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9/23/2014 8:56:10 AM

the flaws between strikes, bounties, legendary gear and loot

Not bashing the game or complaining, just giving criticism in a more in depth analysis. Lets start with strikes. Strikes are fun... The first time, but doing them again is more of a bother than rewarding, there is no incentive to do a strike and I'll tell you why. Right off the bat is the loot, the loot you get rewarded with for completing a strike is laughable at best, unless you get a desired shader. Secondly there is no reason to do them at a higher difficulties, the loot isn't really any better and xp+rep? You can get that from a bounty that requires you to beat the shit out of 30 dregs on earth, literally. Not only that but shielded enemies become more of an annoyance than a challenge at higher level strikes, especially wizards, you put a full mag in them and while you're reloading they get their shield back, not to mention wizards are really hard to hit with heavy or precision weapons so they are an absolute pain. Why deal with that when you can get the same thing from an easy bounty? Speaking of bounties, they are so vague most of the time that they get exploited way too easily, like I said previously, "melee 30 enemies without dying" most people just go to earth and kill a few dozen dregs, as only one example. And like said before as it is currently they make strikes obsolete. A big topic is loot, lots of controversy about this but simply the system does not reward you for playing the game but only one specific, small part of the game. Now I understand grinding and farming, but this is not the same. When you farm you farm one particular enemy for a certain item, be it weapons, armor, exp, ect. But in destiny the farming, like a certain notorious cave, includes all of that. You can get everything by farming that one cave given the patience and its a better method by far than anything that's supposed to reward you. Now I'm not say "pple r cheating fix plox" I'm saying there should be a genuine reason for people to want to play the harder parts of the game over using this farming method, not necessarily remove it. Finally legendary equipment. It's quite ironic, that the missions that reward you with legendary gear require you to to have legendary equipment to even do! How does that make any sense? So instead you just farm the spinmetal and other resources until you have enough rep to buy legendary gear, which at that point there's, again, barely or no reason to do these hard missions, strikes and raids because you already have a reliable source for legendary gear. Comments and opinions are welcome, even if they're not popular.

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