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Edited by Ez: 10/30/2014 4:33:33 PM

The OP didn't tell anyone to dislike it. He just expressed his disappointments. And if you watch an officially released gameplay video, and then you get the game and half of what what was in the gameplay video didn't make it into the game, you don't feel as if you were mislead? I 'get' why you like the game.. well, sort of. There are things I like very much about the game as well. The truth is tho, that the game basically ends after 20, with the exception of VoG. Patrol missions, strikes, bounties. EVERYTHING you're playing, you've played before. The only difference is you now have access to some cooler weapons (armor is stronger, but that's about it). I loved VoG, mostly due to the fact it required some thought, and not just how long you can pump bullets/rockets into the boss. Even that has gotten stale however. I would love to do hard mode, but all my friends I usually raid with are now playing CoD and Sunset Overdrive (which, incidentally I've heard all kinds of good things about), and some are even back to playing WoW, getting ready for the release of their new expansion. The rest of this week a bunch of us will be spending our gaming time checking out the Evolve alpaha. If you're satisfied with what they delivered, great. I'm not going to you you're an idiot for that, or that you're probably satisfied cause you live in you mother's basement and have nothing else to do, and so on and so on. I'll respect that you like the game, and won't fault you for it whether I agree with your sentiments or not. Can't you do the same and respect the feelings of those who feel differently than you?

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