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Edited by aboniks: 10/12/2014 2:41:12 PM
[b]Forums section:[/b] [u]Delete the forums immediately; save yourself.[/u] (Only 98% joking) 0. Why in the name of almighty [insert thing here] can't we easily "see all posts by User X"? This is basic forum functionality we're talking about. 1. [b]"Bungie Replied"[/b] Great. Nice touch. What we actually need is [b]"Seen by Bungie"[/b], especially in the feedback forum. We don't need your replies, (although we enjoy getting them). We need to know someone is paying attention; we also know (hope) that you have better things to do that chat with us. Right now the replies are so few and far between, on such random topics, that those labels can actually be counter-productive. 2. Moar Sliding scroll images, deadspace, nix that. 3. Code of Conduct link; This is literally the [i]only time[/i] I will ever suggest using a "Blink" html markup tag on the public-facing internet, if browsers even still parse them. 4. Suggested tags; Completely irrelevant at present. Don't suggest tags until there's a finished post to suggest them for. Make tag suggestions context sensitive; check the post we've written for keywords and THEN suggest tags. If I'm writing a post about Titans, suggesting a Raid/Patch/Wombat tag to me is not only silly, it runs the risk that I will actually take the advice and tag my post with the wrong tags. Alternatively, if suggesting appropriate tags is too much work, stop suggesting them altogether. On the off chance that you're suggesting tags to us because that's what you want feedback on at a particular time, then for the sake of Vishnus Light-Blue Toes, [i]tell us[/i] that's what's going on. 5. Threads in which people I am following have left a comment should be highlighted, and those posts should be no more than two clicks away, not require me to scroll through 9001 comments to [i]maybe[/i] find them if they're not buried in a sub-thread. Auto-expand subthreads that have followed members participating in them. 6. Give us a tooltip for the like/dislike percentages that are displayed at the far right of each thread link. It took me a month to even notice them, and then a few hours for it to dawn on me what they hell they were supposed to convey. 7. "Sort by" make these choices persistent, I shouldn't have to reset them constantly. 8. "Sort by: Favorites" How do I set a favorite? More importantly, why do I have to ask you how this works? 9. "Questions" and "Answered Questions". Really? There's an icon that distinguishes them already. Pointless distinction. 10. "Follow #Feedback" Following tags...Does this do anything at all? How does it work? If there's no answer, get rid of it.

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  • #0- yes; especially when I find that rare user who feel has some really valid things to say and I would like to see some other posts/threads that have caught their attention- if anything I feel this would not only bump useful threads, but would faciltate the continuation/sharing of good discussions and idea-sharing #1- I like this, but imagine the outrage on the forums when people see that Bungie has viewed a thread, but not responded- not saying this is a reason not to implement, and the more level-headed people will appreciate knowing it was seen (as you said)- just a caveat #5- totally agree- having to go to my list of people I follow, click on their profile, then click on their recent activity in order to view some of their posts is ridiculous- unless I am missing something, because I do seem to recall seeing something about posts by people that I am following will appear in my activity feed, but where is that feed? I can tell you, if I have to ask it is not in the right spot...

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  • Edited by aboniks: 10/12/2014 3:31:32 AM
    #1 is a totally legit caveat, I agree. I'm torn between three evils: Total silence, nominally informtive silence, and general irrelevance. The only two Bungie reply tags I've seen recently were one from BNGHelp0, which was basically "You put your random feedback in my help forum and I'll pass it along now that I've moved it out of my way" and Deej clowning about how great warlocks are when someone wanted them nerfed...while the other ten posts on the first page about nerfs/op had no response whatsoever. The take away was that if you want to be sure you've been heard, disrespect the squishies (Titan4Lyfe), or put stuff in the wrong place. Seeing the forum reactions to those two replies was disheartening, to say the least. People are pretty jaded at this point. What I'd dearly love to see is a github-style live issue page where Bungie shows us what issues they are working on, how they are prioritized, and what stage they are at. This is common practice in open source development...if they don't already have this tool operating in-house I'd be astonished. They don't have any obligation to open that window up for us into their super-sexy operations lair that we're paying off for them, but it'd go a really long way towards soothing the savage interweb-beast, if they did.

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