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Edited by Tiingy: 11/27/2014 10:09:51 PM

Indications of a SKILLED level 30.

Let me set up a hypothetical scenario here. Let's say you've decided that you'd like to create a team to attempt to be the first to complete the new upcoming raid. Obviously you're going to want some skilled players, what sort of skill indicators would you use? Would you just take anyone? Take any level 30s? Or would you look for some sort of indications of skill? Within earlier periods of the game, being level 30 was a viable way of gauging someone's skill level in the game which made it easier when trying to find decently skilled players to play with. Now that level 30 has become child's play, it's no longer possible to use it as a skill indication and as such we have to use other methods to determine a players skill level so please, don't take offence when hearing the term "Skilled level 30". I'm not saying you don't deserve it, im just using it a skill gauge. Therefore I present to you what I look for in a SKILLED level 30: [b]Indications that someone is a SKILLED level 30![/b] 1. Should have at least 10 hard mode raid completions! (This ones important, skill is grown from experience and as such having a number of raid completions is much more impressive than getting a full set of raid gear in 1 or 2 raids) 2. Must be able to solo the gatekeeper portals. (If you can't do this you need to get better. As soon as someone suggests weakening the gatekeepers first or doing one portal at a time I am immediately aware of their incompetence) Thats not to say you must solo the portals every time. The method I use is heavily dependant on the team im playing with. 3. Should have at least 5 different types of maxed weapons, with a variety of elemental damage and understand when and where each gun will outperform others in order to give themselves a situational advantage. Im sick of seeing level 30s still running nothing but suros, especially during Atheon. Tbh that's all there is to it. I don't care if you are wearing a piece of iron banner gear, as long as you meet these requirements you'd be on my fire team. Do you have any indications of skill that you like to look for?

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  • Soloing gatekeepers is so pro. My wish to be there. Soon. Once corrective measures is maxed

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    • Personally I think your requirements are a tad dumb. A player can have all the gear in the world maxed but without the common sense on how to use it, it does them no good. Now the raid completions I totally agree with and the gatekeepers I totally agree with too. I have five maxed weapons myself, but all of my weapons are at least nearly maxed unless they're new. Really though it's all the player that determines a 30's skill. Just saying

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      • Experienced level 30 warlock anyone need help on the raid just add me. Can solo both portals have maxed out weapons ice breaker vision and gjallahorn Xbox one gt^

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        • Number 1 and 3 isn't skill as much as time spent in game. I agree with number 2 completely.

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        • I've stopped running the raid-actually I don't even play destiny much anymore, but i stop at the forums every now and then go see if anything has changed. I'm curious on the gatekeeper reference(2). I typically solo'd the right gate, but that's after the left was cleared. We came to the conclusion left was the hardest so we'd throw 3-4 people in smash it. 3 people go mid. 2 protect right portal and I'd solo it. Really easy fast and no room for error. So you typically so both portals at the same time? How does that work?

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          • With a maxed Gjallarhorn, there is not that much skill needed to solo a gatekeeper.

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          • Is it too much to ask that I just like playing with cool people and having a good time. Just don't be a jerk and let's have fun even if it takes all night to finish the raid. In no way am in saying I'm awesome just look at my crucible stats.

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          • How about "must have both IB and raid gear equipped" showing that they aren't a one trick wonder.

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            4 Replies
            • Okay so maybe this is just me. But I am a level 30, and on the vog I still take a 27 thru the raid on normal with minimal issues. Hell my team was all 27 when we did the raid the first time. So if the normal Crotas end is level 28, why do people feel like all 30s is a must. I would be willing for some 29s. Becuz I know plenty of 29s that can handle themselves just fine, and they aren't 30 becuz they have full time jobs and couldn't play iron banner, and luck hasn't been kind to them. Each raid is different, so I don't truly believe that unless you've mastered vog 100% you are going to suck at Crotas end. And as far as soloing gatekeepers, that is easy if you have gallajhorn or icebreaker but if you haven't been lucky enough to grab those, tough luck you ain't skilled. Your skill criteria still seems based on rng to an extent. But who knows that's just my opinion and I mean no offense. Happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it, and to anyone who has already.

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              • skilled in pvp and pve, no unnecessary deaths, strategic skills, doesn't cheese hard raid, can give direction or present a strat without being an asshole and no raging

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              • ONE MORE THING TO ADD TO YOUR LIST: Check Grimoire, if people have hunted down ghosts, if people have completed massive amounts of their enemy kill checklist. If you want to really know if anyone is skilled though all you have to do is play with them through a nightfall. It's usually the only indicator if someone has the ability to handle themselves.

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                • Where is the satire tag?

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                • I'm able to do all of those except soloing the Right Gatekeeper portal. I can easily solo left, but for some reason, Right gives me trouble.

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                • Hard raid isn't very hard itself. Completed it in about an hour give or take. The problem for me is finding the right team. It's either; "Hard raid!?" Or "What's hard raid?" I did find one [i]good[/i] team for it since launch, only one, ever. Frustrating being able to solo every aspect of the game but the one thing that matters most.

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                • Didn't know a leveling system based on gear required skull...

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                • Lvl 30 was never an indication of skill. It was and is an indication of luck. I have 2 lvl 30s and my grim score is relatively high. Normally two man nightfall. I multiple ppl in my clan were 30 before me and none of them would say I was the least skilled. In fact they've thanked me for helping them thru vog. Only way to measure skill in this game is to actually play with ppl. Even then there are so many factors. You can kill as effectively as anyone but if you're not a team player or not an effective communicator then you're a liability and certain situations.

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                • Mm I agree with 2 and 3. But I ran one character for awhile and only got 29 then 30 recently. Hard raid clears are for 29-30s. Clearing gatekeepers solo I can do no problem, hell I'll do both. Just grab one relic and bring it to a teammate then get other. Up to maybe 4 hard clears only though, no time for more then one per character per week

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                • I agree except for the hard raid completions. I have done like 6 times but I have stopped running it because I have Vex and two helms. The headache isn't worth it anymore with randoms. Instead I can run normal in less than an hour and be happy. Yesterday (on normal) with my 30 warlock I told the group I will solo a portal and some guy called me out as a pompous ass. I was shocked. As long as I can actually do it every try, I will tell everyone I can. Makes it much easier. All you need is a maxed heavy. Corrective Measure or Ghorn will work just fine. BTW, what are the level requirements for the raid this time? 28 and 32?

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                  • I use KDR from this game and BF3/4 accuracy before adding a random. Now a low KDR doesn't mean a player is necessarily bad. If they are at a .7 I generally won't take them unless we really need a spot filled. It helps paint a picture of how a player will do within the VOG because of their inability to stay alive. I also sometimes and if they played it, use BF3/4 stats to check on someone's accuracy. If it's less than 15% then they probably will have a hard time hitting "critical"shots on atheon/enemies.

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                    • XD has to be a troll thread, these things aren't skill based lololol Maxied guns a skill <--- must be drunk

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                      • My first and only hard completion I carried my team. This is stupid. Hard raid is barely different from normal aside from tougher enemies. The mechanisms are nearly identical.

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                        • Although I don't disclose a team for being bad after I ask "Can anyone kill gatekeeper on right while I solo left?" And it's dead silent. I just take charge and tell 2 others to kill him together as I kill left GK. Because even tho they may not have been comfortable at gatekeeper CP, we all still manage to kill Atheon with in 2 portals. An this happens about 40% of the time while running Hard raid with randoms

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                          • "Soling gatekeepers" requires skill?? HAHAHAHAHA. [spoiler]No, get real. It requires a Gjallarhorn. [/spoiler]

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                            5 Replies
                            • Your points put to much emphasis on skill, what about communication and being a team player, you could be the most skillful player out there but without those your useless.... I would look for an all rounder person, someone who is great at all attributes....

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                            • Check check and check

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                            • My experience after completing 5 raids and failed at Athen twice is that level is no indication of skill what so ever. My first raid and the 4 level 30 just left at Atheon after everything went smooth until then. I still have no idea why the left as they spoke arabic and I was with my 1 arabic mate. 2 time with randos were we had 2 level 30 (before Ib), they both could not take relic and I tried as a level 26 but we wiped to many times so peeps left. All other runs have been easy as hell because I have done it with people that I play pvp with and that had experience, sorry to say but if you have a pvp k/d ratio of. 5 you are not skillbased good at this game. Every raid there has been an experienced dude that have to leave at the jump puzzel because he cant do it and rejoine after that. Conclusion is that to be good in the raid you simply need experience, know where enemys will spawn, whatvto do, were to hide etc, have good weps. Killing static enemies that take forever to kill you does not make you a good SKILL based player. In a 1 vs 1 with the best raider and the best pvp dude who would win? The raider would scratch his balls and wonder why the other guy dont come around the same corner everytime :) This is not ment as a rant towards peeps that only play pve. Pve is just based on alot more than your aiming and dodging alone, knowing where to hide and where enemies will spawn etc is based on experience. Wisdom if you like :) I am a avarage player at best and enjoy both pvp and pve. Im just as impressed with dude that lead me trough the raid and tell me what to do, if we wiped they tell us why so we can Learn and try again as I am with a dude that get a 2,5 pvp kd every match. Elite raider that say ' i dont give a -blam!- about the pvp match IM just here for the bounties, deal with it you fools and yeah Im proud of my 0,2 kd because pvp dont matter anyway!! Listen to the pvp guys and learn from them as they learned from you in the raid/nighfall etc. Keep and open mind and help eachother in both important aspects of this awsome game! Kill all aliens and practice doing so in the Crucible!!

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