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originally posted in: Bye Bungie, I'm top ten in the world
10/28/2014 2:35:12 AM
I feel you, I'm one of the top ten players of checkers in the world and this game is nothing like Checkers. I mean come on, this game promised me everything and I load it up and no checkers. I mean seriously I can play soccer/football, but not Checkers?? good job Bungie. Destiny should be more like Checkers then there wouldn't be this endless grind. Checkers isn't a grind, everyday I can play checkers to level up my pieces into kings and defend my pieces from the infamous dark pieces. And guess what Checkers never had any DLC. I mean I brought all these people from the United Checkers Federation to Destiny and it didn't even have checkers in it. WE ARE ALL DISAPPOINTED P.S I don't think bungie giving you money for your schooling would help. You do know it's spelled College (not collage), you'd think that would be question one on your entry exam.

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