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Edited by GMRcris: 10/26/2014 12:42:20 AM
Are you like new to competitive multiplayer gaming or something? Cause in the end everyone at s certain level winds up using the same guns, characters, of duty, halo, counter-strike, street fighter, etc... The only real issue was taken care of, the Vex was god tier, literally broken. Literally if you didn't have a Suro's at least, you didn't even stand a chance. The Suro's is easily one of the best, if not the best AR in the game, and overall probably the best choice. But the last word, hawk moon, etc...easily compete with the Suro's at mid rang if you aren't a scrub. That doesn't mean it needs a nerf or a real issue. AR's have been nerfed 2x already, doing so again risk nerfing them to death. Then what? Your all gonna use scout rifles or hand cannons, the what complain about that and get it nerfed? Nerf everything till every gun is unless and were just punching each other in crucible? How about instead of nerfing AR, we buff pulse rifles a bit? Since god knows they need to be and still basically never used cause their so bad. This game PvP is a AR dominate by nature, the map design caters to it, and unfortunately shotguns as well. The top tier hand cannons can easily compete with AR on most maps and if we had wider/larger maps we'd see more scout rifle usage.

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