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9/23/2014 6:45:52 PM

Quit Defending This Game

You're just feeding the fire. I was pleasantly surprised last week to see what this forum could become, which is a community of people helping others out with tips and tricks, talk of gameplay for those who actually enjoy it, and sharing of experiences. I thought all those who hate that we like this game had finally given up, but new ones have risen. No one is changing anyone's mind so let's help the haters move on by ignoring them. We, those who are enjoying the game, do not have to defend it from those who do not. Let's get back to building our community, please!

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  • Agreed! I want to learn how to use my warlock better and certainly cannot on the forums.

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  • I agree with sling best is yet to come for destiny while cod is always the same

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  • Stop bitching about this game if you dont like it move the -blam!- on and stop playing if people like it they like it. Some people like the powerpuff girls still who the -blam!- cares. Stop bitching or stop playing its a mmo get used to it people

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  • Give it a few weeks and all the noobs will go back to CoD or Battlefield. Then we can enjoy this game in piece. And yes if your bashing Destiny for lack of content/story then you know nothing about MMO's and you are in fact a noob. Accept it, trade in your copy, and go back to your lame repetitive annual shooter repeats. Those of us that are patient and get involved in the lasting experience that is Destiny will be laughing. A lot. At your expense. I cant wait.

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    29 Replies
    • Destiny is shit.

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      5 Replies
      • Quit attacking this game.

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        3 Replies
        • Why shouldn't I defend a game I am actually enjoying?

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        • Edited by Styx: 9/28/2014 5:46:27 AM
          This whole year ive never seen so much hate for not just this game but pretty much any new game that has come out, it gets so tiring, everyone needs to just stop, i for one enjoy this game, and ive stopped looking at the forums for this game and also many others cause all the hate is found on these, eventually the haters will leave to crap on a new game, as they will always do, they will continue to spend money on the "next big thing" then complain its a never ending cycle that gamers like me that actually play games for the fun of it hate to see.

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        • I should have listened to my first instinct when I heard about Destiny, but admittedly I was caught up in the hype train and the beta caught my interest. So I thought Id give it a try and for a while there my friends and I had a blast. Then as level 20 hit and the impossibility to level up at a reasonable pace do to the horrible loot system, the honeymoon goggles of Bungies's first independent title began to wear off. I saw it for what it was....a corporate cash train running on the fan base of Halo fans. A loot system that requires hours on hours of grinding with no reward only to be chastised by Bungie for finding a way to feel somewhat of a satisfaction of being rewarded for farming at the Cave of Wonders, a guild level system that, again, requires hours and hours of grinding for barely any payoff and god forbid you actually buy something from one of the factions because you wont be able to buy anything for 2 weeks from the same one due to the 100 mark limit, areas being removed for further implementation in DLC, a story that just doesnt exist, not explanation of anything in the game other than the occasional fun fact by the "wonderful" Peter D. It all adds up to disappointment.

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          10 Replies
          • desticle go hide in your corner. this community is the halo community, which YOU ruined for US

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          • Quit attacking this game

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          • Hi, im a hater ;) pls ignore me xD (no dont pls i fan)

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          • Edited by ShadowNinja77: 9/24/2014 6:41:12 PM
            As I've said before for some unknown reason you cannot change someone's precious opinion no matter how valid you might be. Is Destiny as good or bad as they say, well first off I assume what others have to say won't totally affect you beyond that you MIGHT hear them out fairly before agreeing, being neutral or disagreeing. Personally I've said if Destiny was made in Atari days, wasn't made to be over-hyped, & didn't have corporate interest infecting it. People would love it even more, the game I have found to be enjoyable, everyone seems to agree it isn't as good as it could be but still fun & to me that matters the most at-least Bungie just did 2 expansions plus extra stuff to try to make up for it & isn't WoW with a subscription fee plus endless expansions for 1 story. That said I find the fairest middle ground ratings of Destiny to be 7.5 or 8 any less or more be too one sided.

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          • Why is it so impossible for people to comprehend, that it's OK to dislike / be critical of many elements of a game, but still enjoy it so much? It's not a surprise that many people are picking faults with Destiny, because there are many serious faults with Destiny. It's also not a surprise that people are enjoying the game despite recognizing said faults, because Destiny is such an expansive game with so many things to do that it can often become easy to ignore the faults and issues, in favor of doing something that you enjoy. Example? The raid itself - it's incredible, fun, challenging, unique, and intense. There's also the promise of exceptional loot when you complete it. I loved the raid (haven't had so much fun in a game like I have in the raid in a very long time). So fun in fact, that it overcomes the crap story, the horrible loot system, and the well below par PvP experience. Do those issues exist?Sure. But there's so much to do in destiny that it becomes easy to overlook those issues and have a fun time with it. Are people who criticize the game haters? No. Are people who have fun with the game ignorant defenders of the title? No. You can be critical of Destiny and still have a good time. There's nothing wrong with that - people need to understand that that's where most people find themselves.

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            6 Replies
            • Thank you! Hahaha I started to feel like the only one who no longer had to defend the game, the loot system is fine because I still find myself hunting for better stuff everyday. I'm lvl 27 and hunting for ascendant shards is a tough one, but I've abused the system of the "failed" loot system and have learned to work it. For anyone else looking for ascendant shards...dismantle any legendary gear you get your hands on, thank god for the queens kill orders for I get one or two of her legendary gear everytime I beat a kill order. Which breaks down to two or four shards I need. I haven't done a raid yet for I don't know enough people skilled enough yet or willing to try it. The game stilllll has myself and others begging for more! When I get frustrated and feeling down I just switch my character and work on another and grind my way back up. The hard work pays off, once one learns to work the system it isn't so disappointing. Weekly nightfall strikes...difficult and challenging beyond belief but still learning to tackle it. The more difficult stuff we have learned you can't solo and go all commando on the enemy, you have to work as a team as well as be properly equipped, otherwise failure is in your future haha. PvP same thing have to work as a team, keep your distance tackle the campers with shotguns by weeding them out with grenades. Every fault anyone has ever discussed about this game I've learned there is a way to tackle it. This game you have to mold to and learn to over come disappointment and the challenged it sets before you. I've finally seen the bigger picture and it is glorious. More stuff to come in coming weeks which I'm excited to see what else I can cash in on! Haters gunna hate hahaha

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              2 Replies
              • quit being a nob

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              • Don't tell me what to do

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              • To those who think the game is to repetitive: If they have a "10 year plan" like I have been hearing... they would have to flesh everything out slowly and release content slowly. Think about how burnt out the players and the devs would get if they blew their whole load in the first month the game was out. Like they keep saying. "We're never finished with Destiny." Paitence man. Most of these complainers have played this game WAY to many hours already and that's why they are so tired of the game. They played it till they hated it. Just plain wore it out. If you keep it to a hobby instead of playing this like a way of life then it wouldn't get so repetitive so quickly. Maybe Bungie just needs to be more outright with what their plans are for the future of the game so these impatient whiners can be put at ease.

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              • This is not a good attitude to have. I agree that flaming the game and insulting people who enjoy it is bad, but so is lumping anyone who has a criticism or suggests an improvement as "haters". There's a lot of small improvements that can be made to radically improve this game, and for most people, the only reason we criticize aspects of the game is because we want it to succeed. You don't do Bungie any favors by squashing criticism.

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                3 Replies
                • -sigh- Okay. -Lowers Shield and sword and walks away from XBox, knowing that the Romans aren't going to attack-

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                • Edited by df42ee05: 9/24/2014 10:33:11 PM
                  the hope i had for this game was for a game like borderlands but with mmo elements like neverwinter or d and d online. teaming up with friends or other players to do raids and dungeon like events, which in a way it is it plays just like neverwinter my favorite MMO, btw. If you think about it you are playing an MMO The same raids , epic dungeons, How many times have you played a online MMO and beat the impossible to beat raid boss only to get the same loot you got last time you beat it.. And think about it .. Titan = Tank.. Warlock = suport/area control.. Hunter DPS'r > come on guys its a MMO FPS everything they said it would be . with expansions coming in the future. And guess what online MMO,s have expansions too. WOW had several an neverwinter had several. Is there a story in wow or neverwinter, yes , is it told well NO. come on give it a break.he Story doesnt make since because its gonna be carried over for several expansions to come. the socail aspects could be a little better with clans and groups, but ppl complaining about not enough chat support , how would you talk over 100 ppl in the tower if it were open floor chat.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Haters gonna hate boy-e

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                  • I thought this thread was oing to be a Destiny bashing thread. I'm happy it isn't. I could care less if people hate this game. I love it. I haven't felt this happy to play a video game since Halo 3/Vanilla WoW. Sure, something's need worked on, some bugs fixed, the story added on, but it's still an amazing game i can see myself plaing at least twice a week after i stop playing every single day.

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                  • They could fix a lot of the current problems right now ie completely random engrams your teammates getting exotics while you get ascendant shards pvp balance Hopefully next game story missions won't be so repetitve this is the introduction game that introduces you to the game the story and what its about next game will hopefully answer everyones question like who is the stranger who is she fighting for what did she mean? who made the exos how did the traveler get crippled who are we? how did we end up dead?

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                    8 Replies
                    • Yeah dude. Check out this video.

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                    • Your right , Slackers get to work.

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