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originally posted in: Community Focus: MesaSean
10/14/2014 2:39:59 AM
Thank you for nerfing all the guns and making them all the same. Thank you for letting me play the raid 80 some hours and playing the level 30 raid almost just the same. Thank you for making the gun I spent hours getting, the Vex Mythoclast, like all the other auto riffles, while you let the OVER POWERED hunters A.K.A Cod players, once again run the Crucible. 34% really guys. Really? There is NO POINT in playing the raid. I could see maybe 12%, or 20% damage decrease BUT over 1/3 damage decrease!!!!! Have you guys at Bungie lost you perspective on games, People spend hours and days leveling up their characters and guns to get the edge on other players in PVP just to see their product NERFED!!!! If this is your solution maybe you guys should just go back to the B.R, and the one type of sniper riffle, and the one type of rocket launcher. I am most likely getting rid of Destiny because hard work does not pay off with Bungie. 100 HOURS = CRAP.

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