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11/27/2014 8:05:30 AM

The Failings of Bungie: You May (Not) Become Legend

After having played destiny for a good few weeks (Bungie shows a good six and a half or so days of in-game time), I felt driven to write up a critique on its major failings. These are both from my personal experiences and the experiences I've read online from others. This is a two part critique on the areas I feel Bungie has failed the most, though they result in the same thing. But before I begin, I'd like to say that Destiny is a good game. It's just that it could have been so much more... Destiny: become legend. Or rather, Destiny: become whatever is given to you and feel grateful. When I first went through the story, everything was new and somewhat exciting, but not only that, everything was different. Guns ran through my hands like water, and I experienced a wide variety of perks and stats and looks. But when I reached level 20, this all came to a halt. Guns no longer ran thorugh my hands. Instead, I was devoid of anything new, anything likable. Eventually, I found Xur, the Vanguard store, and the factions, and I began my quest to become like everyone else. The armor didn't have stats I liked, but I needed the light. They didn't have the perks I wanted, but I needed the light. It was going to take weeks to earn the marks to buy them, but I needed the light. At first, I didn't upgrade any of the vanguard pieces because I hated them. I held onto my energies and shards like scrooge with his precious gold, but in the end: I needed the light. By now, I've become much more pliable: I don't scrimp my ascendent materials, because more likely than not, what I want is never going to happen. Destiny has turned me into a pessimist. Whatever happened to "Become Legend?" Look at the legends in game. Kabr refused to be bowed down, and ripped the face off of a Gorgon to make a shield. What a guy. Toland pursued knowledge to the bitter end, eventually going mad. Dredgen Yor felt darkness embracing him, and decided to embrace it back. Me? I'm a nobody. A nobody in a sea of nobodies doing nobody things and buying nobody items. We run the same nobody quests and strikes and turn in the same nobody bounties. We're not legends: we're nobodies. When I look at my fellow warlocks, I see my face on every one. The one who molded my character molded each and every one of them, and we all look the same and use the same weapons. Everyone wears the voidfang vestments nowadays. There's no reason not to, and more likely than not, it's one of the few exotics they've had the chance to own. Guns? They're so rare, just like the armor. You either buy what Xur is selling or buy from a faction. End of story. You're "Legend." I don't feel legend. I don't feel unique. I feel empty. Which leads to my second point, which is the fullness of Destiny. No, this is not about the story. This is about the dichotomy of what I have been told and what truly is. They tell me that we are on the losing side. Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon, the rest of the known universe: all are held in a stranglehold by the darkness. The earth is empty. The moon is calm. Where is the chaos? Where is the overwhelming darkness? Where is the need for guardians? Patrol feels so empty. I stroll through the hive for no reason. I collect spinmetal plants under gunfire because I simply don't care. If they tell me Mr. Nexus has overstayed his welcome on Venus, I deliver an eviction notice. Aksor broke his curfew? Reign him back in. The Psions got out? Put a belt to their backside. A phrase comes to mind "Born too late to explore the world, too early to explore the universe." This is what playing destiny feels like. The fall seems so interesting, but it's over and done. People like Kabr and Toland and Dredgen played their parts. On the flipside, the impending darkness is too far away to be dealt with, too remote to encounter. Our guardians live in a time of peace, striving not to survive, but to simply find adventure wherever they can. Guardians are not legends: they are bored. Strikes are boring. The dailies are boring. Patrol is boring. In the end, you do your weekly, your nightfall, your dailies, your raid, and your farming, and that's it. Evil doesn't care, and neither do you. You're both just going through the motions. The fallen aren't actually maintining strength on earth, they just want to look like it. The hive don't actually care about the moon, they just felt like building a fortress. The cabal don't really care that you're on mars, they just get their jollies from shooting off explosives. You're not really in a struggle for your life against the forces of darkness, you're just doing whatever you feel like. Where are the front lines to this great battle? Commander, send me to the front! I want action! I want to feel like I'm making a difference in this universe! I don't want to be an errand boy any longer! I don't want to post any more eviction notices! But there is no war. There is only mundanity and repitition. There is a faceless darkness that is halfheartedly taking over the universe. It will take over the last bastion of men not by force, but by boring us to death. Conclusion: I am a nobody being bored to death by a faceless entity. I'm the futuristic, space magic-ey equivalent of a man-child in his grandma's basement thinking he's sticking it to the man. In reality, I'm doing nothing, and the man doesn't care. I want to feel like I am the master of my own destiny, not like I'm living off the charity of Lakshmi (though she is very charitable, and I love her for it) and Lord Saladin (ty for the boots and gloves m8, appreciate it). I want to feel like the darkness truly is trying to destroy mankind, not like it's sitting on its respective planets, sipping martinis. [b]I want to feel not only like I'm making a difference, but that there's a difference that needs to be made. [/b]

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  • Agreed, unfortunately Bungie seems to not care and their only response is to charge you $25 for an additional 2 hours of gameplay. This is my first and last Bungie game, they screwed this up and I doubt their Destiny plans for the future are going to be achieved. Way to many people pissed off at Bungie and Destiny.

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    2 Replies
    • I feel like most things are kind of "okay" but it needs more story.

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    • Agreed. I always thought the "struggle" never developed or even showed itself. I do not feel like I am protecting a dying City, or fighting in a great war. I am an errand boy.

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    • I think you nailed it. I didn't feel any struggle. No desperation nor sense of purpose. Saw no signs of battle or war. Where where the fallen at our gates? Where are the hive raining down on Earth? Where is the backbone of the planet destroying Cabal? Or the evil of the Vex? I don't feel like a legend, and I certainly don't feel important. Which is a shame because it is a fun game at its core, and it could have been so much more.

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    • I somewhat agree..... and yet I still like Destiny.

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    • Still like the game and will continue us to play but I agree with the OP.

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    • Edited by jonahmavesin: 11/27/2014 4:01:15 PM
      Though harsh, I will bump this only because it is so well written and, without throwing out specifics, gives such a good roadmap to where I hope Bungie takes Destiny over the coming years. I love the game so I hope they head in this direction over the long term. I don't think it can be overestated how much they have managed to "imply" an amazing world - backstory, legendary figures, imminent threat, complex politics and philosophical struggle. And to some degree that is a better strategy than reducing it all to cut scene dialogues. But they need to flesh it out through gameplay and character evolution in the future to realize the potential.

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    • Pretty much how I feel. I have given out some harsh critiques against Bungie and Destiny but I still like the game and I want it to be what was promised. Unfortunately though for Destiny there have been a slew of other games (COD: AW, farcry 4, gta v, and dragon age: inquisition) that people are getting and already going to over this...10 year plan at this rate is a pipe dream and I hope they realize if they are not going to fix their current game they are going to lose players

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    • Do you think Kabr, Toland et al became legend in under a week?! These things take time Guardian...

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      8 Replies
      • Edited by Truthiness_Inc: 11/27/2014 10:17:47 AM
        Yes, where is the struggle? Am I saving mankind or am I an undead thug bullying on chained up creatures like phogoth? I can't tell, there is no visible human struggle and any NPC in the game is either a faceless nobody without any dialog or a vendor. Who am I saving here because it seems the only people in the world are guardians anyway?

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        1 Reply
        • Nice one bro! Live this bit "They tell me that we are on the losing side. Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon, the rest of the known universe: all are held in a stranglehold by the darkness. The earth is empty. The moon is calm. Where is the chaos? Where is the overwhelming darkness? Where is the need for guardians?" So -blam!-ing true mate, its such total bulllllllllllllshite its a joke! It's like they had a great concept, but had no idea how to execute it - such a damn shame everything is so -blam!-ing cheesy and corny, impossible to get immersed, or even like or have any connection to characters, the world or the story.

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        • It's a standard RPG with some open world aspects involved, they just hyped it up by spinning all these terms that are already in standard rpgs. Nothing like a mmorpg because those games are actually good.

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          3 Replies
          • Edited by MGrinchy: 11/27/2014 3:12:38 PM
            I don't want to bump this by commenting, but this post is pretty harsh, especially on Thanksgiving. I've been gaming since the 80's, played many games and only had a few which will live on in my memory forever, Destiny is one of them. We are 3 months into a 10 year plan, give it a chance, I'm sure the darkness will consume you sooner or later (if that's what you're in to) WE ARE LEGENDS! KEEP UP THE FIGHT GUARDIANS, THE DARK BELOW IS ON THE WAY.

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            17 Replies
            • just stop it. you sound just like all the other boo-hoo -blam!-ing crybabies in every other -blam!-ing online game. how about all of you cry babies just shut the -blam!- up and play if you are going to play or get the -blam!- on somewhere. go back to -blam!-ing halo you little bitch. stop trying to get this game -blam!-ing canceled. it is a good game with very very very big potential. it can really go somewhere if yall would just stop bitching about the game

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              4 Replies
              • Thank you. Well written and aligns with my views as well. I don't feel small against the great darkness. I don't even feel powerful, I feel like I'm just there, just inhabiting an uninhabited world. I feel like if I just leave them alone they would leave me alone. There is no struggle. It's a stalemated peace, the traveler does nothing, all the conspiracy theories say that it is evil and plotting it's reveal, but no one is trying to destroy it, no one is attacking. When was the last time the tower was attacked? Yeah I don't know either. Just feel like everything I do is to acquire the same things everyone else has to accomplish things that honestly don't seem to make a difference. The raid had been done a million times and the vex don't even seem to give a shit. Oh well good time waster to spend with my friends from home and college

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                1 Reply
                • Just get in the damn robot, Shinji.

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                  1 Reply
                  • For the love of god enough. We get it. Get over it. Move the -blam!- on.

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                    3 Replies
                    • A huge blunder in my mind was not having real mechanics on strikes and having a lvl 30 playlist where the bosses themselves drop unique rare loot. I understand they want to give low level casual players an equal shot but it's very disheartening as an end game player to see a level 2 dreg drop a legendary engram which becomes an exotic when the top strike levels rarely do.

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                    • All i heard was cry cry cry bitch bitch bitch

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                      9 Replies
                      • Very good point the plot is terrible everything is terrible -continues to play destiny-

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                      • Couldn't have said it any better. I feel like I'm fighting the emptiness more than the darkness.

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                      • git gud to become legend.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Bump

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                        • solid post. I agree with this

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                        • People behold the truth.

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                        • So true.

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