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Edited by Patch: 11/11/2014 4:02:23 AM

What happened to Destiny?

I honestly feel cheated out of my money. I was promised a story driven fun multiplayer experience. But what i got was a short "campaign" with barely any character and a cliffhanger ending, but dont worry you say! You can buy more of the story for 19.99! Well that is complete bull. Also in this trailer i was shown a massive battle with a tank with 10 people but not once after 34 hours of playtime has this happened to me. And on the rare occasion that it does only me and maybe 2 other people actually play in it. And the loot? Your joking right? I was lead to believe you would have different epic designs for weapons armor ect... But no those are only the "Exotic" guns and armor. Where is the creativity you guys are known for? Oh and the massive ogre thing in the trailer that shakes the chains off in nowhere in the game. Did activision make you delete so much of your game so you can sell it later as dlc? If you guys at bungie see this my email is Please tell me what went wrong in this mess of a game.

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