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10/19/2014 4:37:41 PM

Bungie and their contradictory statements and game design for Gear, Weapons, Raid

I'm not sure I really understand a few things about the game as it pertains to Gear/Weapons/Raid. They say they want you to play the game your way and make your own adventure but everything they have put in the game suggests otherwise. Gear: Several things here. 1) This one is sort of a foundation for the other complaints, why have a game where we all have to pretty much look alike at the top tier? To be 30 you have to max out the raid gear or other legendary stuff. There aren't that many items at that level so higher level people tend to all look the same. Suggestion: Create a Style tab. Any gear collected has its style saved in a style tab. This way you can wear he best armor but look any way you want with any gear style you want. DC Universe Online does this perfectly. You wear the best gear but say you like the level 3 style items look, well you can wear it to show off your own creativity. 2) Why so few options of gear? I go to all the vendors and look at what they are selling and they all look the same with different attributes. This is very disappointing. Suggestion: Make each faction (DO, FWC, VG, CR, NM) sell different looking items ALONG with different attributes. 3) Exotics, Why can you only wear one? why not whole outfits just like every other set in the game. Suggestion: Make exotics an entire outfit not just hands OR chest OR head. When you get it for armor it should be an entire set the changes your whole look when equipped. 4) Concept art. Some of your concept are is 1000 times cooler than what made it into the final product. Don't let go of those dreams. Suggestion: Find a way to get these in the game. I notice that some are but some of the best aren't. Weapons: you make classes of guns that get better with rarity/color (white - green - blue - purple - gold), but then you break the whole system from purple to gold. 1) Weapon design. Why in the world do you have guns with different names but use the exact same skins? I totally understand guns with the same name with different attributes but totally different names using the same skin is complete BS. Suggestion: Get your weapons dept in gear and start making new designs. Plus please do not simply use modern looking weapons. We are in the future, there is no reason why we shouldn't have strange and fantastic looking guns instead of these same plain generic looking ones. If you want to save the fancy stuff for exotics that's fine too but even most of those look like normal weapons with more detail. GET CREATIVE. 2) Perks that don't work. Increased range, gaining health while doing damage and victims exploding from kills are all awesome (if they work). These things either don't work at all or work far too infrequently. Suggestion: Go back through all of your weapons and field test them in the game with the perks off and on as they are then re-work them to actually work or happen more often. If you don't want them to work and want to leave them as is you need to reword the perk to "has a chance to.....". As is stands your wording leaves your guns feeling flat when you've worked hard to level them up but see no difference once you do. 3) (probably my biggest complaint about guns period with two parts) 3a) Exotics are very very cool and are the only guns to actually look different, why in Gods name do they cap at the same level as the lower tier? No other weapons in the game do this. 3b) Exotic primary weapons have no burn (arc, void, solar) yet the lower tier legendary ones do. Again, what were you thinking? you go out of your way to make them "harder" to get, you go out of your way to make sure you can only carry one at a time, you go out of your way to make them look different and (sometimes) have cool interesting perks yet lower tier weapons are far more useful more often than not and you can have 3 of any of those levels of weapons equipped at once. Suggestion: Raise the damage level cap of all exotics to 350-400. Give every exotic primary a burn. Even feel free to randomize the burn per exotic like you have done with all the other weapons. EX: one Suros could have solar and one could have void. This will make them 10 times more fun and personalize them to each player. Think of other interesting perks to give them and don't make them just like the legendary ones. Continue with the unique designs but don't be afraid to make parts of the weapons move or flash or light up while simply holding them. Also don't be afraid to animate unique weapon firing mechanics with additional lights and movement on the guns. There is no reason why these guns have the restrictions they do in game yet are as lack luster as they are. Honestly its a crying shame you have done this to your "EXOTIC" weapons. Do you know how hard I had to work to get that Thorn (getting my hands dirty in the crucible which i am terrible at and really don't enjoy). You guys have some work to do with these. Raid: You make a raid hard (13-15 hours to beat for the first few groups, 1 hour now for people who have the gear and knowledge and skills) but then want to change it on the fly to adjust to player tactics. 1) You design the raid and people learn it and conquer it. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't get salty and change up the raid, leave it as is and take what you learn from player behavior and apply it to future raids. Suggestion: Use data and footage of how players behave and program your AI to adjust NOT CHEAT the players out of being creative. You say you want players to learn tactics and they do, embrace that. (not referring to pushing him off the edge although i do feel like if we can die from falling off then ALL AI should suffer the same fate. If there were some other way players were to boot AI into the abyss then that AI should DIE or try to save itself by moving away from the edge by not running from grenade damage over the edge) 2) RNG is a concept that used sparingly is ok but you guys have just gone RNG mad with the game as a whole. Now you are adding it to the raid mechanics and actually taking away the ability to let teams decide who and what does what in the group. Ex: I like playing as a tank and my friend as a healer in games. We go into a raid knowing our role but then you say NO, RNG instead and now the healer is the tank and the tank is the healer. WHO thought this was a good idea? the same person who said put all the interesting stuff on the web and not in the game? FIRE THEM IMMEDIATELY. Suggestion: Leave well enough alone and allow players to develop their own methods of beating the task you set before them on normal mode. On hard mode if you just want to throw extra wrenches in the system by not only making the AI hit harder, take more damage and not allow resing then also throw in RNG. The hardcore can eat it up while us normal folks can assign tasks and try our best to win at our own pace. Overall you guys SAY you want players to play the game their way yet you implement changes time and time again that suggest you only want players to play YOUR way. You even go as far as saying It's not YOUR goal to have players farm for engrams yet you turn around and tell players you want them to enjoy the game their way. You make us farm for materials to improve our weapons and gear but then take away the engram farming. You tell players to beat the raid and we do then you change it so we have to beat it your way. Why even add cover or places to hid or jump on? Why not just drop us in an empty room with no cover and tell us to beat the boss with rocks and sticks only. You say you don't want any one way to play to be the ONLY way to play (one gun too strong, one armor too strong) but then you make classes and levels of gear and guns. You can't have it both ways. Now if you are saying you done want any singular weapon (mythoclass) to be the only way to go i hear that but of course the top tier weapons and armor should be otherwise there would be no point in getting it. There also would be no point in restricting it if you don't intend for it to be more powerful then the lower class of weapons and gear. Just make everything white level with different skins and be done with it. Make everything the same number value if you don't want players to seek better and better items. The reality is you do want higher classes and better gear but you have made the mistake of not making everything in each class even with that class or better than the class under it. All greens should be equal to other greens but less than blues. all blues should be better than all greens, the same as all other blues and less than all purples. so on and so forth until exotic which should be equal to all other exotics but greater than every other class of gear and weapons. The premises for everything you do in the game should be the harder the task to get it the better it should be once you get it. I know this was long and boring but its been bothering me very much. I know im not the first to say these things but these are my thoughts on the subjects. I have others but these were my most pressing.

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