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11/27/2014 8:05:30 AM

The Failings of Bungie: You May (Not) Become Legend

After having played destiny for a good few weeks (Bungie shows a good six and a half or so days of in-game time), I felt driven to write up a critique on its major failings. These are both from my personal experiences and the experiences I've read online from others. This is a two part critique on the areas I feel Bungie has failed the most, though they result in the same thing. But before I begin, I'd like to say that Destiny is a good game. It's just that it could have been so much more... Destiny: become legend. Or rather, Destiny: become whatever is given to you and feel grateful. When I first went through the story, everything was new and somewhat exciting, but not only that, everything was different. Guns ran through my hands like water, and I experienced a wide variety of perks and stats and looks. But when I reached level 20, this all came to a halt. Guns no longer ran thorugh my hands. Instead, I was devoid of anything new, anything likable. Eventually, I found Xur, the Vanguard store, and the factions, and I began my quest to become like everyone else. The armor didn't have stats I liked, but I needed the light. They didn't have the perks I wanted, but I needed the light. It was going to take weeks to earn the marks to buy them, but I needed the light. At first, I didn't upgrade any of the vanguard pieces because I hated them. I held onto my energies and shards like scrooge with his precious gold, but in the end: I needed the light. By now, I've become much more pliable: I don't scrimp my ascendent materials, because more likely than not, what I want is never going to happen. Destiny has turned me into a pessimist. Whatever happened to "Become Legend?" Look at the legends in game. Kabr refused to be bowed down, and ripped the face off of a Gorgon to make a shield. What a guy. Toland pursued knowledge to the bitter end, eventually going mad. Dredgen Yor felt darkness embracing him, and decided to embrace it back. Me? I'm a nobody. A nobody in a sea of nobodies doing nobody things and buying nobody items. We run the same nobody quests and strikes and turn in the same nobody bounties. We're not legends: we're nobodies. When I look at my fellow warlocks, I see my face on every one. The one who molded my character molded each and every one of them, and we all look the same and use the same weapons. Everyone wears the voidfang vestments nowadays. There's no reason not to, and more likely than not, it's one of the few exotics they've had the chance to own. Guns? They're so rare, just like the armor. You either buy what Xur is selling or buy from a faction. End of story. You're "Legend." I don't feel legend. I don't feel unique. I feel empty. Which leads to my second point, which is the fullness of Destiny. No, this is not about the story. This is about the dichotomy of what I have been told and what truly is. They tell me that we are on the losing side. Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon, the rest of the known universe: all are held in a stranglehold by the darkness. The earth is empty. The moon is calm. Where is the chaos? Where is the overwhelming darkness? Where is the need for guardians? Patrol feels so empty. I stroll through the hive for no reason. I collect spinmetal plants under gunfire because I simply don't care. If they tell me Mr. Nexus has overstayed his welcome on Venus, I deliver an eviction notice. Aksor broke his curfew? Reign him back in. The Psions got out? Put a belt to their backside. A phrase comes to mind "Born too late to explore the world, too early to explore the universe." This is what playing destiny feels like. The fall seems so interesting, but it's over and done. People like Kabr and Toland and Dredgen played their parts. On the flipside, the impending darkness is too far away to be dealt with, too remote to encounter. Our guardians live in a time of peace, striving not to survive, but to simply find adventure wherever they can. Guardians are not legends: they are bored. Strikes are boring. The dailies are boring. Patrol is boring. In the end, you do your weekly, your nightfall, your dailies, your raid, and your farming, and that's it. Evil doesn't care, and neither do you. You're both just going through the motions. The fallen aren't actually maintining strength on earth, they just want to look like it. The hive don't actually care about the moon, they just felt like building a fortress. The cabal don't really care that you're on mars, they just get their jollies from shooting off explosives. You're not really in a struggle for your life against the forces of darkness, you're just doing whatever you feel like. Where are the front lines to this great battle? Commander, send me to the front! I want action! I want to feel like I'm making a difference in this universe! I don't want to be an errand boy any longer! I don't want to post any more eviction notices! But there is no war. There is only mundanity and repitition. There is a faceless darkness that is halfheartedly taking over the universe. It will take over the last bastion of men not by force, but by boring us to death. Conclusion: I am a nobody being bored to death by a faceless entity. I'm the futuristic, space magic-ey equivalent of a man-child in his grandma's basement thinking he's sticking it to the man. In reality, I'm doing nothing, and the man doesn't care. I want to feel like I am the master of my own destiny, not like I'm living off the charity of Lakshmi (though she is very charitable, and I love her for it) and Lord Saladin (ty for the boots and gloves m8, appreciate it). I want to feel like the darkness truly is trying to destroy mankind, not like it's sitting on its respective planets, sipping martinis. [b]I want to feel not only like I'm making a difference, but that there's a difference that needs to be made. [/b]

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  • Edited by Dash Woodson: 11/28/2014 8:05:26 AM
    Great review man. Im sure most of us feel the same. I appreciate your take on it not just because of how accurate you are, but you took the time because you care about the game's future. It is a Great game, but has major shortcomings. Let's see what they do with it, or about it, from here.

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  • this is the kind of post I've been waiting for, a well balanced, honest opinion that praises the game and also highlights the negatives, I'm gonna be honest, I haven't played the game in about a month now, for the same reasons you've just analysed, I'm bored, repeating the daily and weekly heroics and nightfalls just feels like a chore to level up, nothing more, not ground breaking, nothing new, the same each time, I would love there to be more variety in this game, it has a lot of potential and I'm not throwing it aside yet as I want to give it another chance, but I'm going to wait for something to come out for this game which will draw me back in

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  • I'd like to point out that the satisfaction you are looking for would be found upon completion of the game, this isn't a game you can just play for 30 hours and finish, or "become legend". The fact is you may never finish this game, it takes years to become legend - not a few days worth of playtime. I'm not saying you are wrong, you are entitled to your own opinion and feelings but it seems what you are searching for would require some sort of endgame. The stage is set, the possibilities of where this game can go are endless as new content will be released and the game expands and evolves. I truly really like this game, but I am even more excited about what it will become. Hang in there, it may not be as bad as you think in the end.

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    6 Replies
    • Edited by Tekn0z: 11/27/2014 2:59:29 PM
      [u][b]Destiny is about doing the "hardest" things in the game and watching your friends get all the loot while you get crap. [/b] [/u] Become Legend. LOL what a joke. Oh and no matter how many hundred hours you put into Destiny, you cannot get Hawkmoon until the game decides to hand it to you. PS exclusive my ass.

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      7 Replies
      • Try

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      • Nice post, I feel the same. I see pve as a way to get better gear to compete in the crucible. I use this game as my source of pvp, replacing halo 4. I wish Bungie would give a little more support to pvp in the way of new game modes and maps. I know plenty of people who enjoy mainly pve, but personally I have a lot better (rpg)s and such that I would rather play.

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      • Despite the dreariness and depression I felt after reading this post, it disappoints me to say that its true. There is no feeling of any kind of impending doom upon us, only the feeling that we're all errand boys that all wear similar stuff. The tower and city seem like the most peaceful and tranquil places in the entire game, yet it stands as mankind's last bastion. Its like no danger will ever come there, yet there are the legends of the fabled 'twilight gap' in the story. Surely if there are murderous aliens on Earth and elsewhere trying to kill us, wouldn't they all be trying to storm the city's walls, since that's the only place where humans are left? It makes no sense sometimes. But the game is still really fun to play.

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        2 Replies
        • After 250 hours of game play I decided there isn't enough to do. [spoiler]when will these posts end?[/spoiler] #satire

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          8 Replies
          • I'd really like to see "defend the walls" mission. A public event where hundreds of enemies are present. I want to feel like a protector, like I'm fighting for those that can't fight themselves. They could even do world wide buffs or announcements when certain bosses are killed (like in WoW) for the first time that day.

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            11 Replies
            • As much as I love playing Destiny I have to agree with your post. The game has become a bit of a chore and repetitive. The Dark Below will, I'm sure alleviate that but most likely for only a short amount of time. The game certainly needs more depth, more things to do with more areas opened up so the worlds we are fighting on really do seem huge and explorable. What some of my fellow guardians mentioned below regarding a huge mission to defend the city I think is a great idea, it would feel like you are actually a part of the universe, making a difference. What I would also like to see, is some more random public events, not just defend this, kill that but a public event where guardians who are on patrol say, can join together and complete a decent sized mission, which could tie in to the lore/story a bit so that the story can become a bit more cohesive. This type of mission could be unique so once achieved it will not occur again for the same guardians. This could give a sense of closure, as sense something was actually achieved. Great post and there has been some great posts by others below, I just hope Bungie reads this and acts upon it to give us the game we really want.

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              4 Replies
              • Maybe Destiny should be laid to rest... It's a sad husk of what could of been turned into the world's greatest farming simulator. The ViDocs, the trailers and the hype show an awesome world that was never delivered. But then again we are only 1%, the rest of Destiny players are casuals who couldn't give less of a shit. This post made me sad.

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                4 Replies
                • by the looks of it this game is not getting very good reps but hey its new it hasn't been out for even a year yet i think its a pretty awesome game. I meet alot of new people and amazing friends. Like the Vult of Glass requiers team work we need more of those in Destiny to be honest. I think bungie did a great job creating destiny.

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                • 100/10.. Bungie promised to deliver an epic adventure and delivered "daily routine".. the weekly routine is 3 hours top and still bungie celebrates themselves as IF they have created something "vast".. they havent.. there were TWO incidents in my whole time of Destiny where i felt "needed".. first when "the enemy is moving against each other" was coinciding with "defend the warsat".. this was the ONLY time where there was a little bit of action going on.. normally defend the warsat is done by 3 rocket launcher shots.. (if you dont know how i ncan show you, i just dont want to post it here or it might get "patched" as an "exploit" ) and the other time was yesterday in hard raid atheon where the entire team was wiped due to shiedl splashbug and i was the only one able to revive, picking up the relic and giving Atheon the coup the grace.. thus saving the whole mission =) (sadly the video recording function in PS4 didnt work.. *sigh*) so yes.. the last time i raided we had 5 ! lookalikes warloks, females, awoken, voidfang, with nearly the identical weapon loadout.. so we had to switch shaders .. (power rangers!) on top Bungie isnt listen and not talking.. the Phrase [b]"i could tell you"[/b] is the red line running through the entire game.. no patch notes tellign you what really happened.. no announcements when what is going to be patched or IF.. (the raid sniper is doing more damage after the patch, suros is doing less, there are suddenly more enemies in hard raid, thron got nerfed instead of buffed, , why wasnt that on the notes? Why the need to keep this a secret ? people are starting to create more than one level 20 PER WEEK in order to play the weeklies more often since there is absolutely nothing to do apart from daylies after wednesday to.. again bungie promised 100% and delivered 20% .. 80% is still missing.. and still tehy are celebrating.. why are people still playing this game then? i CAN tell you: Hope.. hope that one day there is a patch and yo can GO explore and see those awesome places in the distance and to those forrests "out in the wild"

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                  8 Replies
                  • "Everything you see is playable" - "every guardian will be unique" ..... Isn't that right Bungie?

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                    3 Replies
                    • To the OP: This is what happens when a great game gets scrapped nine months before release and is majorly re-written to have "mass appeal".

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                      1 Reply
                      • You sir, want a single player game. The dynamics that annoy you so much are part of any MMO. You have to celebrate what you have and not your uniqueness. You may have been Billy bad ass in an Elder Scrolls or Assassin's Creed game, but so was everyone else, you just couldn't physically see then like you can in Destiny. In an MMO, you won't be a snowflake, so you need to create personal goals of accomplishment. Maybe 3 level 30's, maybe a certain gun you want, maybe a KD of 1.5 in pvp. Sorry a game doesn't make you feel special, welcome to being an adult.

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                        10 Replies
                        • Everybody is legend But because everyone is legend and everyone is special, nobody is.

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                        • Great

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                        • Bungie, please create 500,000 unique pieces of armor and 500,000 different weapons so that every single player has different gear and is a unique snowflake

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                          11 Replies
                          • Best review I've seen yet

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                          • I kinda thought the Darkness had a big push and nearly wiped us out but we drove it back? What's left is just the aftermath but the Darkness is building strength for another big attack? That's why it's kinda silent atm?.... Then again the story was so poor I may have got that wrong :')

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                            5 Replies
                            • You'll be whatever Bungie -blam!-in' intends you to be !!!!

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                            • Edited by Poltergeist_1973: 11/28/2014 12:02:54 AM
                              Personally........I could get more onboard with this line of thinking if the game was say six months old or older. Its barely a two month old baby and too many players expect it to sing and dance and run. There are other games to play that can fill in gaps while this one grows. The first dlc is coming in two weeks. Give it a rest folks with the downing Bungie or any other game developer for that matter. Enjoy it until you don't anymore, then replace it with something else. That's all I'm going to write at the moment because I'm heading back in to work on my characters, guns, rank etc. Happy hunting my fellow Guardians....

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                              3 Replies
                              • Is the title a Neon Genesis reference?

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                                • uhm sorry i got distracted by a squirrel...

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • This is why I only play this game Tuesdays and Fridays.

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