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10/25/2014 12:14:27 AM

Bungie Weekly Update - 10/24/2014

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12318]Bungie Weekly Update - 10/24/2014[/url]
#News #Destiny

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by OdysseyHome: 10/29/2014 4:01:43 AM
      I feel sorry for Cryptarch Rahool... When I started as a wee guardian, I met him and he introduced himself, saying he decrypts engrams and I said, "so you are the lucky dip vendor". He was not amused at the remark but agreed to the observation. After that I didn't visit him much, and he felt I was avoiding him. I waved to him, but he would mutter some ramblings under his breath. He was obviously very peeved at me, so I tried dancing but that didn't cheer him up. When I was exchanging some house banners to him for some glim-glam, he asked me why I didn't buy nor bring him any engrams. I told him, "those greeny engrammies level with me, so I'm vaulting them until I start getting blues. Then I'll bring them to you. Oh, and I out grew whites a long time ago, so don't need to buy them. Sorry." When I hit level 10ish and got my first blue, I took him all of my greens, and he had a party. He was so happy for the business he increased my rep and allowed me to purchase green engrams. After every decryption he was marveled at the treasures I earned, but too his immediate horror I dismantled most of the gear. He asked me, "What!? You destroyed that marvelous piece of history!" and I said "Well I kept the best, but the rest are pretty crappy so I'm salvaging the materials." He scowled. "Don't worry, I'll be back with some blues when my vault gets full again." This relationship continued until I got to level 20. Then everything changed... Rahool noticed that I would bring him blue armor engrams in bulk, but that I would constantly bring him weapon engrams. He asked why, and I said. "Well, in two parallel universes, I am a awoken hunter and a human titan, while in this one I'm a exo devil warlock, and that vault in front of you is actually a trans-universal bank, so me and my other me(s) have this pact where we vault all of our Armour engrams and then decide who gets to decrypt what (helmet, gauntlets, boots, and jumpsuit) so we get the best upgrades possible, and each of use gets good supply of salvage. With weapons, since all of use can use those things, we just take them directly to you, and if they are good we vault them, if not we dismantle for materials which we then vault. That way, all of my me(s), uh, we(s) you could say, use the same weapons, and can use the surplus parts to level them up." I could see this concept of parallel universes deeply disturbed Rahool and he would mumble to himself a lot after that. After a time, he started to notice that soon I would dismantle ALL of my blue armor engrams in bulk. He asked why the sudden change. I said. "Well, I finally got access to the vanguard legendary Armour, so now all my many me(s) have come to the agreement that when ever the vault gets full the character that has the lowest class materials gets to decrypt the cache. Today it was my turn, so you crack 'em then I crack em'." Then one day, I brought him a purple armor engram. He looked at me with awe, and decrypted it and it turned into ascendant energy. I brought him another one two weeks latter and it turned to a blue item. I asked "What's the problem man?" He said, "Well I observed that you dismantle your rewards so I thought I'd just cut out the middle man." I could see he was really upset, angry, and depressed. He was shortly admitted to therapy and given an anti-depressive patch. He is now more hopeful about purples engrams, but he is still depressed when I scrap most of the gear because it is inferior to the stuff the vendors offer for marks." Two weeks latter I got a legendary WEAPON engram. My excitement was palpable, Rahool was in awe and he produced a Zombie apocalypse with good mods for once. He was so happy that he sent me two blue engrams in the mail, both of which he decrypted and I immediately salvaged and he became depressed again. So we finally had a serious talk about his business practices. I asked "Why are you selling white and green engrams when no high level characters are buying them?" He put his hands in his palms and lamented, "I'm not a guardian! I can't find anything better than a white or green! I'm lucky that Xur thing finds those yellow engrams, but other than that they are all that I come across." Additionally, I asked him, "So what do you do with all those curios that you buy?" He said he had a hoarding problem, and then everything made sense. So I suggested to him that he explore options of obtaining blue and purple engrams for sale that he could offer high level guardians. To inspire him, I said the future is uncertain, and we are still unsure about our destinies, but if anyone knows the what the future holds you will know it first, since your a smart dude doing all of that decryption detail." He seemed to relax by that comment, and said a wry thanks. "Oh don't mention it", I said, before leaving. "Now to go have a talk to banshee, then Roni, then Eva, then..." (sound fades as I walk away)

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      140 Replies
      • this game was clearly a pve designed game and crucible was just a quick side game for those that wanted to show they have better stuff from the pve and now for some unknown reason there lots of focus on crucible i don't get it crucible dosen't change no mater how many times u play it there's different types of games skirmish control ect but in all of them all u do is shoot other online players the missions don't change there's no story its just a bad version of a pvp game witch makes sence as this was clearly supposed to be a pve game there should be more focus on new strikes new story's ( like queens wraith) more challenges like (vault of glass) some for big groups like vault and some for smaller groups like strikes theres nothing u can do to a pvp game to make it better other than creating new gear weapons and sub classes witch would be great for pve too so stop making point less events like iron banner and make some thing intresting

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      • Edited by VAXSZL: 10/29/2014 9:40:56 PM
        OVER 4000 REPLIES, DON'T SKIP THIS POST. HELP SUPPORT ALL OF THESE GAMERS WHO SUPPORT THIS IDEA. Horde mode, survival, firefight, endless battle, war zone, etc. This one playlist will run your game for you. And you know it. Find me a pve player who would disagree to this? I'll wait. I've been waiting for something good since launch anyway..........................................................................................................................................find someone? All jokes aside, horde mode survival, whatever. That playlist, never ending waves. Leaderboard, you'll shut us up (pve players) for A LONG FU!=#$ING time. I promise. Waves get harder and harder, cap wave level of enemies at 33. Throw in random modifiers, burn damages, epic, light switch, etc. Ever changing, never ending, survival. Accessible solo or up to teams of six. Honestly. If any one reads this and agrees. Please take the time to reply and bump me. Bump bump horde mode bump BUMP survival. I will begin adding ideas from this post that i should have stated from the replies as well as crediting the tag giving the idea. -rewards loot our material drops every five waves completed. -vex portals, allowing players to choose between two paths, every fifth or tenth wave, implement a strike boss to fight*graysamuelson17* -matchmaking for horde mode*tbonejox* -up to six player fire team*DuroNL* -leaderboards, community tracker, whose who among the guardians. *Andivarious* -perhaps dual bosses every tenth wave. Or the start of the twentieth wave and every fifth after. *Dno* -the justification needed to implement this "darkness needs pushed back, the speaker stated we will not survive it this time. The fallen devils are clawing at our city walls, bring the fight to them". *Valastarok* -bounties for this mode, reach wave ??? *051ArchAng3l* -horde gear. Rare drop like raid gear, for those who can't get a six team to do the raid. *ItsC0mPlex* -after wave 25 no respawn, must be revived by team. After wave fifty, no revive till boss is eliminated. *Pacman mentos* ----for those of you that want to, come back once a day to bump. *Spider 31* -survival marks, trademarkef by *Mcquilian* -much better name for horde gear, mythic gear. *DearerBurrito* -different planets have different modes, i.e. : earth would be straight kill. Venus would need to control time plates while you kill. Etc. *ALaval92* Wow guys, thanks for the support!!! Everyone keep it coming! We've broke 3000!!replies, holy hell guys, how bout 5000¿?hahaha Everyone, you're epic! Keep it up gamers, maybe bungie will at least reply to this as well and let us all know if this will happen. Tell everyone you know to check out this post and bump it for agreement. Also, please keep in mind that bungie wanted us to have all of the content for free. Activision is money hungry, bungie is on a leash guys, don't hate on then to much. Seriously, everyone, you're amazing ,thank you for the support. Also, some of you have asked what console I'm on, I'm on the Xbox one. Feel free to add me. VAXSZL i often run raids for others, and i frequent pvp a lot. Only mentioning this so i don't have to reply to everyone about adding haha I'm lazy xD Link to feedback post: *DALk SEC oOo* Also, I've sent the link to deej for this post and feedback.....the first words are 4000 replies.......if this doesn't get recognized.......then...i just don't know..... GUARDIANS MAKE THEIR OWN FATE!

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        5009 Replies
        • Hi Bungie: First time posting, as I am very skeptical about whether it will help, or end up in the trash bin. Oh well. I love this game, but can certainly understand the many player frustrations, and I agree with many. I'm a long time MMO/rpg player, but this is my very first FPS (and I have the horrible pvp skills to prove it). Also, to put my suggestions into context, I am an adult, an attorney, and single father of two daughters. I'm busy. I'm a "casual" player. But my favorite hobby is gaming. Following suggestions have been mentioned before by many others, and I mean no disrespect for those whose opinions differ: 1. RAID MATCHMAKING: Many of us who are parents with careers, don't run in social circles with a lot of gamers. So it's near impossible to have 6 friends who play Destiny. I have played and supported this game consistently since beta, but have never come close to seeing VoG, simply due to groupfinding. Help us see the content you worked so hard to create. 2. BUFFS > NERFS: Detracting from what players have is a slippery slope. Take from one, gotta take from another, and so on, until everyone is a vanilla cookie cutter version of what once was. Nerf one gun, another becomes too good, gotta nerf that next, etc. Dangerous path to tread. 3. SAD TRUTH FOR MANY, BUT "CASUALS" KEEP GAMES IN BUSINESS: I mean no offense to the "hardcore" crowd, in fact, I wish I could dedicate that much time myself, because I love gaming. But the vast (and quiet) majority are casual gamers. With our disposable income, we have more money than time. We buy games. We buy consoles. Lots. Therefore, things like Xur are a great idea. Things like RNG (I know tons of you hate this) are genius. These types of concepts allow the largest percentage of your consumers to have a chance at succeeding. It's necessary. You obviously understand this. So please don't start catering to only those who can play 24/7, or only those who play one aspect of the game over another. I enjoy pve and pvp, even though I'm terrible at crucible.(I should be the featured Legend next week, for eating the most buckshot of anyone). 4. MORE CONTENT AND STORY: Has been said a million times. I have agreed every time. There have been so many superb ideas on these forums from players. Just in this thread I saw a survival "horde" mode idea for pve, and an open pvp planet idea, that were both brilliant. Each week I tune into the update to see the exciting new changes promised, and end up with gun nerfs and Iron Banner? bleh. Anyhow, my opinion is no more valuable than others, but I felt compelled to get it off my chest. Hope to see some of the bigger player concerns addressed in an update soon. Time to go play!

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          298 Replies
          • Bump

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          • Please add these two features to settings: - A way to minimize the the HUD Opacity or allow us to switch sides it draws on (being in a static place is hell on plasma sets and is responsible for burn-in) - Volume and Sound Control (manual adjustment of individual sound channels, i.e. Voice, Music)

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          • After spending a significant amount of time considering if I should comment as it is not something I usually even consider. I felt compelled to at this point. After building reputation in Iron banner in the previous months event, if memory serves me correct it carried over from the month before to last month. Building the reputation from almost nil to just under three. Now as I have not dedicated my entire waking moment to Destiny , as having a family and real life responsibilities take president (I might be in the minority here, middle aged gamer, etc.). I actually felt cheated out of my Iron Banner effort, enough to sit down and take time out of my day to compose this post, when I saw my reputation at 0. I'm not sure what that says to the Destiny zealots, but it says worlds to me, if I'm posting. I find myself actually considering quitting and shelving Destiny. Not solely due to this hiccup, but a length list of issues, mostly concerning the replay value of the game. I've never actually had a moment where I wanted to "Rage Quit" a game until today, not even Dark Souls or Dark Souls II got me to this point. I nearly heaved my controller through my TV until I thought better of it. Consider this post how ever you wish, take it with a grain of salt, take it to heart, laugh it off. I don't have to list the issues, you track our every move in Destiny, I might be among the minority, but if I'm posting about it, then the issues are real.

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          • Edited by itsBIGWiLL: 10/25/2014 3:02:10 PM
            I like that you have taken feedback from the community into account and the iron banner did in fact need reworking. Unfortunately it appears that your recent updates are catering heavily towards the PvP side of the game. I suspect the reason a large proportion of people who play destiny came for the story line and PvE elements such as the raid. They may also enjoy the PvP aspect in small portions. (Your data may or may not back this up) The differentiation of Destiny is the PvE side, This separates it from the "Cods" and the "Battlefields" (These are great games in their own rights). I would like to see more future updates with a stronger focus on the PvE and less on PvP. Like or bump if you agree. EDIT 1 - Nice to see early support people, keep it up so the eyes of Bungie can see what we think. EDIT 2 - There is a poll that shows some interesting statistics. Do a quick vote and see what others think. (Link below)

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            112 Replies
            • In the next patch, PLEASE, for the love of god, PLEASE NERF THE SUROS REGIME. That gun is so OP for an auto rifle, it kills in 3 shots, and I am not joking.

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              19 Replies
              • Some days you just wish you had better wifi :/

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              • 10
                Deej, I know that there are a vast number of complaints about Destiny just as there are a vast number of people who are really enjoying the experience. I understand that Bungie made the game so really it is up to them what changes they choose to make and that it is our decision, as players, to decide whether or not we play the game. But I think the real critical issue here is that the game I chose to purchase was the game that was advertised but it is not the game I ended up taking home. Ships and class items were supposed to be status symbols and means to advertise your achievements and allegiances. It is what they advertised but not what they delivered. Dev videos included mention of trading for items and gambling for items. The Destiny world was advertised as an evolving PvE experience. The creators stepping in and forcing changes is not the definition of evolution. Some will argue that it is the marketing departments fault and try and blow it off. This is irrelevant, Bungie and Activision advertised a specific game experience, they sold that game experience to millions of people but the game experience they delivered is not the one that they advertised and no one at Bungie seems willing to admit that the product we purchased DOES NOT MATCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS. People call video game ads hype, but advertisement is not hype. Advertisement is a means to accentuate the worth of a product for the purpose of sales however it is also an important agreement between producers and consumers. Consumers rely on advertising as a means to identify items of interest to them. There are consumer protection agencies and a wealth of legal precedent protecting consumers rights in this regard. The fact that the gaming industry is comparatively young and that much of the audience has become accustomed to this behavior does not ameliorate the responsibility of Bungie and Activision to conduct their business in a honest and professional manner. BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED, is a disclaimer that we as consumers are accustomed to seeing. When Bungie advertised Destiny they should have included disclaimers for everything that was not included. Producing advertisements that represents products or experiences that a consumer cannot have without further purchases is a form of false advertising. False advertising or deceptive advertising is the use of false or misleading statements in advertising, and misrepresentation of the product at hand, which may negatively affect many stakeholders, especially consumers. DESTINY DISCLAIMERS *Fur lined Titan armor from the commercials, billboards and advertisements is not available in game **Ships are purchasable but not customizable without DLC ***Game requires always on internet connection with no way points or save points for those who lose connection ****Though advertised as a 'social game for friends' there will be no cross platform play, each friend must buy their own copy and use on their own console it is in fact a solo game that is played in the vicinity of other people with whom you will have no meaningful dialogue. *****To reach the highest level in the game you are required to play VoG with 5 other people once per week for several weeks to randomly get gear because we are forcing you to be a member of a community regardless of how you want to play. ******Although advertised as customizable the loot progression is random therefore you can only access the items you randomly achieve not the items you choose to work for, with a few purchasable exceptions. *******Open world means that the sky box is vast and open looking, it is not a reference to an interactive open world game mechanic. ********Your destiny, your legend, customization, open, evolving are all references to the players playing the game precisely the way Bungie insists that the game must be played and are not being used in the sense of the dictionary definitions of the words. Any deviation from the intended game play will be corrected by the hand of god (hotfix) because without the guiding hand of a supreme overlord the game might actually evolve. Fellow Guardians, I for one am enjoying the game and will keep playing it because I am having fun. Though I am probably not playing the game the way Bungie intended maybe I will be hotfixed out of existence. Oops you character was accidentally put back in the oven. Sorry about the dust but we can temper your new character so that it can level up with half the grind, have a shader and a pumpkin head, there's a good lad. But the word of mouth that Bungie gets from me is "don't buy it, I am only playing it because I already paid for it." I won't be buying an DLC or any other product from Bungie unless they actually turn Destiny into the game they advertised. This is not because I am selfish or a whiner. Businesses are LEGALLY REQUIRED to provide the advertised goods. So if you have disclaimers you would like to add or you have links to old advertisements that demonstrate elements that are not in game but that motivated you to purchase perhaps post them here. Remember though, advertising is only the official word from the company and it's agents/employees. Hype is all the unpaid you tube guessing at what the game may contain or might do or could be. Bungie is not responsible for living up to any hype that it did not pay for, it is only responsible for living up to the hype that it officially endorsed.

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                20 Replies
                • Edited by BIKENB0NER: 10/27/2014 1:14:04 AM
                  Need one more person for Night Fall Strike, Message me at BIKENB (XBOX ONE) Requirements: Need at least 2 exotics (weapons or armor), Full legendary+, and LVL 28+ Please Join

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                  9 Replies
                  • Edited by Snow: 10/29/2014 3:40:21 PM
                    So, a majority of the community wasn't okay with you "fixing" Atheons teleporting method, and you still went through with it? Not to sound rude or snarky, because I believe in diplomacy, but can you guys fire yourselves and hire us? Here, I can tell you what most people want based on ideas I've seen in these forums that I visit on my off time. No random teleports. Fix the servers, but update them on Sunday night around 3 or 4 AM (probably your lowest traffic). Not on a Tuesday when everything is reset. A trading system with harsh limits, that way people wanting trading systems will be pleased, and avoiding trade farmers. Different emotes, or the ability to hotkey items on the Dpad. No more brown ships. Eva to sell more shaders, or allow custom shaders. More PvE events. No more of the same bounties. Give us more diverse bounties, maybe even some the span across different planets. Even barely changed counties like "Kill 25 Cabal Phalanx with a headshot" is a step in the right direction. More bounty spaces. There is absolutely NO need for having 10 mission slots, but only five bounty slots. A guaranteed reward for top spot in Crucible. RNG on the raid, but with a limit. You can't get repeat gear. Nobody likes beating Atheon on hard, only to get the same ship for a fifth time in a row. I know you want people to keep playing the raid, but this isn't the way to do it. Tone down on the Ascendant Shards and energies as rewards. Pretty sure most people have between 70-100 now. We just need something to use them on, and most of us are waiting on raid gear. Update your daily stories. Again, stale. Nobody likes playing the same four or five missions on a cycle. Give us something to do with our ships. Let us explore space. I understand a game needs a load time, that's fine. Just disguise it better though. Dead Space for example, disguises it's load times as an elevator ride, which works for it. Looking at a ship while you have "story time", isn't. I want to see space. I want to explore downed stations, asteroids, etc. Sparrow races. Thorn and Bad Juju buff. Matchmaking (since the raid is random now, and going on the forums and picking up random strangers is the exact same thing as matchmaking). 4 or 6 player fireteams. Accessing the vault from the ship to save an unnecessary trip to the Tower. CTF. BTB. More than 100 crucible or vanguard marks a week. And.the ability to hold more than 200. Ability to skip cutscenes. Audio options to raise or lower different audio. The horde mode thread has thousands of people supporting it. More exploration options, like the last city. Split Screen. AI controlled fireteams members. No radar (or HUD of any kind) option. More vault space. Ability to use Ghost's flashlight whenever we want. Postmaster packages yield rewards equal to their color. Buy or trade materials. And many, many more. While I realize that a lot of these are going to take time, at least COMMUNICATE with us. TELL us. That's the biggest problem here. The MCC comes out in what, 2 weeks? Do you want to know the honest truth? I don't think you guys are ready, and your fanbase is going to split, and guess who's getting the bigger piece of the wishbone? So did I get the job or what? Because that was relatively easy. Edit: Thanks for you guys for the great support and ideas. Keep them coming. Also, if anyone starts arguing or trolling your statement, simply ignore it or have a civil debate. Ideas are formed from both sides comprising and fighting only hinders that. Also, if you have any ideas, comment them and I'll edit them on the list. Well, as long as they're sane anyways, no "I want 10 purples everytime I log on as a daily bonus". Remember this is a game for YOU and this is YOUR voice. Even if it falls on deaf ears, don't waste an opportunity.

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                    575 Replies
                    • Edited by Bballforever330: 11/28/2014 2:46:50 PM
                      Join Our Clan: Kamikaze Corps We are an Xbox One Clan. We play casually and like to have fun. We do raids and weeklies every week. If you don't know how to join a clan message me

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                      4 Replies
                      • This will be something I look forward to in the future. Now they need to improve the next PVE event or queens gambit. First off, the queens gambit should start by the player getting a cutscene of how you" owe" the queen, and sends you off to do missions. Then the vendor comes into the tower. Second, the kill orders HAVE to be unique. They can't be the same story missions we did before. Bungie should make at least 10 unique assassination missions, and each one should favor a class. Like one could be like a breach and clear CQB type mission, fitted perfectly for a titan. Or maybe a sniper mission for a hunter, or a magic duel perfect for a Warlock. Agree? Lemme know! 😊

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                        1 Reply
                        • YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! Haha check out this real life relic iron!! You know you play too much Destiny when...

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                        • [quote]Some of them will be revealed very soon. Others will appear when you least expect them. When you see what I’ve seen, I hope you’ll be as excited as I am.[/quote] Update 10/24/14 [quote]Timeline for these changes: They’ll be going in soon. We have a more substantive update in certification right now, which slows down our ability to make changes to the Live game. [/quote] update 10/17/14 [quote]I’m pretty excited about the next game update. I think you will be, too. We’re working up an explanation of what we’ll be changing.[/quote] Update 10/10/14 [quote]Some day, we’ll have this conversation again. That day will come next week, even. [/quote] (In regard to voice chat) Also Update 10/10/14 [quote]If you asking about the next batch of enhancements, refinements, fixes, and tweaks, the answer is: Very soon.[/quote] (In regard to when the next update would happen, not counting the one that fixed the Cryptarch) Update 10/3/14 [quote]We listen to you more than you might think, and there are plans we can’t disclose fully yet that will change your experience as a Guardian.[/quote] (Regarding timeframes on when major fixes and content updates would come) Update 9/26/14 [quote]Destiny's near-term solution will be to allow players to opt-in to voice communication during matchmade activities. Work on this feature was underway at launch and should be rolled out this year in Strikes and the Crucible.[/quote] Dev Notes 9/24/14 [quote]Since launch we've tracked down an issue which has made Strikes more challenging than originally designed by both increasing damage taken by players and decreasing the damage inflicted by players on the boss. Expect to see this addressed soon, and for Strikes to become a little less grindy as a result[/quote] Dev Notes 9/24/14 [quote]In particular those weapons received from completing exotic bounties including Thorn and Bad Juju have disappointed many of us who have gone through the great effort to obtain them because, despite looking and sounding amazing, they feel underpowered. We're here to offer some advice: don't shard those guns. Their time will come.[/quote] Dev Notes 9/24/14 Notice a trend here? I mean other than the statements that proved to not be true (updates that didn't happen). I'm just so tired of the vagueness surrounding these updates. They don't update me on anything other than to know what I already expected which was the developers are developing stuff. I'm sorry, but hearing about the exciting stuff that's "coming soon" just isn't good enough. This game just does not have enough in it to justify this level of blue balls in every update. There are not enough multiplayer maps to make what little PVP annoucements there are, matter. There are not enough strikes, not enough patrol missions, not enough story missions, not enough of anything in the game to make this level of vague "stuff will happen soon" ok. If you don't have anything to report, say nothing. I'd rather have no update or an update that just contains fan art, community suggestions, whatever than the thin veneer of excitement being given on what's "to come". It doesn't take a linguistics expert here to see the change in tone from the first update to the latest updates promising things will be better "some day" (and that forum post begging the community to stop inundating you with threads asking for immediate action/responses to be taken certainly doesn't dissuade such accusations) I just can't get as excited as you are faking DeeJ because I haven't seen anything to be excited about and there are a lot of good games that have come out or will be coming out that will hold my attention unless I'm given something more concrete than vague assurances that my time spent in Destiny will matter. Bungie is my favorite studio and Halo my favorite franchise (and why I wanted to be a game developer) so I want this game to be good and I think it can but you need to start being more candid with your community and tell us some specifics soon or you'll start losing people fast. Even if things go wrong, let your community know, we're big boys and girls we can take bad news but we just can't take "maybe", "soon", "eventually", etc. Please just stop with this kind of language.

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                          194 Replies
                          • Need 3 people VoG comment below. Or add TimeWurked, (PS4). at Atheon must be experienced WE GONNA DO THIS QUICK

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                          • Edited by Xenos Xedo: 11/15/2014 3:05:04 AM

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                          • Edited by Ham--Sta: 11/14/2014 10:29:02 PM
                            If the game had shipped with this mode it would have been the biggest game of this year...130 million ...And this wasn't even thought of?!...SAVE THIS GAME BUNGIE...MAKE THIS HAPPEN PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

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                          • Anyone who says something negative about this post that's your opinion and if you feel you have the right to express yours let us express ours and leave if you don't have something nice to say

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                          • So, I take it that the short time the IB returned was kind of a mistake? I hope? I was almost a lvl. 3, and I noticed that my rank was reset to zero. I'm guessing our rank will return?

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