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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Pumpkin Booty: 10/20/2014 9:05:20 PM

Why People Continue To Play Destiny

After a lot of thought, I've stumbled across the answer to why Destiny continues to have 3.2 million players every day, despite the rage and frustration over the broken loot system, and other RNG mechanics. I thought to myself: why do people continue to play despite being trolled by the loot system? Why do people continue to come back to Xûr every week, or beat the raid every week for their shot at loot, only to be disappointed by the endless wave of shards and sunbreakers? Why do legendary and exotic engrams drop armor for random classes? Why are rewards never tailored to your character? Why are they making [i]everything[/i] a dice throw? The answer is now plain as day, and actually quite simple. Bungie is taking advantage of innate human gambling addictions. There are reasons why Bungie continues to make everything RNG-based, despite the [i]obvious[/i] rage coming from the community: This artificially extends the life of the game. There is not enough endgame content to keep players busy from launch until December, when the DLC (disc-locked content) unlocks. If players work hard enough to obtain the loot through a reliable method, they're afraid they won't stick around until the DLC. Why continue to play when you've got everything you've had your sights on, right? Creating three characters still won't last if there are reliable ways of obtaining a certain piece of gear for those who are incredibly dedicated. Moving on to engram rates, they create exotic engrams to drop for random classes because A: they want to encourage people to start new characters (artificial lifespan), and B: they want to keep people coming back to Xûr. Didn't get the weapon/armor you want? Ahh, he might have it next week. But to get the materials to buy it, you've gotta play a bunch before you can buy it, when you have a 5/6 chance of [i]not[/i] getting the armor you want. They are capitalizing on the fact that people have innate gambling addictions, and [i]this[/i] is precisely what keeps people coming back. The RNG in Atheon's teleportation is designed to artificially increase the difficulty of the raid. Instead of creating mechanics that are difficult at first to figure out, they create a mechanic that destroys all forms of strategy and role-filling, as it [i]should[/i] be. The RNG in the Crucible keeps players playing for a shot at loot drops, which is why it's possible to get exotics as rewards, even for the player who goes 1-35 in Clash. Destiny does not reward performance [i]at all[/i]. It simply rewards you for being present at the end of an activity. There is no incentive to perform well. See what I'm talking about? Everywhere there's RNG in the game, there's another example of Bungie capitalizing on the innate addiction to gambling. It's all a slot machine, people, and guess what? [i]They own you.[/i] They own everyone who hasn't realized this yet. They own each and every person who continues to check Xûr every week, hoping that their desired Exotic will be for sale. And this is exactly why the loot system will never, ever, [i]ever[/i] be fixed. There's not enough real content in the game for people to come back to, so they make the entire meta-game a slot machine so that they can rope people into playing their gutted, half-assed, disappointing excuse for what we were promised was going to be a truly engaging experience. I'm on to you, Bungie. I'll be keeping tabs on the development of this game, but you have been exposed now. First it was the Disc Locked Content, then it was the unneeded nerfs, and then it was the RNG mechanics in the Vault of Glass. You may have everyone else fooled, but I smell bullshit. And I smell it [i]strong.[/i] It seems nobody cares about making a truly good game anymore. Not even you. [b]Edit:[/b] There are an [i]astounding[/i] amount of people in here who seem to think that I am complaining about having to work hard to get gear. That is [i]not[/i] what I am talking about. The only way to get to level cap is by rolling a dice in the Vault of Glass week after week. This isn't grinding, nor is this hard work. One could theoretically join in as a 25 just before the Templar is killed and receive raid armor. This is [i]not[/i] how a raid should reward people. There is no hard work where the particular RNG of this loot system is concerned. [b]Edit 2:[/b] [i]Because some people are apparently brain-dead, read this before you post.[/i] [quote]While every MMO has an RNG component to it's loot system, I feel that a loot system where you cannot get endgame gear other than playing a slot machine once a week creates artificial replay value. Leveling up your gear? It takes a while, but you will get there. Buying faction gear? Could take a while, but you will get there. Hypothetical scenario: The greatest Destiny player carries the worst Destiny player through the Vault of Glass every week. Because of this particular system, there is a good chance that the best Destiny player never gets raid armor, which is required to reach level cap, while the worst player acquires all raid armor and an Epilogue. Then Xûr sells him a helmet because the best player carried him through the weekly. See the problem here? People ultimately aren't rewarded for their skill in this game, as they should be. Other MMO's reward one mostly based off of skill and how much time you put into a task. When there is an element of RNG present, it is usually possible to farm the sources of the loot because of this very reason. In Destiny, it is the opposite. Players are locked out of the loot rewards every week after they complete the raid. Even if someone beats the Vault 50 times, it is theoretically possible to never attain appropriate rewards.[/quote]

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  • At this point there are very few games that intrest me. come November that changes.

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  • I gotta say I am of a similar disposition. Destiny was fantastic the first time you did anything. The first time you killed Sepiks, the first time you did a public event, VOG, Crucible; it was fresh and interesting and now it's very stale. The only reason I'm still playing occasionally is to get Raid gear so I can manage the 'Complete a Raid without dying' achievement. When I finish the cheevo's I'm out! There are far too many good games coming out this quarter to sacrifice time for to kill the same enemies/play the same missions/raids/strikes over and over again in destiny. I understand that my 'addiction' is achievement hunting but at least with achievements as a goal you get variety and clear criteria. I set a goal on destiny like "I want Kabr's Wrath" and then I'm stuck with "Well, here's hoping! Get some grinding in ya and cross 'yer fingers for that gear!". I wouldn't even mind too much if there were alternatives or even more than one way to acquire that calibre of gear [u]per week[/u].

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  • Edited by RazorRyan: 10/20/2014 3:38:43 PM
    Not everyone can take a trip to Vegas whenever they want to. I guess this is the closest thing to it for gamers. Everything you said was true, but guess what? Nobody will listen. The Destiny community can be compared to sheep. They will do as the shepherds (game devs) say and believe only what the shepherds want them to believe. If bungie created this thread, then everyone would listen. But since it came from another member who is clearly smarter then them, they wont listen.

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    • Edited by QuirkyViper: 10/20/2014 2:20:18 PM
      While the second part of your post came accross as a bit rabid, the fundamental nature of RNG based reward systems is indeed to exploit innate gambling addictions to artificially lengthen the game. Mind you, this the point of ALL rng in every game that uses it. The problem with destiny is that its a gear funnel. The higher level you get, the smaller your options. And the smaller your list of options, the greater your statistical chance of dissapointment. I also believe that Destiny's reward system is punitive rather than rewarding. People get so up in arms over Xur selling 'their' exotic because of what they had to suffer through to rnget it. The exact sociological forces at work are too complex for a single forum post but the gist of it is: people feel relief when they get something they need and fury when someone gets it (in their eyes) without putting in any time or effort. The system builds desperation and self loathing in players to get what they need and hatred for those that get these things without appreciating them. I know I lost my mind when a guy in our group was the only one to get the mythoclast on his first try and I BARELY manage to stop him from sharding it on the spot. This guy did nothing wrong, he had been through that raid for just as long as I had, and though not particularly vital to success we nonetheless would have had a much harder time without that extra man. But at that moment I hated him, and felt very strongly that spite should not be what one feels upon completion of a tremendous task. When I am forced to farm I greet any guardian crossing my path with scorn, ever fearful of the little bar of text in the left corner of my screen reading 'so and so found a legendary engram!' To which I always add 'and you didn't!'

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      7 Replies
      • Honestly i don't care if bungie abuses my mind and I like it... I mean really... It's a good game. Stop complaining that you like it too much to stop playing

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      • i don't play for drops. i like my gear :) i play because i enjoy the crucible, i enjoy the strikes (once in a while), and playing and joking over mics in VoG with 5 randoms is generally pretty goddamn entertaining. but go ahead, you can call me a gambling addict because a video game has a RNG loot system.... makes perfect sense.

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        2 Replies
        • I continue to play because I like the game...

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        • why everyone keeps playing? i would love to play anything else but the ps4 has only stupid indie games ... and 10+ AAA games ... thats the reason why everyone keeps playing this wrack

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        • Edited by LoNDoN85: 10/20/2014 7:08:39 PM
          Im my opinion the stats were posted out so that users felt like people were actually still playing the game...5.45million copies were sold and i reckon just over half no longer play and more joining that bandwagon as the days go. I dont know anyone personally who still plays destiny on Xbox or ps.

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          7 Replies
          • It's fun especially with friends

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            • Im just playing till Dragon Age Inquisition.

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            • Destiny had 3.2 million players signing in to play for 3 hours on average per day. Thats the interesting stat. See, WoW had 9 million subscribers when WotLK was released, with 2.7 million sales the first 24 hours, these stats quickly diminished. I would be keen to see Novembers stats, as I'd be willing to say, 50% of players, including myself, have found destiny a massive bore. It was mad fun when we all began, searching for our first legendary weapons, first entering the Vault of Glass. 3 weeks later, we were still attempting the raid for the chance at that illusive raid piece. A month passes between October and november, still waiting for our next DLC, what the hell is there to actually do? VoG for the 30+ time? count me out. I have 15+ exotics, making them somewhat less than exotic. I can't even use half them, because they are either completely useless, or one just happens to be so much better there really is NO point in having any other. Destiny was cool when it first came out, but the whole idea behind the game is so flawed it's doomed itself. Awesome, the new DLC comes out, now we can all strive for the raid gear with the same stats as every other warlock will be wearing, because there's no customization. Bungie need to quit with bothering with weekly nerfs, and start focusing on keeping their player base. Allow us to use a barber, allow us to reskin our weapons/armour, give us ONE exotic that is worth the time and effort, not 15 where 13 of them are completely pointless, that EVERY other player also has and does not use. Change the damn loot system rewarding inactivity and incompetence and start rewarding people who achieve better results. Stop forcing us to play each fight the way your developers intend, the simple fact we find bugs and glitches means you should be working on future projects that keep these flaws in mind, and continue to push us to new heights of dedication and team work. Destiny got gunfights and the building blocks of an MMOFPS down perfectly, it's a very solid shooter/rpg/mmo or whatever you want to call it, one that I do enjoy, but while you continue to punish your players instead of providing more for us, you'll only lose more players to better developers.

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              3 Replies
              • Im just playing till Dragon Age Inquisition.

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              • I keep playing because it makes the torch and pitchfork crew furious. #teehee

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              • Even if they "own" me, I'm personally still having fun. I direct what I find fun, even if it's not what others on this forum may think. Might be due to the fact that I don't have the time to play for 4+hours a day as other people I've seen. I dislike posts like this, unfortunately. They don't "own" me, I'm not an addict to the game in which my life is nothing without Destiny. I turn off the game and that's about the last of their "ownage" on me.

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                3 Replies
                • Wow. So many people misunderstanding the point of this thread. Pathetic.

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                  4 Replies
                  • It's like drugs. We know it's bad but, we keep playing. Im going into rehab November 11th to get this bad taste out of my mouth. If you're going to be addicted to a drug, make it a good one at least.

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                  • For me there really isn't another game that I want to play. That is until Advanced Warfare is out then I will probably not play this game again.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I guess I am the only one that is playing the game because I still like to play it.

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                      1 Reply
                      • So much content in CoD.... Said nobody ever..

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                        • I play this because its the best fps out atm on ps4.

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                        • I agree that there is probably a base of people playing this game from what you describe, it makes sense. But i play this game to take advantage of picking on bad players like yourself.. just my 2 cents.

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                        • that's the entire point of progression based games, welcome to 15 years ago - then again; most people probably don't realize why they enjoy games like this so I guess I see the point of this thread?

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                        • Cant i enjoy a game without some random asshole calling me a gambler? God dammit, this happens every time i play tetris too!

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                          1 Reply
                          • The game is fun, deal with it.

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                          • This guy is dumb

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