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11/21/2014 5:10:57 PM

I'm a little...underwhelmed

So as we've all seen, there is a plethora of new gear that is now visible from data mining the hell out of this game after the last update. And I'm sure many of us have looked through the new stuff...particularly the exotics. Looking at all the new exotic armor and their benefits...the hunters are really getting screwed. Like, more than normal. Better accuracy with golden gun Better accuracy for a short time after jumping (what?) Move faster while aiming down the sights Getting Hit by melees make you invisible And the only really promising one: Melee hits WHILE INVISIBLE can do Dot. These really aren't game all. Accuracy on the gun doesn't really matter with the perk available anyway. Accuracy after jumping? The hell is that for, are we supposed to jump everywhere we go. Faster while aiming is ok. Going invisible after being hit by a melee? Too bad they already know you're RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. The invisible poison melee is kinda cool, but not really worth and exotic slot. Now let's look at the Titan and warlock exotics Titan: more heavy ammo drops, with more ammo Blessing/weapons of light last longer Shoulder charge stays active longer Unstoppable for fist of havoc [u]taking melee hits sets off an explosion around you[/u] Shoulder charge more damage when I'm the air Those are all awesome except for maybe ammo. Now Warlock: activating radiance from death disorients nearby enemies Extra fusion grenade Nova bomb kills reduce nova bomb cool down Enemies killed by ignite effects [u]explode[/u] Kills with void light give shields [u]Gain an additional charge for scorch and energy drain[/u] The Titans are pretty good overall The Warlocks? THAT IS CRAZY GOOD!!! 2 scorch charges? Are they crazy?! It already guarantees a 1v1 close quarters encounter. This guarantees and close quarters MASSACRE. The Crucible announcer is going to have a hard time keeping up if a single warlock caps a control flag that's guarded by an entire team. Idk about anyone else, but the hunters really get screwed here. This may be just a rant. What do you guys think about this overall?

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  • Some of us, including me, believe that with one of the first two DLC we will have the ability to equip TWO exotic armor pieces. Hence the leg pieces that give you better accuracy after jumping (which could still change) - they would NEVER get equipped unless you had the ability to equip two exotic items at a time...

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