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9/29/2014 5:09:50 PM

Regarding Upcoming Destiny Content

Hey, Bungie Community. I hope you had a nice weekend. We noticed that you noticed that we already have plans for upcoming content packs in Destiny. We do! They have activity names (which may or may not change) and we have a really good idea what they're going to contain. They even have placeholder nodes in the Director, as you've already discovered. But neither of the Expansion Packs we've announced are finished. People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content for our first post launch pack, "The Dark Below," as I type these words. It will be finished soon. It releases in December. Soon, we'll detail it out for you so you can see exactly what we've been working on. Thanks for playing. Thanks for the passion. We know you want details. We'll talk more soon.

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  • Deej, how bout the weapon balancing CoughEXOTICcough

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  • Placeholders placeholders placeholders bullshit placeholders placeholders

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  • I hope its not "detailed" out like all of it was BEFORE launch, which we all know was lies and propaganda. I hope that THIS TIME you'll actually show us the CRAP you intend to make us pay for. ~thanks.

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    5 Replies
    • I've got a better idea, considering the recent light of 'trolling' from a 'possible' bungie employee, and the fact that I am so bored/annoyed with this game; Shadows of Mordor releases today for me, I preordered it too, like I did with destiny. I think I'll pick it up and shelve this disastrous game. Also, when you guys release destiny 2, I don't think I'll pre order it, and I'll wait at least a week for reviews about it from [b]real[/b] players before I spend my hard earned money on a half-assed game again. As it sits now, this game can't be 'fixed' with any amount of DLC or patches that I can imagine. The [i]main[/i] reason I purchased this game was for story, lore, and interaction, of which this game has none, all of which, I might add, was semi-advertised via video blog/diary sessions with development teams. This game has done the oldest sales trick in the book of the classic 'bait and switch' intentionally or unintentionally, it was still done and no one can refute that by any amount of back peddling including the people claiming that games get changed during development. [i][b]none[/b][/i] of the mentioned features are in the game I purchased. The [b]only[/b] redeeming quality this game has is it looks beautiful, congrats to the art teams. This game won't make it a year or more aside from the die hard crucible players, and I don't believe that will sustain the financial needs for the game to receive updates and DLC. I'm very glad that they made their money back on release because I just don't see this game making it to the decade mark they are projecting without going back to the story board with this and releasing destiny 2 featuring the ideas and items that we were lead to believe would be in this game. This is just my opinion, and can be taken or thrown aside, but I will say it seems more and more of the community are starting to feel this way as well. As more games are released, more of the community will end up walking away; the only reason why a lot of them are still here, I believe, is because of the lack of games available right now, and it will not be that way for much longer. I want to leave with this, and I truly hope all development teams and game manufacturing/production companies see this if nothing else; We, the gaming community, would much rather read/hear we're going to need to wait another week, a month, or even a year, knowing that the game is going to be great, especially a game like this, destiny, that had the chance to revolutionize game creation, than have a game released on time with content cut, and the game stipples of any resemblance of what we were led to believe the game was going to be. That's it, that's all I have. In a few hours I'll go and pick up my new game, I'll put destiny on the shelf along with all my other games. Will I put it back in my console? Maybe a couple more times, but probably not. It'll sit there with titles like Dante's Inferno and WET, that had a good idea, but just didn't leave a lasting impression on me. I still play games that did, Prototype, and it's sequel, Darksiders, Dragon Age, or even the Resistance series. Those games had substance. I mention last gen games as an example of how a game can hold you and pull you in, and make you come back again, Final Fantasy VII is a perfect example, people still play that, even beg for a next gen re-release. Destiny? It's a stale FPS amongst a sea of other FPS, of which all have better stories and better backgrounds than it. I'm sure there will be people with the classic 'go' and 'glad you're gone' and that's fine, I'm glad they enjoy the game, and I hope they're able to enjoy it as the player base dies out as more and more games are released. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being genuine. A game is suppose to provide fun and entertainment, and if it is providing that for them, I'm glad, as a gamer, I want other gamers to enjoy their games just as much as I enjoy mine, even if that is a different game than what I enjoy. We're all on the same side here, and we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves, we should be banding together to prevent things like this from occurring over and over. Just because I don't like puzzle games, doesn't mean I won't get upset and agree with someone that loves them and was given a half-way finished game with promises of more content later, most of which was originally promised within the original game, as paid DLC later. In my opinion, it's just morally wrong, but that's my view, and you all are entitled to your own Psn~Khaosrayne

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      13 Replies
      • Looking forward to it, DeeJ.

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      • Stahp with the necro!

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Kim82: 10/1/2014 7:06:06 PM
          Can we get an official answer to this as well? Backed by this: Ware are the game that got us hyped? Ware are the epic MMO space fantasy shooter we all want? These two rumors explain why destiny kind of sucks, even why Peter Dinkle dose a such a bad job. The story feel like very bad fan fiction on a very rich and living world. It is obvious that Destiny one ware much much more than what we got. Who thought it ware a good idea to remove the story from the game? And replace it with 15 year old wave mechanics and lines like "I don't even have time to explain why i don't have time to explain". 500 000 000$ for this you are joking! Are Bungie and Activation really that disconnected from the gamers? 60$ for this i feel both robbed and fooled. Now please do like DICE did when they messed up BF4, get an community test environment and get in touch with the ones that loves games. And give us a story, the one destiny had until 7-8 months ago seems awesome, patch that one inf or us before you even think of taking more money from us for PPC (pay patch content. Wat your "DL"C is) A game like Destiny should have never been CoDifyed. Shame on you both!

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        • Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 10/1/2014 12:10:00 AM
          Deej I look forward to the content. I also look forward to when the majority of these asshats get bored and move on so the rest of us can enjoy the game in peace. Please keep the updates on progress coming. Its always nice to know what is in the works so as to keep us knowing that there is more stuff on the way and our feedback is leading towards positive progress.

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          27 Replies
          • Deej, Thank you for taking the time to post this. Listen, some of us really are unhappy with the game's "unfinished" feel but others are totally cool with you guys' vision that this game is to grow over the next 10 years. We really appreciate you guys providing feedback. Please contuniue to do that and just ignore the negativity. Cheers, Sinistradian

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            5 Replies
            • Say what you want to, but I still have no idea what happened at the end of the game. Are all the Vex dead or what? Who am I? What's with the D&D crap unfinished story?

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            • Edited by Dodgefate: 9/30/2014 8:18:07 AM
              It is funny reading some of these it is true i guess gaming is going down the drain because of its community..... 1) Only way to get views / likes / tweets / subs is if there is some kind of hate in it 2) Always a fake war that doesn't matter with consoles / resolutions / games / companys 3) Everyone seems to like the DDOS an thinks a company sucks because no one can stop it (other then 25 to life in jail now) 4) People spend money on a game not knowing what they will get an if its not 100% flawless "i'll sue you" 5) You have or have had 100 of games that just sit there and why? - Because we all know when a new game comes out you rarely if ever go back to old ones or trade them in (im the same) 6) Everyone seems to think "well if they posted this it must be true" Life is a lie lol This isnt a defend for bungie just the way i see everything rolling out with every new game this gen an it's not looking good lol I can see why a few jobless or close budget people could be mad about playing 30 bucks more for a game to come out 2 years sooner then if they did all of it an released the game, but come on you waste money every day an when you grow up you will lose / waste even more if not everything an turn your hate to work / government / bills. I'm sorry if this upsets some people (the truth hurts) an i'm sorry if my spelling or grammar or periods are not where you like them or need them to be. As for bungie & destiny me an my friends are loving the game ya there is some bads & goods but thats life i see good ground structure for you to build this NEW IP keep up the good work.

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              3 Replies
              • Been a big fan since '01... even contaced you guys with ideas and have seen them show up in some games. I emailed bungie a few years ago and mentioned this awesome idea on a Halo MMO. But... you guys done -blam!-ed it up. lol.

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              • next time you create one of those stories you should atleast add cliffhangers to see some its just the beginning of a 10 year long story but no real interest in following it

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              • If its only 4 missions 2 strikes and 1 raid I'm sorry but you won't get my money. I already feel a little -blam!-ed over due buying a 60$ shell of a game. Good mechanics and good start, that turns into horde mode for 10 hours or so of campaign, was gonna say story but there is none. Bungie get yo shit together, or else that legacy of yours will be tarnished for good.

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              • i and most people will be grading Destiny based on the first DLC. Bring it DeeJ. i hope the first DLC is Massive and loaded with story line that helps us figure out what Destiny is and will be. bring tons of pve content please!!!

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              • Did you write the lines for the Speaker? "we know you want details. We'll TALK more soon" lol

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              • I hope it will contain a new planet many new weps. Lots and lots of story.. If not the loot cave that is Activision's but will end up getting a nerf

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              • Edited by yourmemories: 10/1/2014 4:23:37 PM
                After the supposed leak about the story from a "former" bungie employee I do whole heartedly think that the "dlc" that is coming SHOULD BE FREE! all its going to do is partially restore what was cut from the game pre-launch also I get holding onto the story to make us want more, but JEBUS! even LOST (I hate that show btw) gave a reason and a lead up to why those F'ers ended up on that damn island! beep boop blop, spin spin spin, insert light anal probe "Hey lookey here! we got a live one!" now go into Russia and find a space ship.....

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                5 Replies
                • Thanks for the amazing atmosphere in this game, it's one of my top likes, that and the fun playing with friends, shame the expansion is out in December and not November.

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                • Man, quit patronizing us. Just switch to a modicum of sincerity and talk to us like we not Larping fantards.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Hi

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                  • Dur Bunjee. I wurb detsernee. It haz shewteng nd nise guns. Plz tel us whut hapemd 2 storee contet. Dewek, Aged 8 Seriously though. I'm enjoying the game for what we have, but I think the game itself is better than the sum of its parts. It would be gewd if you could shine some light on what happened to this content as many players were looking forward to it. Simperheve, Aged X amount

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                  • What good is the dlc content? I believe most are past level 20 unless new to the game. What good is adding a bunch of level 20 and below story missions? The challenge is gone. 20 was supposed to be the beginning but as I see it once you've reached 20 it's pretty much over. All the story missions are pointless unless level cap is raised along with mission caps

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                  • Edited by Larsik: 9/30/2014 8:12:41 PM
                    isnt today patch day? 1.0.2 not being released today? Maybe that is something we can have...standardized server maintenance/patch days/times?

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                  • Edited by LoveItToDeath: 9/30/2014 9:42:45 AM
                    You people at Bungie should be ashamed of yourselves. How do you sleep at night? How do you live with yourselves? You lied to, cheated and defrauded the consumer. You charged us $60 for what amounts to 1/3 of a full game, if that. You are unethical and immoral liers. Shame on YOU!

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                    22 Replies
                    • Arghh why break the uneasy silence just to tell us you are indeed going to sell us the dlc that was already announced and sold??

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