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10/3/2014 6:52:13 AM

It's an interesting point. Will pass along.

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  • What economy? You can't trade, so by definition, there can't be an economy.

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  • That's my fear it's easy enough to get weapons gun smith to crucible to rep vendors to raid that's how you get your gear and it makes sense now if a few times a week your gun smith sold a legendary for 20k glimmer sure

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  • Not everyone has endless hour to waste on video games, but would love to feel and shoot an exotic. Giving them a better chance of getting one through other means than grinding I sure would be welcomed. I never said make the exotics cheap or easy to purchase just to give a him a random loot stream or some other functions.

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  • You are absolutely right. This game needs more random loot.[spoiler]Sarcasm[/spoiler]

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  • 1. Do level 28 weekly strike, get 9 coins. Do this twice/three times, buy Exotic Heavy/Primary. Total time invested: [b]~3 hours over the course of 3 weeks.[/b] (This is the most casual and guaranteed method of getting an Exotic) 2. Do Weekly Nightfall, get a (decent) chance at Exotic end of mission reward. Total time invested: [b]~30 minutes a week[/b] 3. Clear Vault of Glass, get a (decent) chance at Exotic rewards from chests. Total time invested: [b]~1 hour a week[/b] 4. Turn in Vanguard bounties every day, each turn in has a chance at netting you an Exotic weapon bounty. Total time invested: [b]~2 hours a day[/b] (While this method is highly accessible to even the most casual of casuals, it is unfortunately, entirely RNG) [i]Many[/i] other options besides engram grinding already exist in the game, and they don't require "endless hours to waste". If you choose not to take advantage of them that's on you.

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  • You're posting times based on your experiences. They're probably correct for the majority of players, but they're not going to be for everyone. Bungie has to strike a balance between the casual and hardcore crowd to maintain a decent sized player base. For a lot of people, finding 2 hours of gaming time a day isn't possible. Add in VoG and the weekly strike and nightfalls, and it's just not doable for everyone. That's really not the point though. That content isn't going to be approachable to all audiences, regardless of time. Enabling the gunsmith to sell a wider variety of loot, hopefully for some extremely exorbitant price-gouging rates on the good ones, allows more casual players a better chance of earning at least mediocre gear. Personally, I don't want him selling exotics or legendaries; I think there are enough vendors for that. However, he could totally sell level 20 rares at random, and that would make the game infinitely better at level 20 while you're working toward some of the harder to earn rewards.

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  • Edited by Lannik: 10/6/2014 8:02:39 PM
    I don't disagree with you in regards to accessibility. However I believe you're asking for the wrong thing. Getting to at least level 20 (a single play through of the campaign and a few bounties along the way) is definitely accessible to players of all skill levels and time restraints, on that I'm sure we can agree. Given that assumption, players of all skill levels and time restraints should have no problem running the vanguard strike playlist, which [i]already[/i] rewards level 20 blues (and even legendaries if you get lucky). Therefore, I think Bungie can come up with a more creative use for the gunsmith besides simply turning him into a vendor for gear that is already readily available to the general population. Simply ramping up his inventory slightly just seems like a tremendous missed opportunity.

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  • I do agree with both your introductory points. I just don't have a problem with also enabling a purchase option in addition to finding gear. I don't think anyone should be forced to rely on the RNG to provide them with gear for their play style. That said, I'm not opposed to the gunsmith having other functionality in addition to providing him with extra stock. I think it'd be awesome if he offered up weapon-specific quests, hosted a firing range that would allow you to test different weapons against different enemies at different levels prior to buying them or searching them out, performed weapon ability swaps or tweaks, or even just allowed various material trade-ins and exchanges to facilitate gear upgrades.

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  • tHe people I am talking about will most likely never see level 28

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  • [quote]Not everyone has endless hour to waste on video games, but would love to feel and shoot an exotic.[/quote] I agree that there are some who likely will never see level 28 content, but my message was primarily in response to your post, particularly the above quote. At level 27 there is no content in this game that in inaccessible to you, and you can take advantage of [u][b]any[/b][/u] (or all) of the above methods to obtain your goal of firing an exotic weapon.

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  • I agree with the OP

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  • *cough cough* what about #Gaming *cough cough*

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    You're awesome DeeJ

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  • I love OPs suggestion, but I also love hard earned rewards. How about Eva Levante and Banshee offer up some bounties or quests with either weapons or shaders as rewards - or currency to buy more special items? Keep it up, Deej.

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  • Edited by veggienuts: 10/4/2014 2:33:13 PM
    Wow the amazing Deej has graced my thread, this is an awesome day for me. I am glad you see the point I am trying to make, I think all NPC should have a long standing vaild roles in games. It make the game more immersive when you have to interact with the whole environment, putting things there just to be pretty sucks. I realize I should have said Gaurdian outfitter as well, I have more emblems that I care for but shaders are in short supply. I guess I didnt mention her because I forgot she even existed. Don't get me wrong I don't want things handed to me I like the idea of earning things but why do people thing that going out and collecting glimmer or other bits such as strange coins to purchase a exotic is not earning it, if you ask me it far more earned that all the little turds out farming loot caves. I Am not assking for there to be an exotic up for grabs every day just make him have some more value to the end gamers. Thanks again for paying attention Deej and thanks bungie for making such a great game.

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  • Careful, don't cream yourself.

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  • Glad to see you're listening to feedback! Thanks!

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  • Youre awesome deej!

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  • Of course you will because you're awesome

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