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Edited by LethalShadow: 10/28/2014 11:21:48 PM


This video is legit. I have visited one of the many DLC content that is already in the game. Bungie is cutting us short. There is tons of evidence that proves this game was supposed to be way bigger than it is. I will never look at this game the same anymore. The olny way I can see them climbing out of this hole they dug is by opening up all the content they had already installed on the disk. Keep Bumping this. Everyone must see this. Edit#1 Glad to see that people are starting to take notice to this video.
#feedback #WTF

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  • I've loved Bungie since the days of Halo 2 LAN parties that lasted until 5 AM. I might be the odd man out, but when Bungie says things like they have a "10 year plan" for the game, I believe them. Issues with repetitive, money-grubbing DLC is an industry standard (and frankly, a huge problem), and I'm sure Bungie is bound to dabble in that. But I think that everybody is failing to realize that Bungie has created a great, robust game. The integration of online multiplayer seamlessly with your story progression is amazing as it is. And the constantly rotating bounties straddle the thin line between repetitive and dynamic really nicely. Nobody shows up just for the story, and nobody just does the Crucible. They've set it up so that everybody enjoys everything, and even if they don't take advantage of trying multiple classes, they'll definitely at least try out both subclasses. And let's be serious: do you REALLY think we're NEVER going to uncover more information about the Golden Age and people like Dredgen Yor? Do you really think that we'll never go into direct conflict with Rasputin? Do you really think Bungie isn't going to ever let us set foot on Mercury? The brief journey to the Black Garden and brief interactions with Exo Stranger and the Queen are just the beginning, appetizers to a long, many course meal. What we have right now with Destiny is a truly great game but it's just the tip of the iceberg compared to what we are getting in the long run. The promotional footage they used gave more hints towards that full iceberg, which I don't really fault them for. As long as they keep developing more content and enhancing the content we do have, then I am willing to toss in some extra money for some DLC. People are still playing this game a LOT and they are still having FUN doing it. And guess what? More content is going to be coming consistently for a LONG time! Do you seriously think the only parts we'll see of Earth are Old Russia? Old RUSSIA!? And I'm sure you've noticed that every class has a third slot for a subclass. I guarantee you that's down the pipe somewhere. Think about what a Void Hunter might be like. Get excited about that. Get excited about places we are bound to see, like Old Chicago or Mercury. Get excited about that fact that a sequel is not going to make this game obsolete anytime soon, and that nothing will compete directly with it. Bungie didn't deliver all of its promises at once and I'm okay with that. I'd rather get years out of a game than just a few months before the next one comes out. Most people buy a CoD game, pick up the expansion, and then within a few months inevitably just buy a whole new game and forget the old one ever even existed. Destiny is trying to create something new, something better, and sure they are bound to stumble every now and then but they're doing a damn good job at giving us a fun experience that I'm sure is going to last. So how about people stop complaining and, for once, focus on constructive feedback on how we can all make playing this game a better experience.

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