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11/21/2014 9:10:06 PM

Desperate need of nurf

Dear bungie Or to all other reading this i have found my self having to ask that the fusion rifles be completly redone, that fact of the matter is they are way to over powerd and need to be changed. Every weapon has its role,your primary which fills the role of mid to long range your secondary or speacial slot is ment to major in long or sort range like the shotgun or sniper rifle. But the fusion rifle is ment to be the middle between the two but un fortunately in the processes it be came to over powerd. I find it really unfare when a person can just run around only using a fusion rifle and out gun an auto rifle both in damage and range. To many times have i been kill by a person using one and the shooter was way to far from where i was standing. plz bungie i hope u read this i really love the game and dont want to playing cuz of a unbalanced weapon

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