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originally posted in: So... where's the full game?
9/22/2014 1:19:04 AM
I agree, what happened to games being complete and not needing DLC to continue the story. I paid 60$ to fight 5 bosses, play 5 pvp maps, and all there's left is grinding....12 days after release. Before anyone says 'obviously you've never played an MMO' I want to say as gamers and consumers we should demand more. Take rerolling a new class for example. Why should I? For the legendary chest piece I got that's not my class? I feel no history with any of the classes. If this is a 'prologue' what's the back story on races and classes. Are some races better suited to different classes like in WoW? And grinding....I love grinding, if it suits a purpose. In Asherons Call I had this sweet hunting spot and collected all kinds of salvage. I would then use salvage to customize my gear to MY style of gameplay. Grinding in Destiny yields lucky drops that chances are may not fit my style of play. Example purple chest that allows more reload speed for a shotgun when my preference is a fusion rifle. Destiny in short is a gorgeous fun game but not worth 60$.

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