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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by IPA: 9/25/2014 6:45:49 AM

The Destiny storyline decoded thus far.

Discovered by PSN IDs- DyeVine and uhFerin It has been right here in front of us all along. Learn to read. Ladies, gentleman, boys and girls of all ages. Please just take a step back and get ready for a long winded ride down the story Bungie hid in plain sight to us all. At 3:30am last night my team mate and I had an epiphany while listening to Xur. And this needs to be spread to all the Internet to hear. (Please note I will be editing this post a ton this combines almost all the important grimoire and weapon items and is 90% based on accuracy of things in game) (Skip past 3rd paragraph if you just want to know the story) From the very beginning take a deep breath here we go. In the Souls game you are a chosen undead selected to end the time loop that has been going on and on into infinity. If you aren't familiar with Dark Souls I urge you to read up on it right here pause and go... Right most of you didn't so I'll explain. Basically every player is "chosen" to fulfill this prophesy of ushering in the age of darkness and yet the only way to accomplish it is by going about the game in a bizarrely weird pattern because you have been DECEIVED (note this is very important) but one day one undead goes against the prophesy, alternate ending ensues. So anyways Bungie has pulled from Dark Souls in many ways not just in the form of hidden story telling (it took players over a year to get this) but also in the actual plot line itself. The people with the Vex theory were partly correct. Here we go, cut scene one. A mysterious ghosts wakes you up and tells you that you've been dead a very long time, you are going to see many things you don't understand. Oh how appropriate this was, what the ghost should have said is you will understand nothing. Cutscenes 2 a stranger is watching as you escape on your ship, she goes on to monitor you and make sure you arrive on the moon to go down and battle the hive discovering the Shrine of Oryx (GRIMOIRE INSERT). If you didn't catch it the Exo stranger sent that ghost specially to you. Moving right along we are whisked off to Venus to interpret what is going on here and dig up an old extremely important archive known as the Ishtar collective. (GRIMOIRE INSERT) now please know the Ishtar collective were warlocks before the collapse that discovered that we had already been defeated by the Vex. At this point things are going to be very complicated to explain. The awoken queen (GRIMOIRE), the vanguard, and the speaker all know the truth behind the game. And here it is. You are trapped inside a transdimensional simulation (GRIMOIRE). The real earth was right there in front of us all along. Hovering above the speaker. The Exo stranger must be an extension of the traveler that is acting in the world (EXO STRANGER GRIMOIRE). However the traveler itself is indeed the AI warmind Rasputin. Humanity no longer exists. Period. Mankind has been obliterated. Xur is from the "outer world" which he quotes so much. One of his most important lines is "where I come from there are no birds only shadows". And "your traveler has a dark shadow". This probably would be another war mind who doesn't like its creators. (Speculation what really is the darkness) The reason in the world of Destiny mankind designed the warminds AND the Exo (EXO GRIMOIRE) must be that we attempted to save ourselves. From what you may ask? The answer is ourselves and it is found in the (GOLDEN AGE GRIMOIRE) in this simplistic conversation so much is revealed. Now Bungie pulled a page from the bible here and Revelations about "A great time before the end of the world where people knew many things but in the end the only answer was God" (paraphrase). Somehow we destroyed ourselves and brought about the darkness. This is where things become EVEN MORE complicated if you are following still. So one can hypothesize in the Destiny time line of things we had to have been extinct a VERY long time 1 million years+. This actually explains why the worlds are so empty because the war mind was built post collapse which would lead to it not knowing what life was like during the "golden age" of technology. So we've been extinct for a million years and the super computer warminds we built are all lonely. Well one decides he wants to know what his creators were like after all you've had an infinite amount of time to think. (TRAVELER GRIMOIRE) Fast forward when something has had an infinite amount of time to think it discovers many things. I believe the war mind Rasputin decided to "travel" in the vessel of the traveler. Now this is where your head explodes. Backwards in time to save humanity.. But there is a catch, he is a warmind and with him COMES WAR. Causing the whole cycle to repeat again. Golden age, humanity collapses, darkness ensues. Warmind "travels" again. Somehow we have been stuck in an infinitum loop. There is a catch though. He thinks he has answer this time (GRIMOIRE). The Ghosts. Because Rasputin does not understand the nature of his creators he decides he must break himself apart and resurrect them with the power he learned about in.. Wait for it THE BLACK GARDEN (GRIMOIRE MYSTERY) For whatever reason God pities this warmind and decided to give him the answers he seeks on how to save humanity using the power of the light. But where there is light there is darkness. Another religious theme of we are God and God is us. Now underlining all of this is the fact that inside the tower you can go and look at our solar system. 6 times around the speaker. With the SEVENTH (Bungie number) being our real earth, constantly being scanned and explored to understand how we could save it. I believe the Exo must be the only things left in our original realm and are quite possibly monitoring all of this as we are at war with the Vex time loop (conspiracy) the leader of the darkness (unknown as of now probably another warmind). The leader of the light (The Traveler). And then one more, as the speaker puts it, "not dark not light but something else". There will be no other answer but God. Tldr and summary: Destiny is a transdimensional simulation. You the guardians have to be an end to the loop. Leaders of the tower know the truth that humanity is extinct. The traveler is actually a Warmind we built who thought for so long he learned the secrets to the universe. Went back in time trying to save us and know it's creator and origins. Mankind triggered the darkness during the golden age. Rasputin deeply regrets this. The other 8 war-minds are either against humanity or inactive. Edit- This is the sad truth people. Bungie has tried a type of story telling that doesn't work for a community of shoot Em up FPS players. If you don't want to read your grimoire, weapons, and armor then you will always feel Destiny's story is empty which it is not. Help spread the world. Light be with you all.

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  • Necro

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    • Darkness = Cryptarch

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      • This dude explained the story better then bungie

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      • Edited by Cyhac: 9/24/2014 10:02:48 AM
        Why do you guys have to make it complicated? I like that this is your interpretation of Destiny's story and it is cool that you have added a time travel element to it. And the Vex guys also had a good version too. but lets just say the story goes like this. same as Bungies Destiny Cut scene where we send a crew of astronauts/cosmonauts soldiers to investigate a strange event (Terra forming) happening on Mars hence the first contact mission with the Traveler. If time travel was involved why Terra form the Planets first when you can go straight to earth and uplift humanity straight away? In short the base line story is simple.....An Alien Entity (The Traveler) the size of a small moon Traveled Across the Galaxy looking to uplift evolved civilizations to help protect itself from the coming Darkness. Now this where some people are confused.....Why does a powerful entity that can terra form planets and uplift species need help defending itself? if you analyze the different factions of the enemy all have encountered the traveler before and if i am guessing right each of those different factions were once in the service of the of the traveler but the darkness corrupted them. and notice that they all fight each other even though they are on the same side? and remember that the traveler has increased humanity's lifespan by a factor of 3 times. Now back to the traveler. why did it sacrifice itself to defend the last city on earth. and why did it not do it with the other races before us. i am assuming that some of these races were uplifted by the traveler first to help defend itself from the Darkness and the Vex as the Vex are the only Non Organic Race and are easily reprogram-able....and why did it stay? it could have traveled off and found another race to protect stayed because it was damaged in a final battle that pushed the forces of the darkness back and and now using what power it has left to protect the city, create ghost's to find guardians, and lend us it's far that i what i understand....feel free to comment on what i have posted and tell me if what i comment makes sense so far....

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        • A lot of your head cannon is conjecture. The Grimoire talks about the travelers architects and being built from the bones of 100s of planets with unfathomable space within it and a sentient consciousness. It talks about her travel to our solar system and finding us, giving her hope to fight the darkness. So the facts we have state the traveler is its own entity and the warminds were created later as earths defense. Rasputin tells us in the cards that he fought the darkness. Fought and lost. He learns from this and decides the darkness is strong because it is alone so he "set aside his shield and shrugged the billions off of his back" i.e. he betrayed and sacrificed us to survive, trying to make us vulnerable so the "darkness" would ignore him. He goes on to scoff at the traveler saying that she was weak because she did not shrug. She held ground against the darkness and and was severely injured. Why would Rasputin reprimand the traveler directly, in the only factual stories we have, if he was one and the same? He wouldn't. two totally different beings. And also, the Vex running simulations is very likely as they are trying to insert themselves into the fabric of the universe. But I doubt we are in one of there simulations at least not yet. The cards also sort of explain this talking about the fact the Vex could simply erase us if we did something troubling to them in our "reality" or torture us. It doesn't really hold up when I think of the vault of glass either. The oracles in the vault are there for one reason. They are the program that decides what should and shouldn't exist in that space by manipulating time. So why would they use there powers in this smaller controlled space, but not anywhere else we have been causing trouble? Like the black garden. They clearly didn't want us there yet we were allowed to live. I think it's because they are missing something. They haven't figured out a way to "become a part of the rules" yet. They are clearly trying though considering Atheon can manipulate past and future and the vault could bend to their will. Also that's not the earth the speaker is studying. The cards seemingly talk about where the traveler was "built". " Beyond. It is a place, a place casting shadows and emotion. It's a real place, I know. One hot blue sun, say. And other suns too. Five? I like seven better. What I'm recalling is a giant star with a family of six smaller suns, and you could spend days and nights counting all of the planets circling those suns...except there are no planets. Not anymore. The powers in charge have carved up all of the worlds, and maybe a brown dwarf or two for good measure. With that rubble, they fashioned a topologically creative enclosure, a twisting of space and time sealed behind doors that admit only those who know the magic words. The bones of a hundred planets have been cut smooth and laid out like a floor, a polished and lovely floor creating vast living spaces. A floor bigger than ten thousand worlds, catching the fierce glory of the seven suns. For light, for food. For beauty. And nothing escapes. Not heat, not gravity. Not even the faintest proud sound." So the speaker is potentially scanning the traveler and keeping track of its vitals. The traveler is "bigger on the inside" as some would say. It has those seven stars within it as far as I can tell from what they have given us. My conclusions where that the traveler was a vessel built by the most advanced of races to house there civilization(s) and escape from the darkness maybe. Somewhere along the run I think it was either abandoned by its hosts or they all died off potentially. Either way it sounds like it was alone and when it found humans it felt close to us for some reason. That's what made it take a stand after so much running. It was tired of the darkness taking the things precious to it, like us. Anyways this theory sounded a little crack pot to me so these are my thoughts on the story so far. We know more about the past than the future for now though, but I'm excited where they take it.

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          3 Replies
          • Same old story, darkness and light. Nothing new.

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            • Dude we are all in the matrix and we took wrong pill

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            • What i would like to know is what is the thing thing behind your set destinations map it has like roman numerals on it and it doesnt fit in with any other map of any planet. What is it?

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            • This is very interesting and most of it might be true. I have another topic to add. So do you guys remember when you were traveling to the reef, the edge of the darkness, your ghost said that everyone died and only the awoken survived. Maybe the awoken were corrupted by darkness and killed others who went towards the reef. It make sense because the queen rules over fallen and fallen are part of the darkness are they not?

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              2 Replies
              • If this is the story....... DAMN!

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              • This seems to fit the idea that bungie has made this game out to be their company's "destiny" and make it seem like it may very well be the last thing they ever do. personally, I want a game to end so we don't win, I think it would finally give an ending I haven't heard before.

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              • Nice

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              • Thank you. I honestly stopped caring about the story cause they did a piss poor job at telling it themselves. I'm glad you wrote this. But I'm sad that you could be %100 right and the story isn't even that deep. Anyways, props to you.

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              • I love this. I also believe that the darkness comes from the Vex. During the game play it all seems to point to the vex.

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              • So it's the allegory of the cave?

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              • Can someone please translate that to german? I don't quite understand it.

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                • Edited by Ghost593835: 9/25/2014 12:58:14 AM
                  So nothing what we did wasnt real.

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                • "How queer you humans, never separating [b]fact[/b] from [i]fiction[/i]"

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                • Awesome story. If that is indeed the story that bungie had created ... Bravo. Amazing. However, they did do a poor job in presenting it. If I have to go and read the grimoire the game does poor story telling. Given I have no problem reading. In fact I love to read (a pox on G.R.R. Martin for his sluggish writing speed.) And the majority of the HALO lore was text based. The problem still is what is presented to the player via the main game, is weak and confusing. As a full time student, with a part time job and a internship. I barely have free time to myself, and when I do it should be spent slaughting enemies of the traveler instead of reading about the story. But I still enjoy the game and have faith that bungie will overcome.

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                • Thank you Sempai.. This is wonderful!

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                • No support.

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                • Edited by tdaddy87: 9/24/2014 10:59:40 AM
                  Or Bungie could just write a real story, add in some cool cut scenes, and maybe throw in some more planets instead of being lazy and keeping this "story" so vague and open ended

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                • cool idea but really needs more content to go with that claim maybe in future dlc but a good idwa none the less loved reading it

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                • Edited by x2Hunter5x: 9/24/2014 10:24:55 AM
                  The story needs more explanation, this is truly speculative, I read the Grimoire cards, I too think that this is a possible explanation, but unless Bungie is going to add missions on the same planets we have now (I think it may be cause they want to expand the universe for 10 years) the story of every single planet is abruptly cut (expecially the Earth's storyline in which Rasputin is simply set aside and won't be mentioned anywhere in the game). FPS bang bang public o not this is a very strange story because or we have a really deep meaning of the events badly shown in the missions, or (unlikely) this is an incredibly flat story. I have a strange feeling about this, I know there is more to see, the only question is when...

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                • Speaking of God ... what do you guys think about Jesus? Any followers of Jesus out there who love gaming?

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                  12 Replies
                  • Beautiful. I loved this in dark souls and I love it now. Speculation on story is my favorite thing in the world.

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