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originally posted in: 30 is 30
11/25/2014 4:27:08 AM
I didn't know lvl 30 had exclusivity. What if I want to wear the Iron Banner armor just because I like how it looks? I have the raid gear (Except for Helm, but -blam!- that shit I have the exotic helms that I actually like). Am I a fake lvl 30 just because I like super soldier armor instead of space pirate boots? Oh the intelligence of some people here is beyond salvation. I am lvl 30 like it or not. You "Real" Lvl 30s are just jelly belly because we 29s managed to hit that number without tackling the raid on hard.... No, you are jelly belly because we didn't have to tolerate the bullshit of RNGesus while you had to sell your very own soul just to get the raid armor, while we grinded the crucible for a couple of hours, gathered some glimmer, and bought the shite. I will admit this.... I PURCHASED LVL 30 FOR MY TITAN! It wasn't gifted to me by the all powerful RNGesus. Good day to you sir/ Ma'am.

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