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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by o_____________o: 10/9/2014 9:22:52 PM

And so my days of Destiny are becoming shorter.

I already explained how disappointing the game is, so I'm not going to reiterate myself. But now, I am not playing Destiny because I am having fun, I play it because I truly hope bungie will make it better. But so far, I don't know what is happening with the company I loved. They seem to have lost their creative direction. Very poor decisions were made and there was a lack of clear communication during the players and the company. It's hard to see such a jarring shift between halo's epicness and Destiny's mediocrity. I have not beaten the raid yet, I almost did. But even if I did, what's the point? To get better armor? For what, crucible, where kills depend on lag rather than equipment and skill? And from what I keep hearing, the story was originally going to be much much different....much cooler. But that was cut because it was too good. What happened to you guys? I have to be asking yourselves "what the -blam!- have we done with this game...." right? Or do you only care about squeezing as many pennies out of us as you can at the cost of producing quality games? I can't do it anymore. I can't handle the deception, the misleading promises, the nerfed content...Destiny feels like a free-to-play game. It's incomplete....until we purchased the dlc. If you cared about giving the players what they deserve, you would make ALL of that DLC free. No this is not satire, it is not a troll. We deserve the rest of the game. If you truly love your community, you would twist activision's arms until they broke and let you give us our game. You would also beg Marty and Joe Staten to return and fire the asshole who came up with the grimoire system. Hire more writers, perhaps some of us in the community could take over. I'm being serious, There are those of us who are brimming with ideas for story direction. I don't know what sort of drama is happening at Bungie studios, but get your shit together. I will continue to be a loyal bungie fan.....But Destiny is losing me. I am at the point where I often ask myself "why am I playing this?!?" The next step is to set it aside and wait for the day you finally get your shit together. EDIT: To clarify, I am not going to be leaving the forums. I love this community. So for those of you who dislike my presence, tough.

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  • Longface, you said pretty much everything I have been feeling. I have been the most avid Bungie fan for years. I LOVED Halo. I'm not here to argue the merits of Halo but I think it was fantastic. The universe was compelling and the game play somewhat revolutionary (you have to remember to view games in the context of the time and system they were originally released for). More than just the games themselves, the company culture impressed me (as revealed through vidocs and the like). An aspiring computer programmer at the time (and a web developer now) Bungie was the company I most wanted to work for. It sounds silly to say it in these terms, but I had a sort of faith in Bungie. And now that faith is somewhat shaken. Clearly the game is not what was advertised/anticipated by the community. The game engine is impressive enough, but the experience is still found wanting. I think the game would have been adequate from a new developer; but the fact of the matter is I think we all expected (and felt like we were promised) MORE from Bungie. I have feeling that a lot of the opposition to critiques of the game (read: "fanboys who flame anything negative said about the game") simply aren't thinking critically. I HAVE beaten the Vault, and it was a lot of fun. But more and more I think to myself, "what am I supposed to be doing with this game." I still enjoy it, but I'm running out of gas. More than that, I don't feel like I got the depth of rich game play I was expecting in the first place. And I come onto these forums and read the news waiting for Bungie to say SOMETHING that is going to work towards fixing the damage they've done to the trust of their fan base. Because the game is clearly lacking, and it is CLEARLY not the game they intended to make. You don't hire that level of voice talent to fill the roles they have now. I didn't even realize that Nathan Fillion was the voice of Cayde until a few days ago (when I ran the second mars strike for the Nth time...) and I am a -BLAM-ing HUNTER! And I love him as an actor! He just doesn't say enough. But Bungie hasn't done anything to restore my faith. Most of what they release into the internets amounts to a wall of silence with the asterisk "we're listening." For me, they need to own up to the fact they goofed up and say how they are going to fix it instead of IMPLYING that assertions made by the infamous Reddit AMA are false. And I say 'implying' because if you read carefully DeeJ's response to the original thread and everything since, he's careful not to actually label the AMA as a fraud. (He says "don't get trolled internets" not "you ARE being trolled". The semantical distinction is small but important.) I too would suggest making the first DLC free, but honestly I am not sure they have until December to start to make amends. I will be back probably (note, not 'still here'), but I think a lot of the community will be lost at that point. They need to make progress NOW, and these Queen events and the Iron Banner just AREN'T GOING TO CUT IT. Frankly they are a massive letdown. Just more of what we already had, re-branded under a different name. I still want to believe in Bungie! But they need to do something dramatic. And they need to do it NOW. They're current PR approach of "we're listening. Stuff will happen someday" isn't doing it for me. The lack [complete absence ?] of MEANINGFUL communication with their fan base feels like a betrayal. But I thank you Longface, for speaking up. The fact of the matter is, your post will gather some attention, and maybe carry some weight. And please, fellow guardians, before you faithfully uphold the fanboy/company mantra: pull your heads out of the sand, think critically and ask yourselves, is this game REALLY everything you hoped it would be?

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