delayed to an extent. I personally believe these game modes would breathe life into a fairly stale situation that is Destiny PvP. Beyond that, I think reviving should be possible in all game modes and total damage should be a post-game stat. Thank you for your time.

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