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originally posted in: Angry Review is up
9/21/2014 9:10:28 PM
Bungie lied their ass off sbout Destiny. Knowing what i know now i would not have bought it. The DLCs better bring a huge and i mean huge amount of content. Like 2x the amount bungie released at launch. I did everything but pvp stuff in sbout 5 days. Bored out if my mind with Destiny. I do not even care to log on. And bungie can say do not listen to the people who did reviews for Destiny till they are blue in the face, the Reviews are right. There should be a Agencey that holds game makers responsible and accountable for everything they promise and then fail to deliver on. Everyone has the same gear and all the weapons in each class of weapons looks the dam same. And this is the reason i dam near quit all ready. If i am lvl 26 and i have a legendary gun and i shoot for 100 damage per bullet on a lvl 26 mob, in no way in hell should i be shooting for 60 damage per bullet versus a lvl 4 mob. Wtf is wrong with bungie. If anything i should be hitting that lvl 4 for the same damage as the lvl 26 mob. Also, this blew my mind, if i am lvl 26 in NO WAY should 2 or 3 lvl 4 be able to kill me as fast as lvl 26 mobs. The weapons lvls and our guardians lvl and armor lvl means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They are just there for us to look at. And have little Actual effect in game. Also Titan is not tanky at all, my Warlock is just as armored/def lvl. There is no difference in that stuff either. Destiny could have been the Star Wars/ Avatar of games, and Bungie dropped the ball on this BIG TIME. Dragon Age Inquistion...............

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  • yup Bungie needs to focus on the fcuking story telling and less on loot, PVP and grinding shit

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  • 2x content lol sure.

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  • Yeah he nailed it. There are so many things that this game could have done better. I still love to play it, but man I am getting really tired of grinding gear for hours to finally get a couple of damn Legendary engrams, just so they can be turned into -blam!-ing blue gear. I already have to expansion pass, but man if they don't really bring some content and release free content as well, then I don't think I will be sticking around for 10 years.

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  • I don't think more content will do anything. Because if its the same type as the Strikes, story and patrol missions we have now, will that really interest anyone? Deploy Ghost, fight waves of enemy. That is what Joe talked about. No variation in any mission. Crota was the most unique, but [b]barely[/b]... If we get new Strikes cool. If its the same formula as the rest, I'll play until I'm done with the season pass content then I'm out.

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  • The Raid shows that Bungie definitely knows how to make the gameplay more varied and interesting. I think they'll actually bother to do so with future DLC after seeing so many complaints about the monotony of the current battles.

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  • Its funny because I am pretty sure half the strikes don't even have a wave mechanic..while mixing it up with things like vehicle vs vehicle boss fight...3 different bosses at once each with a different elemental big boss where the waves of adds are more of the "event" than the boss itself...I could go on. But lets ignore those parts. It is so much easier to throw a blind eye to it and simple say "everything is the same! omg!"...even if it means you are wrong.

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  • Where were the 3 different bosses with different shields?

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  • It's funny because you didn't realize I was talking about the story missions. I even continued with "Crota", after that sentence...

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  • Here is what you said. Bolded for emphasis: "I don't think more content will do anything. Because if its the [b]same type as the Strikes[/b], story and patrol missions we have now, will that really interest anyone? Deploy Ghost, fight waves of enemy. That is what Joe talked about. No variation in any mission. Crota was the most unique, but barely... [b]If we get new Strikes cool. If its the same formula as the rest,[/b] I'll play until I'm done with the season pass content then I'm out." Are you sssuuurrreee you weren't talking about strikes also?

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  • [quote]Deploy Ghost, fight waves of enemy. That is what Joe talked about. No variation in any mission. Crota was the most unique, but barely... [/quote] That is [b]all[/b] about the story missions lol. Does it really not read that way? I know I left out "story", before "mission". But I didn't in any way make mission seem like "Strike". I even label Strike, as its own. Strikes do play out the same btw. No half of them don't have a "wave mechanic". But I wasn't insinuating that. That was about story missions. And I guess I should have been more specific. When I said the Strikes play out the same, I mainly meant the bosses. They are ALL bullet sponges[/b]. Only time they aren't is when you are killing "minions" for ammo.

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  • So..bosses are all the same because they have a lot of hit points? Wait, we aren't talking about Borderlands or basically any other game again...right?

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  • Edited by IamPluto: 9/22/2014 12:56:25 PM
    [quote]So..bosses are all the same because they have a lot of hit points?[/quote] Yes bosses are the same because they have a lot of hot points. That makes them sponges. But they don't have any dynamics to their play style. (Which also comes into play.) Do you really think Phogoth, Nexus and the Cabal boss act differently? Do you actually have to change up your tactics when fighting them? No you don't. They play the same. Only difference is the skins and attack type. Also Strikes do have waves of enemies. They just aren't all after you deploy your Ghost

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  • I am just curious how this " bosses have a lot of HPs" is different than any other FPSer. Lets say....Borderlands 2. You shoot at something until it looks at you, then you dive for cover while your teammates fire at it.

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  • That is a red herring. That is irrelevant.

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  • Let's make sure I followed this correctly. You make a complaint about Destiny. I point out your complaint is pretty much a baseline in every single game, and then wonder how exactly they could do it different. You state my point is not relevant, and merely a distraction to the real point.

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  • I'm talking about Destiny. IDC about the other games these problems may occur in.

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  • Ok. So how exactly should they deal with bosses? If giving them a lot of hit points is bad?

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  • Giving them a lot of hit points is not necessarily bad. It's bad when they do t do anything dynamic. "Is it my writing, or is it you." That is what I'm wondering. And I don't mean that in anyway mean way. I just wondering if I need to structure my ideas in a different way. I already said they are sponges, but what they do also come into play. The context is even there in my posts before that.

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  • [quote]Destiny could have been the Star Wars/ Avatar of games, and Bungie dropped the ball on this BIG TIME. Dragon Age Inquistion...............[/quote] Because Bioware's never dropped the ball.... oh wait.

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  • Never like this...

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  • People were demanding refunds of ME3? Developer scrambled to hack out a fix/change to the ending?

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  • Edited by IamPluto: 9/21/2014 11:00:37 PM
    That's because they were given something amazing and it didn't end to well. What did we get with Destiny? The only reason ME3 endings seems bigger than this, is because the gamers were much more passionate. Destiny is a first in the series and doesn't give you anything to be passionate about. The people who are pissed just aren't as loud. So though it may not seem like it, this is a bigger fail than ME3s ending. Because of the nature of the complaints. It was actually hard for me to explain that, but I hope you understand

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  • [quote]That's because they were given something amazing and it didn't end to well. What did we get with Destiny? The only reason ME3 endings seems bigger than this, is because the gamers were much more passionate. Destiny is a first in the series and doesn't give you anything to be passionate about. The people who are pissed just aren't as loud. So though it may not seem like it, this is a bigger fail than ME3s ending. Because of the nature of the complaints. It was actually hard for me to explain that, but I hope you understand[/quote] I would argue that all of Mass Effect 3 was a train wreck ( not just the endings ) but I'm in the minority with that opinion. In any case I would say Bungie pulled a Bioware with Destiny.

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  • Ok lol

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  • Btw, there's a thing called Iron Banner releasing in October for free where all weapons and armor do the exact damage and defense they say they will. There is no weapon balancing in Iron Banner.

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