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Edited by Namaru: 10/24/2014 12:36:51 AM

How can anyone justify Shoulder Charge?

Why was this even put into the game? An instant kill charge that tracks your target? And it hasn't been patched? What the hell. And no cooldown to boot? A hunter knife takes aim, has a long animation, and doesn't even one-shot the target; but a Striker gets an instant kill blink for sprinting that's only cooldown is the second it takes to begin sprinting again? Fun stuff. EDIT: For those that don't understand how easy it is to use and how effective it is, says it doesn't auto track, jump to avoid, and so forth:\ How can anyone defend this? I don't know, but several hundred idiots are. This video isn't even in optimal conditions (corridors found in every map in Rumble). EDITx2: YES, IT AUTOMATICALLY LOCKS ONTO TARGETS IN FRONT OF YOU. STOP PRETENDING YOUR BROKEN SKILL TAKES MORE EFFORT THAN IT ACTUALLY DOES. IT TAKES NO MORE EFFORT THAN ANY OTHER MELEE ATTACK.

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  • Besides you don't even have a titan. Maybe if you knew how the skill worked you would have a valid opinion. I don't presume to know how hunter shit works but if I wanted to I would make a hunter. Until them shut up or or put up.

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    • Plus, look at the Titans in PvP. They are far underpowered in PvP, considering that the titan shield is completely useless. So they balance it out with s decent super and multiple running abilities.

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      9 Replies
      • Or we can do this

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      • Guys, the problem isnt Shoulder Charge one or two guys. The problem is the Titan that [b]only[/b] use this thing the whole match.

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      • Edited by brad: 2/7/2015 5:35:07 AM
        This kids so butthurt he has no keypad left lmao. No the titan sg does not look of you reject I've had many jump out the way then hit me with a shitty. You just suck you mad kid. Btw bitching about this so called auto lock on try running you blade dancer and spam you melee button..there's your auto lock on you tool. You have no clue on titan mechanic's you don't have one just like you wouldn't know about the warlock and it being a god to shit on kids like you. Stop your crying and get good kid.

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      • You lost me when you said "tracks your target" This takes skill to use, you can easily prevent a shoulder charge.

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        2 Replies
        • Every single class has its advantages. Titans have low agility and pretty terrible melee without shoulder charge. Striker titan needs something other than their super to remain competitive. Every class has something great about it. Like Sun singer warlock grenades and melee, both Hunter supers are great. Titan has striker super and shoulder charge. I think it's fair

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        • Why don't you just try it out then? Whats stopping you? If its in the game and it is available to everyone, why not use it against them? Tbh its actually not that easy to use though.

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        • I feel your pain, its annoying. On the otherhand, the countless moron titans who shoulder charge me only to fall prey to a well placed throwing knife is high. They are a joke to kill and are the most predictable players in pvp. I quite enjoy shutting them down right before they hit me. Then i start dancing all over their pulsing ghosts, until they try and try again only to succumb to the same fate. I dont consider them a serious threat and probably never will. HAPPY HUNTING!

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        • Because its fun to use. Yes I admit I hated the shoulder charge. Then I started a Titan and seen how much fun it is to hit another player or AI to watch them fly into the air.

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        • I don't justify or defend it for the short time that I played striker before discovering the power of the bubble. I just learned to enjoy the sweet sound of my knee crunching into your face and destroying you. Just back up and watch your corners. It's not that hard.

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        • Shoulder barge isn't too bad as it has a cool down, plus the new shotgun buff should pre counter it nicely. Blade dancer is more of a problem, last time I played pvp I unloaded an entire barrel from the last word into a blade dancer while in a small corridor where it could not have dodged and it took barely any damage.

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          • Um sorry but theres is a cooldown its around 3 seconds about as long as it takes to get the momentum. And it makes up for the fact that thier normal melee has the shortest range of all melee attacks.

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              Lol OP has only ever used hunter. Has only one hunter. Complains about one of the like 2 or 3 things titans have going for them in PvP. Meanwhile hunters can choose between the best PvP jump or blink. When blink strike is charged the have the same melee range as warlocks. Both subclass supers are superior in PvP. Trip mines are almost always one hit kills. Arcbolt makes a ridiculous combo with any gun or melee bladedancers can abuse shotguns like no other with fleetfooted or the perk that instantly readies guns.... but shoulder charge is too over powered. Good one.

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              • It just shouldn't track and shouldn't work while gliding in the air

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              • Titans = tanks. I like Oreos

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              • Yes. It's awesome. [spoiler]I don't even have a Titan anymore[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by NateDergg: 2/7/2015 12:18:11 AM
                If a shoulder "charge" (it really looks more like a lean to me, the Arial charge looks SO much better) that connects with any point of the targets body is a one-hit kill, a knife sticking out of your forehead should definitely be death. At least headshots. Come on people.

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              • Not bump

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              • Are you serious bro? To hit a target with that charge takes just as much effort as a throwing knife from a hunter. Build a titian and then you can use it too. Plus I've been killed countless times before I have connected with that charge.. Shotguns work really well against it.

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                12 Replies
                • Warlock-ranged melee Hunter-blink strike and throwing knife(s) Titan-shoulder barge In other words WE ARE TANKS thats what a titan is warlocks have their things like ranged melee self res and grenade spams and ish. Hunters have OP super supers in pvp titans have shoulder barge. Every class has that one thing that makes them special and that particular class.

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                  • I don't think it should be removed, but I do think it should be tied to storm fist

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                  • Noob pls dont play this game bye

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                  • It takes effort to get that close to someone without dying, especially considering the prevalence of shotguns and fusion rifles in the crucible. I've been killed by both weapons more times than I'd like mid charge, it is far from a guaranteed kill. If you're getting dropped by charging Titans on a regular basis you should probably reevaluate your PVP strategies. If you want to talk about ridiculous op abilities in PVP you should probably take a hard look at blade dancers.

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                  • Hi! I'm a Titan, and for the crucible, I endorse: Fists of Havoc, wielding Universal Remote and Secondary Shotgun at the same time (lol, actually it's kind of fun), the amazing purple Disco Bubble with helm of The Saint 14 blinding feature or double Stickynades with Armamentarium, and last but not least, Shoulder Charge. Dont get me wrong, this is a game. If you find it fun, do it. Hunters have Blink Strike, Bladedancer and Gunslinger wich are killing wonders... Warlocks have Nova Bomb that can clear an entire team at range... Everybody has enough Powers to counter each other. Relax, do your thing when the time is right. PS: Shoulder Charge does not auto track.

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                      Easy. Yell Falcon Punch whenever you use it. That's justification enough.

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