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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by o_____________o: 10/9/2014 9:22:52 PM

And so my days of Destiny are becoming shorter.

I already explained how disappointing the game is, so I'm not going to reiterate myself. But now, I am not playing Destiny because I am having fun, I play it because I truly hope bungie will make it better. But so far, I don't know what is happening with the company I loved. They seem to have lost their creative direction. Very poor decisions were made and there was a lack of clear communication during the players and the company. It's hard to see such a jarring shift between halo's epicness and Destiny's mediocrity. I have not beaten the raid yet, I almost did. But even if I did, what's the point? To get better armor? For what, crucible, where kills depend on lag rather than equipment and skill? And from what I keep hearing, the story was originally going to be much much different....much cooler. But that was cut because it was too good. What happened to you guys? I have to be asking yourselves "what the -blam!- have we done with this game...." right? Or do you only care about squeezing as many pennies out of us as you can at the cost of producing quality games? I can't do it anymore. I can't handle the deception, the misleading promises, the nerfed content...Destiny feels like a free-to-play game. It's incomplete....until we purchased the dlc. If you cared about giving the players what they deserve, you would make ALL of that DLC free. No this is not satire, it is not a troll. We deserve the rest of the game. If you truly love your community, you would twist activision's arms until they broke and let you give us our game. You would also beg Marty and Joe Staten to return and fire the asshole who came up with the grimoire system. Hire more writers, perhaps some of us in the community could take over. I'm being serious, There are those of us who are brimming with ideas for story direction. I don't know what sort of drama is happening at Bungie studios, but get your shit together. I will continue to be a loyal bungie fan.....But Destiny is losing me. I am at the point where I often ask myself "why am I playing this?!?" The next step is to set it aside and wait for the day you finally get your shit together. EDIT: To clarify, I am not going to be leaving the forums. I love this community. So for those of you who dislike my presence, tough.

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    5 Replies
    • Did.....did you make a # of yourself?

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    • Can you just go away once and for all? Your posts and polls are repetitive and pointless. We got the message, probaly Bungie did too. Give us all a break and move on.

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    • While I don't feel the same way, I've got to admire you for not being completely hateful sounding like others here.

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    • It's nice to read something not reflective of the opinons of a sycophantic fanboy. VtxR - PS3

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    • Where is the #attentionwhore? I must have missed it...?

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    • I don't come to the forums very often because it's full of whining and toxic 12 years olds but every time without fail, I see one of your posts. Why don't you just get a blog? All you do is complain too, just stop playing dude, or get some friends to play with.

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      3 Replies
      • Classic Longface. *hi-five*

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      • I hate to ask but I have to. Have you ever played an MMO before? Or a loot grinder? Diablo? You have to understand that this game was clearly not made with the single player experience in mind and yet a lot of people seem to act as if it was. The story was shite - yes..yes it was but I don't put much weight on it because in an MMO I don't care for the story all too often. Would it be nice for it have more depth? Sure it would be but the foundation laid down by bungie leaves room for a lot of mysteries and worlds to explore as the game evolves. See the funny thing is that for the most part - in regards to a New MMO launch Bungie has done an ok job. The foundation is there - the gameplay is solid and wicked fun. You ask why you should even do the raid if there is no point and that there is the inherent problem of why you feel the way you do about destiny. You don't see the point of the game. You're not treating the game as an MMO but instead you were hoping for something like Halo (at least so it seems but please correct if I'm wrong). It isn't to say that Destiny doesn't have its flaws because it clearly does. But with more content incoming we will see how they plan to carry this all out. As for the DLC - the way I see it is that I understand. You cannot compare the way games are made today as they were 10-20 years ago because times have changed and very dramatically. The costs of making a game are astronomical compared to before. The average cost of a game today is $20 million dollars versus just 10 years ago it was within 1-4 million. So then you say "Well if they have more money they should be able to do more right?: Well yes and no - look at the complexity of today's video games compared to those that came out in 2000-2006. The world's are interactive and often times there are a ton of things to do within the game already as it is. In addition to that $20 million today doesn't mean that the game costs $4 million and they're using the extra $16 million for stupid shit. It simply means that costs of risen and that gaming has become a legitimate business that generates a lot of dollars. So to me the DLC is simply add-ons that will come in at a later date. Yes it comes at a cost but that cost is minimal - at least for me - because for me its a small price to play to continue playing new content on a game that I enjoy very heavily. This isn't to say that you're wrong though. If you truly don't enjoy the game then you don't and its as simple as that. If you believe that the game may get better well hey you're always welcome to come back when you feel like its met your standards. What I don't think is fair is to make demands of the developers to do everything to please you with no benefit for them in return. The relationship we have with developers and our games are not of friendship. Our relationships with developers and publishers are purely a business transaction. I pay them for a game that I want to play - they get paid to make a game. Simple as that and nothing more. Developers will obviously listen to fans and their communities to ensure that we are happy with their product so that they can build a rapport of trust between us and them and we continue to buy future products. But I've already said too much - whatever you say isn't going to change my mind about the game and whatever I say isn't going to change your mind about the game. Don't take this as an attack on your viewpoints and opinions because hey if you're not enjoying it then all of your points are valid from your perspective and mine aren't because I'm seeing them from my perspective. Hopefully someday you can rejoin us and maybe that time around you'll enjoy the game.

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        2 Replies
        • Nice one, Longface!

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        • I like that. "Im not going to explain again why I hate this game again" while he sits here talking about how much he hates this game. LMAO. I love it. You do understand that the employee's at Bungie print off posts like this and put them on bulletin boards to laugh at all day right?

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        • Edited by Lightning997: 10/8/2014 8:28:17 PM
          save us the trouble and buzz off

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        • Return it if you don't like it. Otherwise play the game and quit whining like a bitch

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          7 Replies
          • So dramatic. Stop crying. If you don't like it do something else.

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          • I feel your pain. I constantly ask myself why Bungie made this decision, or that one, when the obvious choice was so obvious! But then it hit me... EVERY decision in Destiny was made to "lengthen" the game. Grind harder. More grinding. Harder versions of grinding. EVERYTHING in destiny is a grind. Why? To hide the fact that there is nothing at the end of the grind. If me and my friends could trade, we would have had a much better time playing destiny. But we would be done by now. As such, most of us are still stuck in the grind. No trading = more grinding. No class specific loot = more grinding. Bounty system limiting to 5 bounties = more grinding. RNG loot = more grinding. "mark" cap = more grinding. Ascendant materials = more grinding. Playing the vault of glass with 5 friends was IMMENSE fun. But why wasn't this choice chosen more often? DLC and grinding took precedence. Having fun, and creating your "legend" was the core of Destiny, but it was abandoned for the grind to create artifical endgame material. Destiny may be considered a success... But honestly, I'd say it was one of gaming's darkest hours. The day mediocrity was deemed acceptable and profitable. I can only be thankful that oldschool gaming did not start off like this, and I still have my treasure trove of games worth their weight in gold. But Destiny isn't.

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          • longface is best face

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          • No one whoever buys a game on the day it is released should ever have to wait for it to get better. I have already found myself playing a match or two of destiny, maybe a strike or three, but after that I just play another game. It just did not have enough release content to keep anyone happy with it for that long. I am sure the game will get much larger and better but that will really only fully benefit the people who waited for the dlc to come out before they bought the game meanwhile the rest of the people who bought the game and are now squeezing everything they can out of what little they were given are sure to also blitz through the dlc as well due to their need for new content and they will relive the same event as when they bought the game when they realize now they already beat the dlc in a few days and really have nothing to do. Bungie is going to have to release DLC that is 3 times the size of the game as it currently stands if they are going to keep the people that are still playing the game happy till the DLC after that is released. A good example of this is PSU a game that had a large amount of release content that kept a much larger percentage of its fan base happy. I got the game 1 month after it came out and only went online 2 weeks after that but there was never a time where I was even able to catch up with the amount of things there were to do in that game and when the dlc came out (which was 1.5 times the size of the entire game) the gap between being close to finished and having tons of things to do became even larger. Unless destiny somehow becomes a MMO over night I don’t think DLC alone will save this game but to each their own, I still have a little fun with what is left and I really enjoyed this game when it first came out.

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            3 Replies
            • Good post, but the awesomeness of Bungie is not in question. Their ability to rein in Activi$ion is.

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            • Took the words out of my mouth longface. Please bungie, don't waste this games 10/10 potential.

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            • If they twist Activision's arm they will just be bought and sold for parts like so many other companies before them.

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            • How original! Yet another I Quit Destiny post.

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            • At least drop in the party every now and then still; the game is half the experience for me, I love chatting with you guys!

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            • Agree 102%

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            • I agree with you is very disappointing when the company that basically created the bar for competitive games just seems to give up...along with not really giving us any sort of explanation about what's going on...I am looking forward to the master chief collection, that game will be competitive.

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            • apparently people can't have opinions anymore without being shat on by others...I really like the game, but that's because I've never really been a campaign player. I really have only played multiplayer on any game. I can see how it would be frustrating to others who wanted more of a story seeing as how I beat the story in two sittings and I really only did it to level up my character. I also get that the loot system is jacked up, but after I realized that it was completely random I just laugh and say, "wow" whenever I do well and get nothing in crucible, but I completely understand that it makes players mad. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that everyone is entitled to an opinion, so there's no need to bash people for saying what they think.

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            • Not a terrible post, obviously you're unhappy with the game and that's fine, you have the right to voice your unhappiness and I respect that. However some of your views are just plain ludacris. For example, this little gem: [quote]If you cared about giving the players what they deserve, you would make ALL of that DLC free.[/quote] Nothing in life is truely free, end of story. Or this one: [quote]If you truly love your community, you would twist activision's arms until they broke and let you give us our game.[/quote] I love when little internet nerds think they know more than the people inside. News flash, you know less than nothing. Yeah, that's right LESS than NOTHING. It's easy to criticize when you make up some fantasy scenario that doesn't even exist. Could you be right? Yeah, sure maybe, but odds are you have no clue. Do I know the answer? Nope, but I'm not stupid enough to hypothesize about something and think it's actually true. I play the game for what it is in it's current state and I make the best of what they have to offer and I have fun with it. All of you people who think you know Bungie and Activision because you've played their video games is hysterical. I bought laundry detergent and used it yesterday, does that mean I know how Tide runs their company? Ummmmmm...... NO! Play the game or don't play the game, like it or don't like it, buy the DLC or don't, but you should never think you know something when you are on the outside of the organization peering in through a tiny little key hole. Get over yourself cupcake.

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