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originally posted in: New DLC, The Dark Below, Worth $20?
10/29/2014 2:39:17 PM
[quote]Absolutely yes. They're putting out a lot more for $20 then most games. Everybody saying no bought every damn map pack for cod.[/quote] Just think for a second about what you're really paying for here. How many times have you replayed any story mission in the game for reasons other than a bounty or a daily challenge? Even then, was it fun? Was the story mission even fun the first time around? They're adding a whole three of them, all of which will most likely take around 20 minutes each to complete, after which you'll barely even touch them again. Then we have one new strike (ignoring PS exclusivity), which you will also only play three or so times before getting bored of it. Sure, it adds about 20% more variety to the strike playlist, but let's face it, we all stopped striking when the need for Vanguard marks became obsolete once we acquired a full set of legendary gear. So, the story missions and the strike are about 2 hours of (on disk) content with little to no replayability. Hardly worth a dime. Now let's talk about the new gear. You're barely going to notice it's even there. Unless you've been playing this game 24//7 for the past month, you've likely not even acquired a third of the game's library of exotics, and there's still dozens of legendaries you probably haven't even seen. The majority of this new gear is likely going to be raid gear, so you may as well simply group it in the same category as "New Raid." Next, we have a level cap increase, presumably from the new raid gear which coincidentally falls under the aforementioned categories of "New Raid," and "New Armor and Weapons." The increase is two. The only scenarios in which this will make the game at all easier for you is the Iron Banner* and Hard Mode raids. To me, this seems like something so insignificant that it should be free. In fact, assuming that the Iron Banner allows people with the DLC to play with those without it, it basically turns the DLC into an Iron Banner "pay to win" pack. New Bounty Slots? Why is this paid content? Why is this new content at all? It's not even needed, with only five bounties of a type per day. As for new PvP maps, this simply adds variety as does the new strike. For those of us that don't enjoy PvP in the first place, this obviously doesn't seem worth buying. For those of us that do enjoy PvP, it's barely worth $5. Lastly, we talk about the Raid. Arguably the only thing in the DLC that makes it worth buying. The only reason to play the Vault at this point is to get raid gear and the Mythoclast. It's certainly more replayable than any of the strikes - hell, it's one of the few things in the game that's worth coming back to at all - but honestly that replayability lies solely in the rewards it provides. Assuming the only way to get to level 32 is via Crota gear, then its replayability is equal to the amount of times it takes for random number generation to gift you a set of 32 armor. It will be fun for a handful of attempts, but after that you'll be left wondering if your Andrew Jackson could have been spent on something better, like an entire other game, instead of a poor excuse for a DLC pack. Raid is worth $5 in my opinion. I simply don't see a point in buying this. At the end of the day it's your money, but you're not getting what you pay for.

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