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10/1/2014 12:06:14 PM
That is the thing that only Bungie will be able to answer. One thing we do know, is that they are listening. Them sneaking proximity chat in last night, supposedly, is a bit of proof of that. I've not seen it personally, as I've been two days without playing due to work-related issues. Those are the kind of changes that we will see earlier, as they are easier to fix than broadening the story. Functionality is generally quicker to add than content. I just think that there is a much more logical explanation than the "they pulled content just to charge us for it" rationale that we are seeing floating around more and more. It is likely a lot more realistic that in order to deliver the game that Bungie wanted to deliver was going to result in a significant delay, and was then reworked into what it is today. They were likely face with missing the holiday shopping season, and made the decision to meet the deadline that they and Activision had established, with some sort of future plans for expansion. A little more transparency into the matter probably would have helped to calm the firestorm before it happened. Bungie will speak on the subject at some point. They have to, because the negative press is starting to intensify. The ball is in their court as to how they make things right. Would not be surprised to see some level of free story-based content in the future, but I would not expect it to be before the first DLC in December. My best guess is you are going to see them addressing some of the non-story elements of the game ahead of pushing more content, other than what they have already promised. When I am talking about their framework, I primarily am referring to the core engine, itself, and the basic gameplay mechanics. Those items, themselves, are rock-solid, in my opinion. When the time comes for Destiny 2, there will be a drastically shorted development cycle involved, because those are the things that take a lot of time to get right. Not that it matters, but aside from story, my personal wishlist of things I would like to see are: - Make the Sparrows move faster than a brisk jogging pace. - Add a way to "quick-select" a weapon from the HUD instead of having to go into the Options screen. - Introduce more quest-based bounties that have a tie-in to the game, and have them be available from NPCs. - Remove/increase the glimmer and mark caps. - Make glimmer actually worth collecting - have NPCs sell better stuff. - Find a way to logically incorporate NPCs outside of the Tower, i.e. random encounters, travelling assassins, etc. - Allow weapons crafting.

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