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9/29/2014 1:50:14 AM

yeah, im a lvl 30, but So I haven't made a post here since the Halo 3 days,. The main logical reason why the game lacked a story and sucked so much was when the game had a 1 year dead line and Joshua Rubin, the writer, quit his job and joined Telltale Games. Now, there must be a reason why he quit his job. For those that don't know, a few game testers told the social media about testing the game, and how much diferent it was, how it seemed too much like halo, and how there was a freaking story to it. All their posts has been deleted, most likely due to the fear of getting sued. I'm currently working in Brazil and there is no way I can reach this guy to talk to him. As a community that has been let down, there is no wrong in digging under the veil of what was supposted to be Destiny. So guys, let's ask for some info from Rubin, let's hear what he has to say. Here's some info: Some one please find out his contact info and ask him politly if he could help out with some info. DONT SPAM HIM, just be friendly and ask if he could share some of his ideas of how Destiny was going to be on his point of view, if there was supposted to be a story, if by contract they had to pull out on all the cut scenes with his work and why didn't bungie work out for him. My guess? The same thing that happend Halo 2 happend to Destiny, but much worse. They had a deadline and didn't get to finish the game, and since it would cost too much money and time to redo the game, assumedly, the cash flow woudn't handle the backdrawn creater by Rubin quittin. So what would a major gaming company do? In my opinion, do to the results of this game, they polished it at their best and prayed for another Halo 2 miracle. Sure the turn out of Halo 2 was MUCH better, but if you dig up some bungie history, they nearly shited their pants when sending out Halo 2. The only way they can make Destiny work some day is if they make a Open world 5 times bigger than GTA 5 and show more than promise words on ViDocs. Make no loading, and let us drive the space ships to get to the planets and places. Anyways that's besides the point I'm trying to make, what do you guys think? Shouldn't Bungie make a statement about this haft-ass game? And do you guys think this Joshua Rubin guy is going to help us out understanting what the -blam!- happend to Destiny?

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