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11/28/2014 4:59:22 PM
And why are you playing strikes to get exotics? Who told you that's what you are supposed to do? You have decided to do that.. And now expect everyone to do the same.. And quite frankly, its your own stupidity (for lack of a better word) for expecting your exotics to drop in strikes (which they don't) And for just one more point... Damn near everyone here can run a tiger strike with their eyes closed.. It takes no effort or skill when you are 5-6 levels above the playlist you are playing.. You run 100 lvl24 strikes in hopes of getting something you aren't going to get.. Others run 3 lvl28 weeklies to get one for sure.. One is foolish and one is smart.. That's about it

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  • Quick question. How many times have you cheesed atheon? Based on the fact that you have the vex and the raid helmet, im guessing quite often. Learn to play the game and challenge yourself then you can talk to me about how you earn your gear and weapons.

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  • Was invited at the end as a slot was open.. Got the vex and helm at the same time.. But again... Am I here bragging about it? No.. I dont think I'm better then anyone because I have one.. I got lucky and got it on my first run.. Sue me.. Lol I fail to see how my vex somehow relates to your assumption that people don't earn gear from xur.. But I guess I didn't "earn" my vex either right? I keep forgetting people need to play according to your standards.. My bad :p

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  • If you did the raid legit then yes you earned it. But I don't think you did.

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  • Nope.. Beat it on normal and a guy had a atheon checkpoint on hard.. Dude cheesed him when we all wiped.. So nope.. But its not like I'm going to dismantle it to make anyone feel better.. And I've certainly never used it as some bragging right.. I just like mentioning I have one because it angers people for some reason lol.. But my entire point of this discussion is.. You don't get to decide how others play the game.. You play it how you want.. If you choose to not buy from xur and would rather grind strikes then hey! More power to you.. But don't think for a second anyone else cares.. Everyone around here is so petty they keep inventing new standards they think people need to meet to be on their level.. Nobody cares! Nobody here is special or deserves recognition for playing a damn game.. Like you said.. I played the raid on hard for all of 3min and got a helm and vex that people have tried for 100 times.. What's so damn special about having it or any other piece of gear? Or that I've wanted an icebreaker for a month with no luck but some kid can get one for going 0-20 in the crucible.. Is he better then me then? Its all luck of the draw. Well... Except xur... Lol..

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  • Good points. I just think xur makes it a little to easy to collect all the gear and kills the lifespan of the game.

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  • I would completely agree with you but the mechanics of the game prevent that from happening.. You can only use one piece of exotic armor and one weapon.. He's useful to get that one (and usually first) exotic piece.. And as for weapons, just like armor, legendaries are way better (raid gear at least).. But since I've been able to complete nightfalls and weeklies, he's never sold anything I actually want/need.. Drops rates seem to greatly increase right before he sells a weapon anyways... Twice now I've gotten a weapon in either the raid or NF only to have xur sell it that week.. I really want the icebreaker (as I said.. That ghall whatever would be nice too lol) and for sure, seeing it randomly drop would be a nice feeling... But I don't think I'd be disappointed in the least if I get it from xur.. I've certainly put my time into this game and I could have gotten both randomly by now, but I haven't....yet he'll be obsolete in a week or so anyways when the dark below drops.. As will the weapons I've been wanting lol.. My main beef is truly based on a definition.. Earning something can't be random luck, doing a set task to receive a set compensation is basically the definition of earning. Guess it just bugs me seeing people use the wrong word lol

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  • One is too easy and one is what an RNG is about. Exotics are supposed to be difficult to get. Xur makes this too accomplishable. I have every exotic weapon and every exotic piece for the hunter and warlock. I Am just saying that xur breaks the game and is making the most difficult items to achieve in the game tooooo easy to achieve. The price for exotic items should be doubled at xur. I have over a 100 strange coins and I literally don't have to think about I am buying when xur comes around. Having xur in the game shortens the games lifespan.

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