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Edited by pyro: 10/2/2014 1:44:39 PM

Forcing PvE players into the Crucible

I love this game and have been playing it a lot... However, I recently picked up an exotic bounty for Toland's Legacy. After researching the requirements, I found out that I have to go into the crucible. WHY? I am not a PvP player. I would prefer to stay as far away from the PvP as possible. Why are you forcing us to go into the Crucible? It is not just this exotic bounty that is requiring me to go into the curcible. If I want gear from FWC, New Monarchy or Dead Orbit - I have to. I remember there was an article where it was said Halo was PvP and you couldn't do both PvE and PvP support. Now you can, so why are you forcing us into the crucible? The crucible part of the bounty gives you +25 for a Hunter or Titan kill and +75 for warlocks - however you are docked -50 if you die. I will never be good enough to get this bounty done. Eventually I will have to abandon this bounty. (EDIT: There are reports that the "death penalty" is no longer active, so it is just a kill grind - if that is true. I will update the thread when I actually try it for myself - Thanks subaqueousReach for the research). Bungie you have a wonderful game - JUST STOP forcing folks to go into the crucible. EDIT: Why so many attacking comments, when the PvE only players want to stay in PvE. It makes no sense to me that you want us in the PvP to bring down the team with our skills. All we are asking for is more options? I just can't understand why more options is being rejected. Update: I have both the Bad Juju and Thorn bounties so I started them both in the crucible at the same time. I have played 10 games of crucible and currently have a KDR of 0.91 and I am slowly getting both of these bounties done. I can confirm that the 10000 points for the bad juju does NOT contain any death penalties. So this one is simply a grind getting kills anyway you can. The Thorn 500 points in VOID kills does have dealth penalties and my KDR is not helping me get this one done very quickly. After 10 games, I will report that I still do NOT like the PvP. I will continue to struggle through it to get these bounties done. I still wish there were options of not doing the PvP. End update. Update 2: I have played 14 games in the PVP and completed the Bad Juju bounty. I am still working on another bounty to get 500 points in kills using only void weapons (5 points per kill and -2 for each death). As of the 14 games I am at 361 out of 500. I have stopped playing PvP until I can get better VOID based weapons. I am still not a fan of PvP and have no desire to play it in the future after these bounties are done. For those saying "I'm a PvP player, stop making me go into PvE", this is exactly why I am asking for options. You could easily require 25 wins in crucible matches instead of 25 strikes. Bungie has options to create bounties that are only for PvE or PvP - they don't have to mix the elements. End Update 2.

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  • Having some PvP restricted gear is fine and all, kinda par for the course with MMO, or in this case MMO-inspired games. But, PvE bounties (in this case exotic bounties) shouldn't cross over and require work in the PvP portion of the game. As has been made clear, there are people who won't touch PvP with a ten foot pole. Without foreknowledge of how exotic bounties work, players can get ****-blocked by the game without warning. It's not fair to those with no interest in PvP, no matter how you try to spin it. There's also the issue with faction gear. You can very easily not touch PvP while boosting your repution with the Future War Cult, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit factions. But once you hit the rep level required for armor or weapons, you then have to slog through PvP for Crucible marks to purchase gear from them. You can earn faction rep in PvE, but not currency. Something clearly is wrong with how this works.

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    11 Replies
    • I agree ... There are players like myself who want an open world PvE style game so making us do Crucible is stupid. The PvP needs work if it's going to entice PvE to join. Maybe take tips from Battlefield 3/4 and the mechanics behind that.

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    • totally agree that players shouldn't be forced to play the Crucible matches. Everybody playing them regularly are tricked out with exotics and it's totally unbalanced.

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    • Agreed for 100%. I already abandoned the exotic bounty for the hand canon for this reason. I don't like pvp, never have and never will. I Just don't have the time, patience and SKILL to be any good at it, and I do not enjoy the comppetitive setting in general. I would realy enjoy to do vangard missions for faction rank gains, and be able to actually get rewards for doing so. Instead I can gain ranks but never reap the rewards, unfortunatly... Would be nice to have more freedom in the actions I undertake to level and get rewards in the way that I like to obtain them, Instead of being forced into crucible. Just my opinion though.

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      1 Reply
      • Hhfhd

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      • I agree with you. I absolutely -blam!-ing hate PVP, yet I have to get 500 kills with void DmG. WHO CARES. What's the point?

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        2 Replies
        • I'm mostly a pve player, but without pvp in this game, it would be kinda boring

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          3 Replies
          • I for the most part agree. I hate pvp and I'm mostly a pve player. But I do understand why pvp is so big in this game. Having more then one way to complete a part if the exotic bounty would be nice. Even if it was a big grind.

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          • Edited by Jeszebel: 9/27/2014 7:38:54 AM
            Lol can't wait till you try to get thorn. Exotic weapons were meant to be hard to get. Not spoonfed to people. Thorn was hard on both sides. It not like doing PvP. Or pve. So if you ever want thorn. Have fun. And I'm pretty damn good at PvP

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            3 Replies
            • It's a bounty too, if you really wanted the weapon you would earn it through randoms, like a real PvE player.

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            • Yes. You've summed it up. VtxR - PS3

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            • You have my vote. Collecting 50 ore for 50 rep is shamefull. They have imploded this game in under a week.

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            • You can actually! Just collect any 50 mats and trade in for Rep and Marks!!! Chest farming is fairly good... look for videos on youtube. trust Like 25 or 50 reps and 5 marks. Not too bad but personally I do PvP for the fun and PvE for w.e the hell I feel like doing that day. Yup

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            • If you collect items like relic irons, and other planet specific items than turn them into the crucible quartermaster you get points and rep

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            • There's nothing to explore in destiny anymore so why complain pve is pointless unless your doing bounties

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            • i have recieved 6 chances at exotic bounties, and i have had to pass on every one, simply because of the pvp aspect of each. i did give a few of them an honest attempt, but can not put enough positive games together to gain any ground. ive said it in many other threads... i am not a pvp player, im terrible at it, and that will never change. there are other options though: 1. complete 100 public events 2. purchase 100 heavy ammo supplies 3. kill 1000 majors/ultras 4. buy exotic weapon frame for 10 ascendant shard/energy 5. complete 25 strikes without dying 6. kill 2500 each of the fallen/hive/vex/cabal any of those would take time to complete and could be put in place of the pvp requirements on any of the exotic bounties

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              5 Replies
              • Pvp sucks it's all -blam!-in unbalanced piece of crap. Keep pve and pvp separate always other mmo's understand this but not destiny!! I don't like a -blam!-in super power first person bullshit fest were who ever grinded the best wins always crap I just wanna enjoy the dungeons and raids and story screw Pvp.

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                14 Replies
                • Drop the bounty then.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Totally with you on this. They need to keep pve and PvP separate. Not combine the two bc I want to be able to progress my character without playing PvP

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                    9 Replies
                    • Edited by Draconus2006: 9/26/2014 10:24:34 AM
                      I dont think many understand just how strongly some dislike pvp. As a player that does both, I enjoy these bounties, as antagonizing as they can be. However, some people - pvp is just a game breaker. Having a pvp section on what seems like every bounty is just cruel and forces them to play far against their style. They like playing with other players - but not against. If you want more then the young male Call of Duty audience (who btw will leave for the next call of duty) - dont piss off a large segment of the players who will be your longest time players. Here is my experience with 2 pvp bounties so far, click the spoiler, with a few tips at the end: [spoiler]Story of the pvp section of 2 exotic weapon bounties for an average player: Got 2 exotic weapon bounties basically within a half day of each other, and did the pvp for each at the same time. Had the shotgun bounty (+25 K/d) and thorn (+500 of whatever you call its scoring) Shotgun bounty proved easier, got it early in game 5. Thorn had been going good at that point, I was 242/500 after 5. Had a very good streak going in my games 3 and 4 (157 points for thorn between the two). Then I started to run into the usual BS that annoys me in crucible. Took me another 12 games (17 total) to get to 500. Games 7, 10, 11, and 13 were partials (usually only a couple of deaths) that i left early because teams were unfair size (either 2v6, 3v6 or 4v6) and the other team controlled all heavy weapons and was basically farming us for easy kills by that point. (26 points in the 4). Game 17 I finished the bounty about halfway through. So basically, excluding the 26 points and 4 games i exited because teammates were fail/left/Dc'd whatever: I averaged 36.5 points a game (474 points in 13 games). Used an auto rifle (kills didn't count with it), shotgun (void), and machine gun (void). Tips? If your team is getting destroyed, just quit. Don't go farther negative then you have to. Some games are just hopeless for all but the most elite players. Analysis: about 4 hours for the games, including the quit games due to being slaughtered. Thorn was significantly more costly on time then invective or some of the other ones will be. Possibly tune the points to be more in line with the other bounties. However ***disclaimer: Don't expect it to be quite this easy for most of you average players to do the thorn bounty. I am a voidwalker, with a void damage grenade, void damage super, void damage melee, void damage corpse explosion, and a chest that makes axion grenade a good bit better (the warlock pvp grenade). Thus most average players will likely need in excess of 20 games (and thus 5 hours) if not more. suggestion: If you are bad at pvp and not a voidwalker for the 500 points (thorn bounty)? Play rumble. Simply run run run run run, and shotgun anything you can get close to. While it might take a while, if 100% of your kills are with a void shotgun, you only need higher then a 0.4 K/D ratio to obtain thorn...eventually. Averaging a 0.6 K/D ratio with 10 kills, 15 deaths per rumble match would give you 20 points a game, with about 25 games needed. Don't slow down except to shoot. People WILL flank you.[/spoiler] PS: for those who wish to get crucible marks without pvp? There are some REALLY REALLY fast methods of grinding mats you can trade for crucible marks. Those mats for crucible marks are actually faster than doing crucible itself, though imo far more boring: but hey, NO PVP! Only crucible faction itself will you need to pvp to obtain rep for.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Cruicibal sucks its unfair in so many ways

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                      • Edited by PaPa Cynyk: 9/26/2014 3:34:55 PM
                        Play Clash, sit in back, snipe, it's less hectic and you won't die as often, it won't take long, you will get marks, possible random reward, it may feel like a chore to do something in game you didn't intend, but then again you don't have to do this bounty, it eventually will make its way back to you via engrams

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                      • Hey I agree, im not competitive anymore. We are definitely being penalized for wanting cooperation instead of teabagging.

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                      • Edited by Zero the Remnant: 9/26/2014 3:39:12 PM
                        They need to lower the resource trade ins to stacks of 10. Edit: Stacks of 25 would suffice as well. Cause right now 50 resources is too high for the pathedic reward given. Because havesting 50 seriously takes forever! I do not mind working for my rewards but the reward needs to justify the effort.

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                        3 Replies
                        • After playing the game I've come to the conclusion that pvp should have been added into the later in its release. Should have focused on core game play & building a franchise we can get around. It seems they rushed everything at the last minute. Which is making the game unplayable for many & causing many sell the games back.

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                        • Meh, its a way of obtaining an exotic without waiting for Xur or an extremely rare and random drop. I agree with the decission to include many aspects from the game to recieve it. If the weapons were set up so that they only worked in pve or pvp exclusively, it would be a different story. Also agreeing with everyone else who posted about some people only liking pvp and not pve. A very obvious point there.

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