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originally posted in: So What They Cut Content
9/29/2014 2:58:05 PM
Google "out of map, bunker, destiny, gametuts" to see how this is done. It's common When you build a game. You instantly start workIng on 2, 3. Same wIth movies. Waiting for it to come out your starting part two. And in games. Expan. And dlc. Is commonly stored deep under a map. Out of "reach" of the players. However. It's there. Preloaded. Or at least the heavy bits. Enemies and triggers are all basically text so that can be aroun 5 mb for a map. Now a boss A once off boss. Needs textures and mapping 5 more mb or so. The whole lv. And all the scenery. 1-3 gb. So. If they put that on disc. Your not downloading dlc for 3 hours. So to all the crybabies Shut up and thank bungie.

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