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Edited by x King High x: 10/14/2014 2:31:06 AM

90% of players don't know how to play control

It's really sad how many of you out there think the game type CONTROL involves running around the map constantly trying to retake captured points. It really makes me wonder. Every time I see it I think about how one time I gave my dog three tennis balls and it wanted all three at once... It just didn't know its own limits. The point of this game type is to capture and DEFEND as many points as you can with a team of six. Since there is no public chat teamwork can be a difficult thing with randoms so you may have to pay attention to your teammates for just a couple seconds to see what the best strategy might be. As in; if you see your entire team trying to hold A and B don't try and take the other point by yourself... Even if you manage to take it, you're going to flip the spawn and give them the chance to get a jump on the rest of your team. Also don't forget that kills matter!! You can boost the points of your team by killing enemies but try to do it by either taking or defending a control point. Running to a moot area won't help your team as much as if you hold down B. I'm just trying to help all you noobs out there. Try and use a bit if strategy when you play and it will pay off. Any other useful tips for control are more than welcome Edit: a whole bunch of people are pointing out that you also need to kill people to win. I didn't really think that needed to be said since its so obvious but yea the determining factor of the game type is kills Edit 2: the point system for control is 75 points for each flag cap, plus 75 additional points for every member in the control point. 25 points for neutralizing an enemy flag. 100 points for a standard kill plus an additional 50 for each flag held by your team on the kill Edit:3 If the heavy ammo drops and you have friendly's in the area, wait a couple seconds for them to gather around (if you think it's safe to do so(don't wait too long)) to collect the ammo. More firepower on your team can help you take a flag or two and rack up some kills.

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  • 92% of all statistics are made up.

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    • Oh and pls low level players,unless u r skillful...dont play control go play other mode

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      4 Replies
      • [quote]It's really sad how many of you out there think the game type CONTROL involves running around the map constantly trying to retake captured points. It really makes me wonder. Every time I see it I think about how one time I gave my dog three tennis balls and it wanted all three at once... It just didn't know its own limits. The point of this game type is to capture and DEFEND as many points as you can with a team of six. Since there is no public chat teamwork can be a difficult thing with randoms so you may have to pay attention to your teammates for just a couple seconds to see what the best strategy might be. As in; if you see your entire team trying to hold A and B don't try and take the other point by yourself... Even if you manage to take it, you're going to flip the spawn and give them the chance to get a jump on the rest of your team. Also don't forget that kills matter!! You can boost the points of your team by killing enemies but try to do it by either taking or defending a control point. Running to a moot area won't help your team as much as if you hold down B. I'm just trying to help all you noobs out there. Try and use a bit if strategy when you play and it will pay off. Any other useful tips for control are more than welcome Edit: a whole bunch of people are pointing out that you also need to kill people to win. I didn't really think that needed to be said since its so obvious but yea the determining factor of the game type is kills Edit 2: the point system for control is 75 points for each flag cap. 100 points for a standard kill plus an additional 50 for each flag held by your team on the kill[/quote] Ur stupid if you think the one guy sitting in the back at a or whatever is more significant then the lone gun running around racking up kills and clearing hardpoints. I play objectivly but its not about that. Its about not having a suck kd or playing pointlessly which i see alot because of stupud bounties encouraging it.

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      • Oops I run around capping like crazy as Im a no mic random. Have I been a hindrance this whole time?

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      • [quote][u][b]Edit 2: the point system for control is 75 points for each flag cap. 100 points for a standard kill plus an additional 50 for each flag held by your team on the kill[/b][/u][/quote] Don't forget it's 25 for a neutralize as well. And for every person in the cap that goes towards the score. so if 6 people cap a point thats (25 x 6) + (75 x 6). Or in other words, 600 points.

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      • I never go for the 3rd point. Unless my team is doing exceedingly well it's pointless to go rushing to your death for what will be no reason.

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      • I try to stay at one of the points that spawns heavy ammo. With a bit of quick thinking, fancy footwork and a few well times jumps one person can hold a control point if they have rocket ammo.

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      • Edited by lonewolf: 10/13/2014 9:16:07 AM
        It confuses me how so many people don't understand control either it's pretty much a kill oriented domination mode which has the same strategy hold A or C and B. It's classic map control.

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      • thank you for enlightening me sir i know feel like a complete and utter moron as i am that guy who runs around trying to capture the nodes and gets every 1 spawn killed, i do generally come within the top 3 highest kills however so i'm not a complete screw up

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        • Its called hold B and win. You will lose A or C no matter what, eventually. But, it is possible to hold B all game. People are just clueless sheep.

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          • "Sad" love the use of the word, in no way is it sad bud its a video game they may be new.

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          • Pretty much the same as Domination on CoD apart from controlling the flags gives you more points per kill instead of over time. Always let 1 person cap the closest flag and the other 5 cap B, don't all stand in the same spot, make sure you can see the entry points to each flag, then as the title says control the map, it's all about map control, locking down your opponent to the 1 remaining flag that they have. Never ever cap that flag unless you want to lose control, there are so many games I have been in where we have had the 2 flags that you need, then the team decide to try cap A or C flip the spawns then we lose because they just run around like headless chickens, there are some maps which certain flags are easier to hold down, Shores of time I think the venus map, you want to control flag C and B, the choke points are easier and better than at A and B for example. You are right though people have no idea how to play control on this game,

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            • Edited by Seven: 10/13/2014 9:09:09 AM
              I've noticed more often than not players camped at flags or heavy ammo chests tucked in the corner with a short range high impact weap. That can be pretty annoying. Those who run around not defending their flags... they need to learn to PTO a bit better.

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            • Couldn't agree more. Can't tell you how many times I've been defending a control point only to have my entire team run to the remaining enemy flag, the spawns switch and I'm outnumbered.

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            • My usual teams strategy is; Make 2 groups of 3. Got it? Ok. Next, capture a and c. After that, 2 people get vantage points on both a and c. Then, the 2 remaining move on b, keeping the other team at bay and on the defense. This is a good tactic for multiple reasons: 1) it forces them to react, not attack 2) it keeps 2 Points always 3) can be adjusted easily (for example, say they storm a. You simply have the 2 on offense rush a, sneaking up on the attackers) 4) if you can't hold a point with 2 people in their best spots, then you're in the wrong game xD 5) they'll always be attacking the guys rushing b, so the other teams will be in the clear, minus minor attacks Just my strategy

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              • I usually just try and focus on protecting 2 obj., b is always key to the win, but if you can get all 3 then do it. If they're taking a and you dont have c then go for c immediatley chances are they arent going to have defense there, and youll just end up trading objectives. As long as you have two you will win.

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                • 10%, baby

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                • Edited by RebornV3: 10/13/2014 8:38:14 AM
                  trust me 90% of people don't even know how to play the game not just control its obvious when you try to play the raid and see how many people are bad at this game this game is too easy you have 3 abilities and you point, shoot and kill everything and move when they shoot at you

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                • Edited by ZOMBGOD: 10/13/2014 8:49:07 AM
                  Agreed that a lot of people really don't know strategy and cause constant spawn switches which is annoying, however if you are a good player you can still carry a team to victory most times. I just rush B with my fully upgraded invective and hold it for the entire game, one shoting anyone that comes within 15 metres of B. I often end up with a score of 7000+ and 35+ kills whilst the next guy on my team only has 2500 points, but it's enough to win if you can destroy them at one flag the whole game. Interested that some say this is different to Cod domination however and not reliant on 'capping all flags' as much as cod is. It's the complete opposite - if you can cap all 3 flags any kills during that time are worth 300 in control, very easy to pull to a big lead if you can cap all 3 flags if only for 20-30 seconds - if you have a team rolling through it is well worth attempting to cap all 3 for a period of time. However in cod, the points earned for a 3 cap do not outweigh the value in sticking to a solid 2 cap defensive strategy as holding 2 flags for any large amount of time is enough to obtain a game winning lead. Control ain't like that - i've won plenty of games of control where my team won despite holding 2 flags much less than the enemy team because we were wiping them out in every mid map gun battle and making our specials count etc. One well tiem special can net 600-800 points alone. I've seen a few teams pull to a big lead just holding one flag and defending it well with 6 people as noobs just stroll into their line of fire on a/c. In short however, yes, it does make it a lot easier when people defend B rather than pushing through to the enemies spawn causing a spawn switch or giving them constant easy kills/points. However again if you are a good enough player - regardless if your team is causing switches, if you watch your radar extremely carefully, save your supers and grenades for the right times and be aware of when a spawn switch has happened due to a 'we lost position a/c' message then you can lone wolf B with 30+ kills and only 5-10 deaths. Whilst your team mates run around like headless chickens constantly switching a and c captures you are earning 200 points for every kill whilst defending B. The only times i really die is when someone rushes me and wastes their super to kill just me out of frustration because i've shotgunned their face 5 times in a row. (hunter blade dancer is no problem now, just listen for the 'power up' noise of their bladedancer, stand your ground and empty 4 shells of the invective in their face to drop them within 1.5 seconds - the amount of rage messages i've received from bladedancers because i shut their special down 3-4 times in one game is hilarious. Novabomb and fist of havoc is all about timing your jump but very hard to avoid but still possible) It's ok, back on my sparrow/sprint and back to b within 15 seconds with my invective to reclaim the flag.

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                • 0
                  So I'm one of the people that don't get Control... If you have 6 people rush to capture the first base you get 6x the points for your team right? Is this a good strategy or would you really split the team in 2? I'm not sure if you get more points for the initial capture or having it held an extra minute....

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                  7 Replies
                  • hahaha I do aprof what u say they go to the kill zone to get nothing and other post are alone or u standin te same one forhoours to get it and ur team dosent show

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                  • The problem is that Bungie doesn't give any info on this. They just say: "capture the points" and throw you in the game. You can't practice the maps on your own, so new players are just doing whatever teammates do or wondering how to survive, because the game moves at such a fast pace. There are no tips, no tutorials, nothing. All of this information you just gave, (which is helpful, thanks) should come with the game instead of being something you have to dig from the depths of internet on your own. Destiny is a game that's very, very scarce on information. Even the Grimoire cards aren't in-game. This is all very weird and I think it's bullshit. Bungie did not think things through. Good tips. I probably won't be attending Crucible any more. 4 matches, had no idea what to do when I played Control. Of course I captured a flag if I saw one (when I wasn't dying all the time or confused by the map), the game told me so! If they ever add a practice mode or something where I could learn the maps on my own pace, or even fight against/with bots as a tutorial text/voice explains everything, I'll give Crucible another chance. Right now it's just too confusing and fast like ADHD Superman on meth for an old bastard like me, and I can't feel the fun - or the point. Bungie, your community is doing your job for you. Think about it.

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                    • Edited by Vehks: 10/13/2014 7:39:42 AM
                      Meh, PvP is a mess anyway. It's just a one shot fest as it is. Most people are just screwing around in the crucible from what I;ve seen. Play as a team? Pfft, nah, bro im trying out for da MLG leagues lololol

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                    • If there was voice chat you could communicate more effectively. The matchmaking in Destiny is INCREDIBLY broken because of the omission of (AT THE BARE MINIMUM) proximity chat. HOW can a company release a game intended for STRICTLY online gameplay, NOT implement the ability to SOCIALIZE? (Or for this matter: Strategize).

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                      • You can be my fire team leader any day

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                      • I do

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